Attn: Valrock

  • Glad you responded in that other thread. I just posted a thread about being slightly discouraged as I haven't had any scale or measurement progress on nrolfw. I've only done 4 workouts, but it's still hard.

    My question for you is did you do the program for strength AND weight loss? What were your results in stage 1? Any other helpful thoughts?

    Thanks a ton.
  • I've done the whole program twice through, now. I started lifting when I'd lost most of my weight. I'm doing a bootcamp style workout now, as I don't have reliable access to the gym... but there is a LOT of strength training involved and I can't wait to get back into the gym to pump iron.

    I'll be honest and say it took a while to see results, at first. I stalled hard for a few months before I started losing weight again. I definitely still lost fat and inches, but I understand that it's hard to look past the scale .

    HUGE bonus to weight lifting. I can eat more and not gain weight . Being muscular burns a lot of calories on it's own! I find maintaining to be tons easier now than it was when I had no muscle tone.

    Moral of the story... ditch the scale for a minute. It doesn't tell the whole story and may discourage you. Take measurements. I am smaller now at 175 than I was at 160 and skinnyfat. Keep a it!!!
  • Thanks for that. I have taken measurements and they haven't budged, I guess thats why i was disappointed. I will definitely keep at it. Thanks so much for responding .
  • Remington, I understand that you want fast results but sadly those aren't going to been seen with measurements. It's only been a week! Give it at least 4 and I'm sure you'll see everything go down a ton. I know it's hard to wait but it's nice seeing those larger decreases!
  • Agreed! A week is nothing.

    Look at it this way... this is what you are going to be doing for the rest of your life. Either you stick with it and see steady (maybe slow) results... come back in 2 years and have made TONS of progress... or you can give up now because nothing has changed in a week and probably be where you are, or worse, in 2 years.

    You are in control! Keep at it.
  • Amen, Valrock. Well said!