Home of the 100% (NO CHEAT ZONE) Volume 27

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  • Wow! We filled that last thread FAST!
    So happy we have so many 100%ers!

    Feel free to post here if you follow the IP protocol with IP foods or different-brand alternatives. The key is that we follow the protocol and don't make excuses to cheat!
  • Good morning! I already posted this on the daily thread, but no responses so I figured I'd try the wily veterans here. After a great 3 weeks 100% on plan I had an emergency this morning as I forgot my lunch kit with my protein packs for the day. Panicked, I went down to the company cafeteria and ordered an egg-white omelet (3 egg whites). My plan is to decrease the amount of meat I have tonight for dinner in compensation. Is that the right thing to do? Confused now of how much that equates to my evening meat - is it the equivalent of 3 oz? 4 oz? More?

    I also got a peppermint herbal tea - is that ok? Haven't drunk it yet and won't until I can figure out if it's OP. Help....?

  • Hi fellow 100%ers

    Today is day 7 on protocol!! I'm over the hump, appetite is under control and well into keto! Much easier to be 100% committed in this state

    Down 9.1 pounds too at my weigh in!

    Some other posters mentioned the Beck Diet Solution book and I started reading it. I think its life changing for anyone that has issues with yo-yo dieting. I was the queen of that this year. It really addresses all the sabotaging thoughts we have when trying to lose weight and stick to a diet.

    Kathy - You are on the right track IMO...I would just keep the carbs down by having meat and veggies for lunch however you can and get back on track tonight by having your protein pack for dinner. The eggs were a good choice in a pinch. Congrats on 3 weeks!!

  • Quote: Good morning! I already posted this on the daily thread, but no responses so I figured I'd try the wily veterans here. After a great 3 weeks 100% on plan I had an emergency this morning as I forgot my lunch kit with my protein packs for the day. Panicked, I went down to the company cafeteria and ordered an egg-white omelet (3 egg whites). My plan is to decrease the amount of meat I have tonight for dinner in compensation. Is that the right thing to do? Confused now of how much that equates to my evening meat - is it the equivalent of 3 oz? 4 oz? More?

    I also got a peppermint herbal tea - is that ok? Haven't drunk it yet and won't until I can figure out if it's OP. Help....?
    If the herbal tea is 0/0/0, (carbs/sugar/fat) you are good.

    An alternative to an IP packet is 1 whole egg + 3 egg whites so actually you can have a whole egg & count the whole thing as the packet you missed, without reducing anything from dinner.

    I suggest having extra packets EVERYWHERE for emergencies. I have them in my car, DH's car, in my desk at work, in my purse, and even in my lunchbag. I'm never without one
  • I have a question about occassional veggies - How do most people count it if I want say.. just one slice of tomato on a salad or a lettuce wrap. Do you not eat tomatoes again for a few days?

    I really couldn't sit down and eat two cups of tomato (too acidic for me) but I do like them and I try to eat a variety of food. How do you count it?
  • Quote: I have a question about occassional veggies - How do most people count it if I want say.. just one slice of tomato on a salad or a lettuce wrap. Do you not eat tomatoes again for a few days?

    I really couldn't sit down and eat two cups of tomato (too acidic for me) but I do like them and I try to eat a variety of food. How do you count it?
    I eat tomatoes throughout the week. I count them in with the additional veggies for the day I eat them, so long as my total veggies add up to 4 cups for that day. I know I am not eating 2 cups worth for the week when I add a slice here and there to a salad, etc...

    If I am cooking with them, in a chili, etc....I count them very strictly and will usually not have them again that week. That is just my personal practice. I very rarely have other occasional veggies, so tomatoes are my biggest go to for occasionals.
  • Quote: I eat tomatoes throughout the week. I count them in with the additional veggies for the day I eat them, so long as my total veggies add up to 4 cups for that day. I know I am not eating 2 cups worth for the week when I add a slice here and there to a salad, etc...

