Beer, beer, beer, beer

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  • Hi everyone! I started IP three days ago and so far so good. But, my biggest struggle is with beer. It was my habit to have a beer or two every night after dinner and it's so hard to give that up! It relaxes me, I love the taste and sensation, and it's been a part of my life for many years. The first two days I did ok, because of a combination of excitement and fatigue, but last night was Friday. I went out to hear a friend's band and had a couple of beers (although I switched my usual choice of massively-caloric craft beer for Bud Light).

    Of course today I feel awful. Don't know if this is due to the diet, the beer or the combination. I'm trying to make my brain associate this awful feeling with beer, lol, to make it easier to resist in the future. Anyway, does anyone else struggle with this? Have any suggestions? Thanks so much!
  • Not to be harsh, but after only 3 days you had beer?

    This is a complete lifestyle change, or should be if you want to keep the weight off forever.

    Think about if you're really ready to commit to this type of plan.
  • Quote: Hi everyone! I started IP three days ago and so far so good. But, my biggest struggle is with beer. It was my habit to have a beer or two every night after dinner and it's so hard to give that up! It relaxes me, I love the taste and sensation, and it's been a part of my life for many years. The first two days I did ok, because of a combination of excitement and fatigue, but last night was Friday. I went out to hear a friend's band and had a couple of beers (although I switched my usual choice of massively-caloric craft beer for Bud Light).

    Of course today I feel awful. Don't know if this is due to the diet, the beer or the combination. I'm trying to make my brain associate this awful feeling with beer, lol, to make it easier to resist in the future. Anyway, does anyone else struggle with this? Have any suggestions? Thanks so much!
    Yes. I have a suggestion.
    This will probably sound harsh.
    You either choose to be on the plan or you don't and perhaps find another plan you can live with.

    I am a HUGE craft beer lover. We have organized vacations around visiting craft breweries. But you know what I love more? Being 84 lbs lighter. If I had to give up beer forever to keep this weight off, I would. I know I'll be able to taste it again, although some of my favorites will probably just be tastes, rather than pints.

    Hopefully you'll associate that feeling with that nasty BL you drank last nite . I would LITERALLY rather have water. THAT would not have been worth the calories nor the carbs to me! I never drank that stuff when I was drinking beer.

    I have been OP since August 2012. I have not had a drink (beer, wine, or my other love: tequila). And for anyone who knows me, this in itself is nothing short of miraculous. But, more than that is what I have GAINED from losing.

    You can glorify the stuff you are temporarily forgoing or you can find a way to make the program work for you. Drinking beer last night, you basically just started over at day 1.

    You can look at it as what you're missing out on or what you are gaining. It is all in the mindset and it is all up to you.
  • Well, harshness isn't what I was expecting from this forum, but maybe it's what I need. Lisa, did you find giving up beer (and alcohol generally) to be any different from giving up the un-allowed foods? Or was it all part of the same process? I am not struggling with the food. But the beer is a different story.
  • Quote: Well, harshness isn't what I was expecting from this forum, but maybe it's what I need. Lisa, did you find giving up beer (and alcohol generally) to be any different from giving up the un-allowed foods? Or was it all part of the same process? I am not struggling with the food. But the beer is a different story.
    It is all part of the same mindset.
    You either glorify it and make it hard on yourself or neutralize it and live with your decision.
  • I like this concept, of neutralizing it, not glorifying it. Thank you, that's very helpful!
  • Quote: I like this concept, of neutralizing it, not glorifying it. Thank you, that's very helpful!
    See? Not really trying to be harsh. But matter-of-fact can sound that way in print.
  • Quote: You can follow IP to the letter or you can individualize your diet approach and have a small amount of light beer in it. If you calculate the calories in, you will still lose weight. I gave up everything else, but kept a small glass of wine in my diet. It is part of my culture and I could not find convincing evidence that a small amount of fermented alcohol puts you out of ketosis. But the stress is on "small amount" of alcohol. If you cannot control yourself and drink a gallon, your diet will be in trouble whether you call it IP or something different.

