IP Daily Chat Friday 8/16/2013

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  • Welcome back to the Daily Chat thread - post your plans for today, share what's been happening, ask questions!

    Some forum lingo:
    NSV = Non-scale victory
    TOM = time of the month
    WI = Weigh-in
    WF = Walden Farms
    OP = on program

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    Information for newbies:
    Check the sticky page (top of forum, above all the topics) for lots of good information and please read here before asking what might be a frequently asked question: Information on Ideal Protein phases (1-4), IP Ultimate List Recipes, FAQ, Newbie Guide, Exercise, and other Important Threads,
    and here are the most recent Ideal Protein Protocol sheets

    And before you cheat, read this thread:
    The Real Cost of Cheating on Ideal Protein

    Before starting new threads: spend some time reading the forum. Most new threads are duplicates, triplicates, quadruplicates. Folks who are the most successful, make time for research/reading.

    More Recipes Here Mix'n in the kitchen...Recipes from the Rainbow
    MiX'N' iN THE KiTCH'N.... Recipes from the Rainbow Volume 2
    Fun with Ideal Protein Packets
    Fun with Veggie Purees!
    Ideal Protein Diet Recipes #4
    Tips and Recipes from the Incredible Weight Loss Center

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    The best quoting tip - EVER!! Thanks Rosie, aka 6710.

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    Progress photos
    Mini-Goal Photo Album.

    Other helpful links related to the Ideal Protein Dr. Chanh Tran Tien's website
  • Hi all! What a busy day yesterday!
    The room in the school where my office was moved had black mold in a closet so I packed up and moved again yesterday. My back hurts but social obligations kept me from going to PT. I'm definitely getting up to do some home PT in a few minutes!

    From yesterday:

    Quote: Question-
    Do your coaches require you to purchase an entire box of food or do they break it up for you?

    Does anyone know if radishes are restricted or unrestricted?
    Veggies are either SELECT or OCCASIONAL. Radishes are select.
    Do you have a P1 sheet? Links to protocol sheets are in the first post of this thread.

    My coach charges more for individual packets than if you buy the box. BUT since packets aren't individually labeled, they are REALLY only supposed to sell by the box. Some break those US FDA rules.

    Quote: I'm not concerned about eating well on vacation, because several of our group going are heathly eaters but I ' m worried about cocktails. I want to be able to enjoy myself and not feel stressed. Should I phase out for those few days and then get back OP when I return or stick and be the party pooper??
    I would spend my time figuring out how I was going to stay ON PLAN rather than worrying about what I'd be missing. Instead, think about the pounds you'll be losing! I planned well in advance for vacations and special occasions and still heartily enjoyed myself. These special times ARE NOT about the food and drink. They are about the people, the places, and the relationships. We get a whole new perspective when we are doing the thing that is best for us while enjoying life at the same time.

    I'm living proof it can all be lived thru. Adult beverages are a BIG part of my social events, including vacations. If I cheated or took time off every time something came up, I wouldn't be down 95 lbs now. I have GOALS that are more important than any food or drink.

    Quote: Hi! I usually get hungry between lunch and dinner. Would it be ok to use fat free chicken broth and kale (another "unlimited" food) soup to hold me over?
    Check carb content for Kale. It is definitely NOT unlimited. Only lettuce is unlimited, not all greens. Think iceberg, romaine, Boston, leaf. If it isn't named "lettuce", it is a vegetable, rather than a unlimited. But a "lettuce soup" would work. So would using some of your veggie alottment.

    Quote: Nashua only carries the large container of oatmeal in the maple flavor! I personally use sugar free flavorings (banana, raspberry...) to change up the flavor.
    The oatmeal also comes in a box of packets. Check also for an apple-cinnamon flavor. Different brands Nashua carries have Oatmeal. Some are restricted, ProtiDiet is unrestricted
  • Lisa Went to see the Zac Brown Band last night, fabulous show, there was all the usual wonderful smelling foods, fried dough, fries, margaritas, I had NONE.. I kept telling myself, as you've written, "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"!!! I know I didn't get all my water in yesterday, but I loved the scale this morning. I am off for a week and will keep that mantra playing in my head.
  • Morning to all!!

    Thanks to everyone who responded to my terrible day yesteday. I'm back at it, and feeling amazing!! Hubby and I did a little weigh-in, and I found I was down 7lbs from Tuesday!!! Yay!!! I finally feel like I've had a good "First" week! So excited!!

    An extra big thank you to Lisa!! You have been a huge inspiration and source of so many helpful things! Thanks to you, I actually realized I wasn't eating enough. I'm certainly not eating 6 packets, but I have definately gotten myself on a better eating schedule. Thank you thank you thank you!!!

    You all ROCK!!! And I'm so glad I found this place!!
  • Quote: Morning to all!!

