Flying thru the 260s and 250 with fun! NEW!!!!

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  • It's kind of depressing I started the last one and this one... I guess thats what I get for disappearing and falling off the wagon :s

    So far so good this time. I am midway through day three and not having any major cravings and not really that hungry. I love the first few days when water weight falls off though. Hopefully I can still stay on track once the scale is not budging as fast. 251.6 this morning with water whooshing so maybe I'll be moving on down soon.

    Justaloozer You can do it!!!!
  • Pixikat!.. you will whoosh that extra found water weight really quick and join us in the 240's (I had a scale catastrophy so going thru 240's a 2nd time).. Hurry up and come join us! Glad to see you !
  • Oh no! was your scale wrong?!?! I HATE that. Even if you had a set back on the numbers you still lost the weight so don't be discouraged

    So far so good, I discovered some new foods (for me) at trader joes. I never used to shop there because I assumed it would be super expensive but a friend recommended their chili lime chicken burgers and I picked up some other items as well and they are delish. I think part of the trick to stay on track (for me at least!) is to vary what I eat often enough I don't get bored.

    250.8 this morning so my whoosh is slowing but still may put me back into the 240's!

  • So this is where I belong... for now. I am hoping not to be here long though! Nice to meet you ladies!
  • Hi everyone! I'm just chilling out, not weighing this week due to TOM, but I'm still about 14lbs away from being in the 240's. :P

    But I'm really excited to break into the 250's again. I'm hoping I get to 259 this month so I can start heading for the 240's. I'm kind of hoping to be in the 240's by Christmas. It would be a nice present to myself, but then again I'd be happy to be at 251 by Christmas as well. Also, 255lbs marks 40lbs down for me, which is really amazing since I haven't successfully lost more than 20lbs in years.

    But I might be looking too far ahead, lol. I'm just hoping to break into the 250's this month.

    I don't mind hanging out in this thread a while. It's amazing that I'm even still losing. In fact, on Saturday it'll be my 90th day being binge free, which is fantastic. I have hardly deviated from my new way of eating and I don't think I will anytime soon. I mean, I anticipate some hardships but looking too far into the future will just make it difficult to enjoy the present.
  • Congrats for being binge free for so long!!!

    I got a new scale and it put me at 249.6 this morning so I am moving on down. Hope to see y'all soon!
  • Hey all!

    It took a long time to get through the 270s and 260s for me. I hit the 250s at the start of October and at first thought I'd fly through them but in the middle of the month I got sick and ended up falling completely off the wagon. I'm back on now... but I've found the more time I spent here on the forum the better I am at sticking to it. :P

    I weigh in on Fridays, and I was at 258 this morning. (I had gotten down to 251.5 at one point.) But, TOM is probably effecting that.
  • Welcome smileygirl! Hope your stay here is short!

    Congrats thewalrus!!!!!!! 90 days binge free is awesome!

    Hi makebelieve. Stick with it!! Water weight SUCKS but the scale will hopefully move after TOM is gone.

    Pnkrck yay!!! Yay for joining the next thread down. I will be joining you as well! My scale said 249.8 this morning!!!!!!!!
  • I sure hope so. I've decided to weigh in weekly instead of daily though I did weigh myself yesterday and I was already down 2 pounds! So we'll see what happens on Friday!
  • I finally got a whoosh!

    This morning I was down almost 4lbs. I did drop my calories to 1,800 only because I felt like it was reasonable, after losing 30lbs, and it's still a good amount to be eating. At 2,000 calories I was only losing 1lb a week and I felt like I was eating literally all the time. So now I get to eat a little less and lose a little more without, hopefully, starving to death, but it's been three days and I'm not chewing my own hand or anything.

    So I've finally broken into the 250's and it is such a relief. I think my Christmas goal of being in the 240's is definitely possible, and my goal to be 199lbs sometime around May is completely do-able as well.

    I know it shouldn't be all about the scale, and it isn't, but for someone my size some of it has to be about the numbers or my motivation would just die.

    Anyways, I'm feeling pretty good today. I hope everyone else is moving along accordingly. I know the holidays can be rough but we've got this!

    Edit: I just noticed that when I reach the 240's it'll also shift my "pounds to lose" from being in the hundreds to being in the 90's. WHOOO. It'll also put me in the 40lbs down category. WHOO AGAIN.
  • My weight is fluctuating between 250-251. Booooo!!!! I started working a retail job and have had NO time to go to the gym. Must carve out time to work out!!!
  • Ooh I'm getting ever closer to 249.

    I went to a hotel this weekend with my sister at the ski resort out of town and it was kind of tough because I had to break out of my plan by not knowing the nutrition in every thing but I gave it my best shot and I think I actually came in under calories because I was being so careful.

    But at no point did I feel I wasn't enjoying my time there because of food and at no point did I feel I was just throwing my plan out the window.

    So things are going well!
  • I hope everyone else is doing equally good!
  • YAY! Good trip and eating for you Walrus! and LOOK at you! just about 40 lbs are gone for good WOOHOO! See you soon in the 240's! You and I are 10 lbs appart.. but I am OLLLDDDEEERRRRRRR so I lose slower.. So I will get to visit with you when you get there!!
  • I think I belong here, too! As of yesterday, I'm at 261 and I'm motivated to plow right through the 250s! I'm not gonna let the upcoming holidays get in my way!