June 2013

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  • I just restarted the program. I tried it for awhile but could not stay on do to my job. I travel alot (6 international trips this year). But I'm home until the end of August so I'm going to work my best to get this weight off. After pre-conditioning and 4 days on program, I'm down 4 1/2 pounds. A nice start.
  • Woo hoo. It feels so awesome to be going down instead of up.
  • wooho! congratulations! I cheated yesterday. am not looking forward to weighing in tomorrow night...........
  • I have had 2 great days, got to keep it up. Weigh in tomorrow
  • I feel like I am back in the groove after a bit of going sideways...I struggle with no wine on occasion, then a glass of wine and my willpower is out the window.

    Down two more lbs. last weigh in after avoiding "demon rum" so I do have to stay on track! The nice summer weather has me more motivated than ever though.

    How is it going for all of you?
  • I'm doing ok, although this was my first full week on summer break (I am a teacher), so trying to get into a new routine has been a struggle. Being at home more, there are so many more temptations staring at me. I'm still losing, but the pace has slowed down for the past three weeks since I hit Onederland and changed menus. They said a plateau is not uncommon when changing menus. Hope I can get through this one without giving in!
  • Peg51 - one thing I make sure I do is switch up what I eat. Make sure you are getting a variety!

    as for myself, I have now lost 14.5 lbs!!! woohoo!! so excited. Was a stressful week for me and I did cheat. With the weight loss and inches lost I feel like I can stick to the diet for another week.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Has anyone tried the All Day Weight Loss supplements and if so how did they work?
  • weighing in this morning, hoping for the best
  • Quote: weighing in this morning, hoping for the best
    Goodluck Tina! Do you go to the MRC Center in Columbus, IN? That's where I went
  • Down another 1.5 pounds. That makes 7 pounds in 13 days, not to shabby..
  • skelley331- yes, Columbus IN.. The ladies there are wonderful
  • Hi everyone!

    I hope you all are having a great month, so nice to see all the losers!

    I haven't posted in a while, not much to report because I've been stuck at 181 for 4 weeks. I've switched up my meals for variety, added extra water and kept my exercise to a minimum but still no change so last night my counselor suggested giving the MetaQuick plan a go for a few days and see how it turns out when I go weigh in this Saturday. **fingers crossed**

    skelley331 - I do the All Day Weight Loss, 2 per meal and 2 at bedtime, it helps keep the hunger tiger at bay. As a side note, I've done it since day 1 so I don't know how it would work before versus midway such as do I see a change using it.
  • Quote: skelley331- yes, Columbus IN.. The ladies there are wonderful
    Awesome, yes they are all great. When I go my counselor is Bev! Going to see her tomorrow
  • Quote: Hi everyone!

    I hope you all are having a great month, so nice to see all the losers!

    I haven't posted in a while, not much to report because I've been stuck at 181 for 4 weeks. I've switched up my meals for variety, added extra water and kept my exercise to a minimum but still no change so last night my counselor suggested giving the MetaQuick plan a go for a few days and see how it turns out when I go weigh in this Saturday. **fingers crossed**

    skelley331 - I do the All Day Weight Loss, 2 per meal and 2 at bedtime, it helps keep the hunger tiger at bay. As a side note, I've done it since day 1 so I don't know how it would work before versus midway such as do I see a change using it.
    Thanks for the feedback, I was taking cortitrim and MRC6 but wanted to try the all day weight loss. I've been on maintenance since jan 4th 2013 but have struggled the last few months, gained 8lbs but slowly losing it. Hope to get it back under control.