    Thanks to everyone who responded to my terrible day yesteday. I'm back at it, and feeling amazing!! Hubby and I did a little weigh-in, and I found I was down 7lbs from Tuesday!!! Yay!!! I finally feel like I've had a good "First" week! So excited!!

    An extra big thank you to Lisa!! You have been a huge inspiration and source of so many helpful things! Thanks to you, I actually realized I wasn't eating enough. I'm certainly not eating 6 packets, but I have definately gotten myself on a better eating schedule. Thank you thank you thank you!!!

    You all ROCK!!! And I'm so glad I found this place!!
    Congrats on your loss! You will learn so much on this site. I have relied greatly on the info and support from Lisa and others here. So excited to hear about your next successful WI!
  • Good Morning All!! Just stopping in quick to say hello! Had my weigh in this morning, a day late because of being away from vacation (though I liked that my sister's scale registers me at 6 lbs lighter, I have to use my own scale for my "official" loss). I am down another 3.2! That's a total of 20.6 in just 5 weeks!!! I can now pull my pants up and down without undoing the button or zipper. I also got a $70 pair of jeans for $5 yesterday, one size down!! Was going to wait to lose a little more before I got some "in-between" clothes, but I couldn't pass that deal up, and it's nice to not look like I have a saggy bum!!

    Hope everyone is enjoying what is left of summer, and I hope you are getting warmer weather than I have been having!!

    I will check back soon and try to get caught up with everything that I have missed!!!!

  • Good morning all! Feeling crappy this morning...not sure why. Maybe I am having a delayed carb flu on day 5? But I really wasn't eating carbs during my break so maybe it's just PMS. Either way, i feel tired and cranky right now. Hope it passes soon!

    PMS might also explain the slight increase in weight this morning.

    Hmmm...yup I'm blaming it all on PMS!

    Have a good day everyone!
  • Hi Lisa...Just wanted to check in and say hello. I'm still maintaining and doing well.....
  • week #9: down -34.5 inches. yay!
  • Good Morning all! Summer vacation is officially over for my kiddo, back to school this am meaning a 6am wake up call for me. Not a big deal but I do attempt to sleep in when I can. Working in the casino industry I'm sometimes up to all hours. Had my chocolate drink with a cup of spinach this morning. Feeling pretty good.

    Well here's to a productive day!
  • Good Morning IPeeps,

    Beautiful morning in upstate NY, getting to 77 today. Perfect.

    I weigh in on Mondays, the scale hasn't moved at all since monday, hope the weekend brings a whoosh. I am still on pain pills at night, so maybe I retain some water, plus inactivity. Tuesday is my first PT (rotator cuff tear, decompression surgery). Yesterday was 3 weeks post op, I think I am doing great, still not very comfy at night.

    Have a great day everyone
  • Quote: Good Morning All!! Just stopping in quick to say hello! Had my weigh in this morning, a day late because of being away from vacation (though I liked that my sister's scale registers me at 6 lbs lighter, I have to use my own scale for my "official" loss). I am down another 3.2! That's a total of 20.6 in just 5 weeks!!! I can now pull my pants up and down without undoing the button or zipper. I also got a $70 pair of jeans for $5 yesterday, one size down!! Was going to wait to lose a little more before I got some "in-between" clothes, but I couldn't pass that deal up, and it's nice to not look like I have a saggy bum!!

    Hope everyone is enjoying what is left of summer, and I hope you are getting warmer weather than I have been having!!

    I will check back soon and try to get caught up with everything that I have missed!!!!

    That's awesome! Congrats!!! I love a great bargain, double the pleasure when you are also in a smaller size!
  • Good morning everyone! I am back on track again with weight loss after battling the big C! It's amazing how much being backed up can add to your weight. This is the only time in the 17 weeks I have been on this diet that I gained weight. However, now that I took some senna, I am back to normal and down 5 lbs! Have a great OP weekend everyone!
  • Morning all!

    I'm on Day 5 today. I just woke up and I dreamt about "almost" eating those small, sour candies like those Swedish berries. What's funny, in my dream I soooo wanted those candies and I was putting it in my mouth and remembered "I can't have this" and spat it out. What's even more funny, Swedish berries aren't even my 1st candy of choice. I hope these food dreams are just part of the nasty first week side effects
  • Quote: Morning all!

    I'm on Day 5 today. I just woke up and I dreamt about "almost" eating those small, sour candies like those Swedish berries. What's funny, in my dream I soooo wanted those candies and I was putting it in my mouth and remembered "I can't have this" and spat it out. What's even more funny, Swedish berries aren't even my 1st candy of choice. I hope these food dreams are just part of the nasty first week side effects
    yup they are - think there is a whole thread a couple pages back dedicated to all the food dreams

    I still have smoking dreams too and that has been 3 years since I quit - so the food dreams now kinda hit home on the addiction we (or at least myself) are fighting