    If you want to stay in ketosis with beer, you need to limit what you drink. I am not sure how much you were drinking. But you feeling bad the other day was either due to salt intake or to intake of too much alcohol or both. Ketosis is diuretic and needs a tight balance of minerals the first weeks. Beer will disrupt that balance. The liver also gets stressed and you will learn that you cannot drink as much as you did before without severe consequences.
    You will always burn alcohol before fat.
    The body uses fat energy stores last.
    The carbs and alcohol in beer will slow down/stall any loss.
    She drank more than one.
  • First of all, day 3 tends to be rough anyway. Your body has been working really hard to get into ketosis, and these first few days really take their toll. Alcohol has some pretty strong effects on ketone production (way too scientific for me to explain but feel free to research online).
    My fiancé is a brewer,and we have attended so many craft brewing functions since I started IP. I had a very honest discussion about how to handle these events with my coach, because I have a different type of social obligation than someone who just really enjoys and appreciates good beer. I'm not going to recommend cheating, because it's never the right choice. I will say this. The effect of alcohol on your body is quadrupled when you're in ketosis. It may not have been as bad for you last night, but you may have to re-start the whole process over again, and that is no fun. I also agree with Lisa (although she would absolutely NEVER cheat), I wouldn't waste my cheat on BL. I have learned how to appreciate the social components of these functions. I will admit to participating in some tastings of specialty beers, because these brewers are very proud of their work and insulting them can have repercussions on my fiancé's career. I usually accept sips of their beers when they offer it to my fiancé, and I keep track of how many tastes I have in a day. The next day, there is always a headache and stomach issues, like a hangover for less than a pint. I have significantly reduced the number of events that I attend so that it's a non-issue.
    All in all, what's done is done. As you travel through your IP journey, you'll confront quite a few issues that you may have never thought about before. As for me, I've learned a lot about myself through this process, and I'm still learning. You are so new to the process, that I don't think it's healthy to just think "I drank some beer, so I guess this isn't for me". Only you know what works for you and what doesn't. Now that you have had this experience, you get to figure our what it means to you. I don't know about you, but I was never this philosophical about whether or not to taste something, food or drink, before IP. The heightened level of awareness of the choices that I make throughout the day, every day, is something that I really want to take with me throughout the rest of my life.
    Okie doke- no more soapbox. Have a good day!
  • Thanks Lolo! Very useful. I would like to quit beer altogether during the diet, but:
    1. I have a hard time believing that having a light beer now and then means I won't lose weight, especially when my calories are so drastically reduced from what I was eating/drinking before.
    2. I don't want to wait until I'm 100% ready to give it up, along with all the carbs and other un-allowed foods before I begin.

    Thanks for the suggestion of salt, I will make sure to get my daily allowance of the IP salt and see if that helps. (don't tell my brain though, I want it to believe it's the beer! And it probably is!)
  • Oh! I just re-read my post. The "quote" is not a direct quote of you, so I apologize if it sounds like that. It was really meant to be more of that inner dialogue that I, and probably a few others, have had.
  • Thanks Sansfilter! I think that you're right about alcohol affecting me differently on the diet. This morning I felt like I had the kind of hangover you get from a night of serious partying. This is a good thing, as it really diminishes the appeal. Thanks for sharing your experiences with beer and the diet, it's very helpfult to me.
  • Quote: First of all, day 3 tends to be rough anyway. Your body has been working really hard to get into ketosis, and these first few days really take their toll. Alcohol has some pretty strong effects on ketone production (way too scientific for me to explain but feel free to research online).
    My fiancé is a brewer,and we have attended so many craft brewing functions since I started IP. I had a very honest discussion about how to handle these events with my coach, because I have a different type of social obligation than someone who just really enjoys and appreciates good beer. I'm not going to recommend cheating, because it's never the right choice. I will say this. The effect of alcohol on your body is quadrupled when you're in ketosis. It may not have been as bad for you last night, but you may have to re-start the whole process over again, and that is no fun. I also agree with Lisa (although she would absolutely NEVER cheat), I wouldn't waste my cheat on BL. I have learned how to appreciate the social components of these functions. I will admit to participating in some tastings of specialty beers, because these brewers are very proud of their work and insulting them can have repercussions on my fiancé's career. I usually accept sips of their beers when they offer it to my fiancé, and I keep track of how many tastes I have in a day.
    I think you've found a good way to work through "work" obligations (sips).
    There was a limited, seasonal release & I tasted DH's back in Dec. None of my own and >2 oz. That was my "cheat". I've been to craft breweries many times since & nothing looked "worth it" (but I don't have those same work obligations). We are members of a beer club and we've skipped many monthly tastings. I've gone to a handful & just given my share to DH. He has a built-in DD.

    In the 9 months, I've had a sip or 2 of wine but none tasted "worth it"...I usually just smell DH's.
    I just don't want the carbs/alcohol slowing me down. I've got goals!

    Tomi: If you're choosing IP, to keep time on P1 the shortest, adhere to the P1 protocol. Also, be sure you are getting your advice from people who actually follow IP! If you have a hard time believing the plan, why choose the plan?
  • Do you get the Ideal Protein Coach Videos?
    I find the videos really helpful.
    Here is one I think would help you as well

    Alcohol and IP
  • Thanks for your thoughtful response Lisa. I chose it for a couple of reasons, you can judge whether they are good or not. First is, my mother started IP 2.5 weeks ago and has lost 13 pounds, while not feeling hungry. that is fabulous motivation, and makes me really feel that it will work. It also gives me a buddy and support system (also, two co-workers are doing it). Second, I like the strictness of the protocol (except for that crazy one against alcohol haha.) The packets make breakfast and lunch an absolute no-brainer, and I love veg, salad and meat so dinner will be easy too. Having a coach for accountability and motivation is a big plus too.