Thursday YAY!!!!

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  • I am sooo glad it is Thursday and that I am one day away from a long wknd!!!

    Not much exciting here. Dh and I went to see Matrix Reloaded last night. I am not typically into this type of movie but I was attempting to be a good wife and he watches girly movies with me. So, it was ok. Dh didn't even think it was that great. IT was like 2 1/2 hrs long and I had worked a long day so I am not sure I gave it a chance.

    Eating wise wasn't too good. A lot is going on in MI involving the mental health funding and we talked all about it at lunch yesterday which stressed me out. I didn't pig out at lunch but after I went on a little (who am I kidding? ) BIG candy bar binge. I HATE the snack bar. I did exercise a bit yesterday thought and did the water thing. I long for the day when everything in my life is in sync

    Well I will BB! Everyone have a great WW day
  • Becky - don't beat yourself up about the candy bar binge. Nothing you can do to change that today. Remind yourself that you exercised and drank water - those were 2 good choices you made for your body.

    Not much going on in my world. Worked 2nd job last night and will work again tonight. Got up this morning and did 1 Mile WATP, 10 minute tone, and a segment from 5Day Abs.

    Hope you all have a good day.

  • Becky - sorry you didn't have a good day OP yesterday. Today is a new day, just put it behind you!

    Laura - You work waaaaay too much! I don't know how you find time to exercise!

    Well that problem of mine hasn't really sorted itself out but I think the other girl has FINALLY dropped it and moved on. She stopped emailing me at least and that's all I wanted. It kinda sucks when a friend does things like that to you. I don't want to be her friend anymore, I don't trust her at all. But I don't want to be enemies either you know?

    Anwyays, I finally told Jay that the ED has come back. Since then I have only had 1 episode with it (I think I told him a week ago). I think it helps that he knows. He helps keep me on track now. Or when I start freaking out I just tell him and he helps me through it. Its working out really well. I was also surprised he was very comforting when I told him and didn't get upset. It was not the reaction I expected!

    Anyways, sorry I haven't been posting. I had a lot going on the past week. Yesterday I was OP (surprisingly!). I skipped breakfast, had 8 points for lunch, then 7.5 points of CANDY (1 mini Mr. Goodbar, 3 hershey kisses, and a handful of jelly beans. does 7.5 sound right?). Anyways I only had 5.5 points for dinner. I got in my water and all my veggies. I feel really good about staying OP yesterday. Even though ED hasn't really come back it doesn't mean I've been OP! Going for another day OP today. I think skipping breakfast helps a lot. I'm not really hungry so why should I eat it?

    Anyways I will try to check back later. Have a great day!
  • Hello!
    Hi, everyone!! It looks like it's been a slow day, here on the thread, but maybe it'll pick up later.

    Not much happening here. Aaron and I are back together officially. This is the second time we've broken up and gotten back together. I think we're destined to be one of those couples, sigh. Hopefully this is the last time.

    I'm getting ready to go work out. It looks like I'm going to be all by myself today, usually a couple of ladies from work go with me. Oh well, I'm sure I'll get by. Yesterday, I bumped into my mom at the Y, maybe she'll be there today.

    I've got to get going, otherwise I'll miss The Young and The Restless, but I'll be back later to do some responding, OK??

  • Becky: DH and I went to see the Matrix Reloaded last night, too. I thought it was good, although the end confused me to no end. I think that was probably the point, though, so people will go see Matrix #3! Did you see the first one? You really can't see the 2nd without the first.

    Hi Laura, Lori, Jess ... where is everyone today?

    I'm feeling a little relief today because I'm almost done with my big story for Sunday. I've put a lot of research into it ... it compares firefighter salaries with how busy departments area ... and I think it's turned out good. I'm just tinkering with it now before filing it to my editor. She's not the greatest editor in the world so I have to doublecheck myself a lot. I miss good editing ... one thing I'm not thrilled about at my new paper. My editor, while a nice person, is pretty clueless and doesn't always pay attention.
  • Hi everyone! I'm still here lurking, getting larger slowly I am 28 weeks now-time is going slowly and yet flying by-has that ever happened to anyone else?

    I need to ask a question-what is WATP??? It's been driving me nuts!
    Hope Everyone is well-looking forward to joining WW again in the early fall....they say breastfeeding moms get a lot of points-I hope so! I have to admit I've been eating like crap-all of the old comfort foods have crept back into my life. they will be hard habits to break again when i am not PG anymore {sigh} but I know you guys will be here to help!

  • Lori--WATP is Walk Away The Pounds with Leslie Sansone. She has a bunch of different workouts. I got mine off of and love them. There was a set of 3 tapes and it came with the "Walk Away Weights", which are kind of cool.
  • Lori- WATP is Walk away the pounds. They are in home walking videos. Don't ya just hate these abbreviations sometimes. I hate when I get stumped!

    I will be back later to post properly!
  • I just lost my post when I went on my break and didn't post first. Sigh...I still have my headache (day 12) but no potluck tonight so I plan on relaxing in a bath and trying to rest the headache away. And maybe go grocery shopping.
    Becky - He'll probably make you go see the third one with him too, that should earn you a few good "chick" flicks.
    Laura - go workout queen!
    Lori - I'm glad you have Jay to talk to about the ED. I hope you can get through it. We're all here for you too. But I have to say, with the breakfast thing. If you eat first thing in the morning it helps boost your metabolism - just something to think about. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day...
    Jess -Congrats on making things "official" with Aaron. I hope you had a good workout alone.
    Kim - sounds like a tough story to do without good editing. I'm sure it will be amazing.
    Dr Lori - nice to hear from you. Glad things are going well.
    OK - off to do some work. I'll check back if anyone else is around.
  • I'm down!!
    Yay! I don't have time for a proper post but I was so excited - I am down 1.8 this week! I met a girl that was down 110# so far. Wow, that is amazing.

