What would you get? (help)

  • I have a dinner outing coming up and last time I went here I got the tilapia with some salad & veggies... I'm just curious what your opinion is if you have a minute, is that my safest bet? LOL It's so hard when there are all these yummy choices on the menu! But I really don't want to overdo it with my points... http://www.makeitmaggies.com/restaurant_watertown.html
  • I would probably go with either the tilapia or the salmon myself =) To be more accurate with points, you can ask what size filet the fish is, since Tilapia is 2pts for a 3oz filet (salmon is 9pts ofr a 6oz filet). The salad and veggies are the best choices, and I usually add about 2pts for whatever dressing I'm using, and if there is any oil or butter on the veggies, another 2pts, just to be safe.

    If you wanted Beef, the "Sir of the Loin" 8oz would probably be my choice, as long as its fairly lean and trimmed, it would only be 8-10pts, and I would choose the same sides as I would for the tilapia.

    Normally chicken is my go-to dinner choice if there is a lot on the menu that could potentially throw me off, but it seems like a lot of their chicken is breaded or fried, so the beef and fish seem like the healthiest choices, in my opinion =)

    Don't forget about your weekly additional points, or any activity points you've earned! I know I don't like to dip into those too often, but I like that they are there just for situations like this!

    Enjoy your dinner!! that restaurant looks like it will be really fun

  • yeah I already messed up on my weeklies yesterday hahah (yeah first day of the week wtg haha) I am trying not to beat myself up too bad cause it's the first time I've ever had one of those "oh crap, I ate how many points?" moments LOL I still have plenty of weeklies left but also have a potluck/party and a movie date this week lol so I must choose wisely! lol I probably will stick with the tilapia cause I already know it wasn't terrible... it was really tasty too. thanks for your input!