IP Daily Chat Thursday 7/25/2013

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  • Welcome back to the Daily Chat thread - post your plans for today, share what's been happening, ask questions!

    Some forum lingo:
    NSV = Non-scale victory
    TOM = time of the month
    WI = Weigh-in
    WF = Walden Farms
    OP = on program

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    Check the sticky page (top of forum, above all the topics) for lots of good information and please read here before asking what might be a frequently asked question: Information on Ideal Protein phases (1-4), IP Ultimate List Recipes, FAQ, Newbie Guide, Exercise, and other Important Threads,
    and here are the most recent Ideal Protein Protocol sheets

    And before you cheat, read this thread:
    The Real Cost of Cheating on Ideal Protein

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    More Recipes Here Mix'n in the kitchen...Recipes from the Rainbow
    MiX'N' iN THE KiTCH'N.... Recipes from the Rainbow Volume 2
    Fun with Ideal Protein Packets
    Fun with Veggie Purees!
    Ideal Protein Diet Recipes #4
    Tips and Recipes from the Incredible Weight Loss Center

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    Progress photos
    Mini-Goal Photo Album.

    Other helpful links related to the Ideal Protein Dr. Chanh Tran Tien's website
  • Good morning! I've been on IP for 11 weeks now and am pretty pleased with the results. However, over the last 3 days I have been having terrible dizzy spells first thing in the morning. I've made sure I'm not getting out of bed too fast and they do pass rather quickly, but this is new for me. Yesterday, the room was spinning while I was still lying in bed. Could this be related to the diet? Curious if others have had similar issues.
  • Quote: Good morning! I've been on IP for 11 weeks now and am pretty pleased with the results. However, over the last 3 days I have been having terrible dizzy spells first thing in the morning. I've made sure I'm not getting out of bed too fast and they do pass rather quickly, but this is new for me. Yesterday, the room was spinning while I was still lying in bed. Could this be related to the diet? Curious if others have had similar issues.
    Make sure you're adding your salt. It could be low blood pressure. Check with your doctor ASAP
  • Good morning all! I hope you feel better hangdog!
  • good morning, all. happy ip/op day to everyone.

    hangdog- I was having trouble, too. It seems like my blood pressure meds were now too high for me (after losing 50lbs.) When we decreased my meds, the dizzy spells stopped. If you're getting all your salt in and you're still feeling dizzy, call your doc.
  • hangdog i would say see your pcp either way, dizzy spells should not be happening..and it may have nothing to do with your salt or low bp.

    i am very sleepy, worked hard last night...wish you all a good day. seems the heat has finally left us
  • Good morning everyone. Second weigh-in this morning and I am down 3 lbs! Was hoping for a bit more, but I will gladly take it as I spent 4 days this week with Big C and TOM showed up yesterday. Onto week three!!!
  • Good morning, I was up and out of the house extra early today and I forgot to take my vitamins. I know it’s not the end of the world, but it is a slight slip. I am not sure if it is the week I am having, or the weather (its raining here) but my body and mind are beat. I have had the worst bags under my eyes and I am dragging to get things accomplished. I get home from work, make dinner, clean up a bit and I am crawling into bed and STILL wake tired. AH.
    On the plus side -3Lbs weigh-in and -6.25 inches. Where did those inches and amazing weight loss come from after 11 weeks?
  • Morning all. Very excited to go see Bon Jovi tonight...have all my bars ready. I do have a question..

    I've been using the IP RTD shakes almost every day since starting this program with no issues. Last Sunday, as usual, had my shake with spinach...within an hour, had the worst abdominal pains and nausea for about an hour or two until I used the bathroom, so chalked it up to that. Monday, went to work, had the shake, same thing happened, but figured it was related to the tonsilitis I was diagnosed having on Monday as well. Happened again Tuesday, and at that point began to suspect my food. Had a Quest bar yesterday for breakfast with no issues. Tried my shake again this morning, and am in agony again. Has anyone else developed anything like this after eating or drinking something with no issues for a while? I'm a pretty picky eater, so if I can't do the shakes for breakfast, i've got no idea what i'm going to eat.
  • Quote: I've been using the IP RTD shakes almost every day since starting this program with no issues. Last Sunday, as usual, had my shake with spinach...within an hour, had the worst abdominal pains and nausea for about an hour or two until I used the bathroom, so chalked it up to that. Monday, went to work, had the shake, same thing happened, but figured it was related to the tonsilitis I was diagnosed having on Monday as well. Happened again Tuesday, and at that point began to suspect my food. Had a Quest bar yesterday for breakfast with no issues. Tried my shake again this morning, and am in agony again. Has anyone else developed anything like this after eating or drinking something with no issues for a while? I'm a pretty picky eater, so if I can't do the shakes for breakfast, i've got no idea what i'm going to eat.
    Have you always had the shakes with spinach or is adding spinach new?
  • Is there any dairy in the RTDs? I have never had one, so I don't know, but I know if I have dairy in the morning, I get severe cramping and bloating. We had thought I may be lactose intolerant as a child, but it only happens in the morning.
  • Good morning everyone!
    I am excited to start my 4th week on IP today, especially now that I know how to properly eat my veggies.
    For those of you who add spinach to your shakes/drinks, have you used it with vanilla? I see a lot of chocolate recipes and am guessing that you can't really taste the spinach. Other than the color, does anyone know if the taste of vanilla is changed?
    Thanks and have a fantastic day!
  • Lisa- the spinach adding has been in the last 3-4 weeks, so not super new, but newer than just the plain shakes.

    Shrinkingsusie- I cant tell if there's bloating (after 2 kids, my stomach always looks bloated)
    I've never had a lactose intolerance, but I suppose you can develop an allergy at any time.
  • Quote: Morning all. Very excited to go see Bon Jovi tonight...have all my bars ready. I do have a question..

    I've been using the IP RTD shakes almost every day since starting this program with no issues. Last Sunday, as usual, had my shake with spinach...within an hour, had the worst abdominal pains and nausea for about an hour or two until I used the bathroom, so chalked it up to that. Monday, went to work, had the shake, same thing happened, but figured it was related to the tonsilitis I was diagnosed having on Monday as well. Happened again Tuesday, and at that point began to suspect my food. Had a Quest bar yesterday for breakfast with no issues. Tried my shake again this morning, and am in agony again. Has anyone else developed anything like this after eating or drinking something with no issues for a while? I'm a pretty picky eater, so if I can't do the shakes for breakfast, i've got no idea what i'm going to eat.
    I made a recipe with the chocolate drink mix two days ago and experienced something very similar. The recipe called for a few things I don't eat often/have never had (Walden Farms chocolate syrup, several packets of stevia, and a small amount of tofutti cream cheese) so I am unsure which item caused my issue. I have never experienced that with the RTD (I drink one almost every day for breakfast). Hopefully you diagnose the issue soon!
  • Maybe try the shake later in the day and see if you are still getting the cramping? If not, it could just be similar to whatever I have with dairy in the morning, or if it's all the time, maybe you have developed an intolerance to it? I use the Premier Protein shakes from Costco, mostly with lunch, but when I start work early I have one for breakfast and have been ok with those so far.