    Anyway, I wil change sig. Have a good OP day- I'll check in after work!

  • Lori - glad that you were able to tell Jay about the ED and that he is so supportive. You gots a good man there!

    Jess - I know how strong your connection to Aaron has been. Here's to every happiness for the 2 of you.

    Kim - Isn't it a great feeling to have a big story or project off your plate?

    Hi Lori!

    KT - a 12 day headache? I know you are busy and stressed but that ain't normal babe. If an evening of relaxing and a good night's sleep don't cure it, please consider seeing a Dr.

    Belle - Woo-hoo! Congratulations on the 1.8. You go girl! Were you and BF able to work out your differences from last week?

    Today is one of my friend's birthday's and of course someone brought in "better than s-x" cake and of course I had a large piece. Sigh....I was doing pretty well today too. Well, maybe not that well, no fruit, no veggies, no calcium...but had been within my points. Well, I can't uneat the cake so I went and got myself a HUGE glass of water.

  • Hey girls, Eating is going great here! I didn't get my exercise in yesterday b/c by the time I had my supper after work it was 10pm & I had to work earlyt today. Anyway I'll get it in today. It is the most beautiful day we've had so far Tonight I'm going to WI. My meeting which is usually Monday was cancelled b/c we had a long weekend. The only other one that works with my schedule is tonight which sort of sucks b/c my next regular meetin is only four days away so it won't look like a very big change by then. Oh well. Life with my brother is stressful again today. He went to run some errands right now so that's good. Tonight DH is working & my bro & I aren't so we get to be home alone together. I'm expecting a big blow out b/c he's really testy & grumpy this week. Yesterday he ahd a temper tantrum over cheese b/c he awas adding it to lasagna that already had cheese & I asked him not to use so much b/c it was expensive. DH walks in the kitchen & then say the same thing. My brother slammed down his food & a tantrum ensued. It was really mature I tell ya! Argh!! Then when we went to work he ate all of the cheese-like 600g!! Anyway I hope today is a little better. I supposed I should stop babbling & do some responding!

    KT, go get a massage to help your headache! Having headaches is one reason I got interested in massage as a career b/c it was the only thing that helped me. BTW only one week until the Amazing Race!! Can't wait!

    Lori, glad you have Jay on your side to help you through this. Are you still seeing your counsellor? Btw did you watch the NJ/Ottawa game last nihgt? Awesome! Can't wait for game 7 tomorrow! I'm cheering for Ottawa b/c they're Canadian plus Wade Redden grew up near my home town. Can't wait to see the Ducks in the final-should be interesting.

    LoriD, glad you're doing great! Those darn comfort foods! You got rid of them once I'm sure you can do it again. Do you have the baby's room ready yet?

    Becky, you're a good wife! I refused to watch the first Matrix b/c I'm just not into those kind of shows. I think DH has a much better time watching them without me b/c then he doesn't have to worry if I'm enjoying myself or not.

    Jes, Hope everything is better with Aaron this time.

    Belle, wtg on the loss! You rock! Btw I'm going to be that #110lb-loss girl sometime in the future. In fact I think to get to goal it'll be even more than that. I'm working on it-one pound at a time.

    Laura, you are an exercise queen! Way to be committed!

    Kim, glad your load is eased for a little bit. Does this mean you get to relax this weekend?

    Where is everyone else? I haven't seen a lot of people in ages. Has anyone heard from PgAngie or Jayne or the Robins or Deb or Ali lately? Has anyone talked to Stacey since she got pg? I hate how we lose people to internet police! Where is everyone elae today too? I hope you are all MIA b/c things are going awesome not b/c you're avoiding us d/t being OP. When you're struggling is when you need to be here most! Anyway enough from me!
  • OK I am seriously kicking butt at work today. Paperwork is my enemy

    Lori and Laura- Thanks for the encouragement.

    Dr. Lori- Glad to hear things are going well.

    Jess-Congrat on Aaron! Hope all goes well. AND thanks for the idea to check ebay for the videos!!! I have WATP for abs but need to switch up a bit.

    Kim- I did see most of the first one but not the entire thing. It was ok I just don't love those kind of movies. The end is very tricky. Just like hollywood to suck us in.

    KT- Yah I figure I am in good standing. Hmmmm what shall we see next *insert Dr. Evil laugh*

    Belle- CONGRATS! I thought that deserved a bravo AND a dancing banana!!

    See ya tomorrow!!!
  • Hi again. I have a doctor's appointment coming up to deal with the whole headache thing. I was doing low carbs for a while and the headache started right around the time I put carbs back in. Maybe that has something to do with it.
    Rina - how does a person go about finding a massuse? I've had some physio for my shoulder but I don't think he does full massages. I'll check and see if my medical covers some. Yay one week to the race!!
    Hi Belle - good job on the loss!!!
    Becky - I hear the new Rene Zellweger is quite the chick flick...mwahaha
    Back to work.
  • KT, first of all its not masseuse!! In Canada if you use that term you're referring to a sexual thing! The correct terminology is Massage Therapist. You don't want to end up in the wrong kind of place!! Plus you really don't want to offend your therapist before you even get started. Its hard to say how you find a good therapist. The best way is generally ask your friends who they see or even your doctor. You could also phone the BC College/Assocation for Massage & ask for references to therapist who live near you. Most of the time to get covered you'll need a referral from your dr. (it depends on your plan)-however I do n\know BC is regulated for MT so I think part of it might even be covered under your provincial health plan. If you have any other questions let me know