Friday........Free Falling!

  • Good morning everyone!

    Well I am all packed up and on my way to Saskatchewan.......six hours at least to go see my neice and spend the weekend with a 16, 11, and 5 year old girl.....I hearing "Finding Nemo" somewhere on the weekend agenda

    I hope all is well and that people post and keep in touch over the weekend. I will catch up with everyone when I get home Sunday night.

    I don't remember if I told you but I was a red head for about 2 months here......but yesterday I broke down and got a dark brown with blonde and red highllights and feel more like my old self.

    I had a terrible kink in my neck all day yesterday as I have been over schedualed, over housecleaning etc over the past few days but it is gone now and I am looking forward to a great few days with my girls.

    Hubby and the yorkie are staying behind to golf, clean the garage and just be free for a couple days.

    Hang in there everyone and remember that being here for one another is one of the greatest opportunities that I feel we have to be supportive and caring of one another...what a great group of people.

    Bye for now!

  • Hey Lizzy, have a wonderful SAFE trip and let us know how Nemo was. I'm dying to see it but w/a 1.8 year old I'm not even gonna think about attempting it Hope your feeling better !!!

    Tell us all the goodies when you get back.

    Hi everyone,

    Nothing much is new SOSDD. Gonna give atkins a go starting Monday .............oy !

    Hope ya all have a nice weekend and if any of you have our SUN, please return it before I go ape do do !!!!

    Hugs, Leenie
  • Hello Liz & Leens
    I just remembered Cathy is on her big trip......hope she is having a good time.

    I came home from work Tues find a recording saying my Dad wanted us at the Hospice Center and was in a lot of pain. We went and arrived at 11 PM (125 mile trip there)....we stayed a long time and all day Weds.He never woke up. We returned home Thurs at 4 and my sister called to say he had died!

    I am thankful for the numerous trips and visits all month prior to this.It made it easier. Many precious moments together!

    We will have arrrangements complete and return to Ohio this weekend.

    Keep us in your prayers!

    Have agreat weekend!
  • CIN, I had a feeling that this was going to be. We've known each other a long time and I remember well when my mother died. God bless you, old friend, and remember that you're in my thoughts and prayers.
  • Cin *hug*.. so sorry to hear about your dad. Your phone message, trip and his not waking up is exactly what happened to my dad too. I was so grateful I had made numerous trips prior.

    prayers for you and your family