    If I am cooking with them, in a chili, etc....I count them very strictly and will usually not have them again that week. That is just my personal practice. I very rarely have other occasional veggies, so tomatoes are my biggest go to for occasionals.
    Thank you, I appreciate ther answer - I have been shying away from the occasional veggies, mainly because I don't want to throw food away. This makes more sense to me now.
  • Quote: I eat tomatoes throughout the week. I count them in with the additional veggies for the day I eat them, so long as my total veggies add up to 4 cups for that day. I know I am not eating 2 cups worth for the week when I add a slice here and there to a salad, etc...

    If I am cooking with them, in a chili, etc....I count them very strictly and will usually not have them again that week. That is just my personal practice. I very rarely have other occasional veggies, so tomatoes are my biggest go to for occasionals.
    Congrats on making it to goal!!!! So very excited for you!
  • dak1lls
    Congratulations on making goal!!!!! Way to go!!!

    I hope to be there in a couple weeks and looking for everyones help with phase 2. I hope the cheat sheets are working by then for phase2 and 3. I made up my mind I am done with the clinic!
  • dak1lls, congrats on getting to goal!!!!! That's amazing that your coach predicted it so closely. What a great accomplishment for you. I am sure you will do great on maintenance.
  • Day 4 here 100% on plan!! I think I may in ketosis I have a strange taste in my mouthand don't feel as hungry in days past. My doc said I can run by and they will check for me. I also have a Obgyn appt. tomorrow so I will be weighing for that's I am nervous. I feel very good today!!!
  • Quote:
    If I am cooking with them, in a chili, etc....I count them very strictly and will usually not have them again that week. That is just my personal practice. I very rarely have other occasional veggies, so tomatoes are my biggest go to for occasionals.
    Yes congrats on making it to your goal!!!
    Quite the achievement - be very proud

    (wouldnt let me quote earlier in the other threat - guess cuz it was full)
  • Whine time. I hate being sick - some kind of stomach thing with all the great nausea that comes with it. And to top it off I have an infection so they gave me a massive dose of antibiotics in my behind and more to take at home that have to be taken with food. So now I have to take anti-nausea stuff so I can eat to take the antibiotics. Ain't medicine wonderful?

    I've stayed OP except for not getting enough veggies in. Just couldn't stomach more.

    Off to bed - hope this clears up soon and I promise not to whine again for at least six months.
  • RuthAnn, feel free to whine! It helps relieve stress.

    I just finished my 9th full week on IP today with no cheating and my losses have just been unbelievable! I am ripping though 10 pound blocks of weight every 14 to 18 days. Wow.

    This is the first diet I've ever been on where I didn't hit any plateaus (at least not yet).
  • OK, 100%ers, I'd like your opinions.

    I've been 100% since starting mid-August (6 weeks), and I don't weigh myself at home, but for some reason this week I feel 'stalled' - like I'm just suspended, or even gaining! No real reason to feel that way - I just do! My question is - my pattern has been to have my smoothie for breakfast, a really light lunch (usually just veggies) and often have my second IP packet WITH my dinner (make IP tortillas, or have IP rotini with my meal, etc). So, that makes for a very large dinner and truthfully, it is very satisfying. It makes me feel like I am on anything BUT a diet! Of course, then I have a 3rd packet to get in so I usually have another smoothie later in the evening. When I wake up I'm not even hungry yet! So, though I'm completely OP, my pattern of eating makes me feel like I'm OVEReating - and maybe that's what is making me feel like things are not happening? Guess only the scale will tell at my weigh in on Friday, but has anyone felt like they are OVEReating on IP? My coach knows this is my pattern, and has encouraged me to space my packets out more during the day, but also feels it should not affect my weight loss by eating the way I do. Also, in the Refuse to Regain book, one of the maintenance strategies is to have one big meal per day, and the rest of the day, small meals, so I figure I'm not that off target with this pattern. But what do you think? Like I said, maybe just a feeling and maybe the scale will show a loss on Friday, but right now, I actually feel like if I stepped on the scale I would have gained this week!