Back after a long time away

  • Hi there ~ No beating around the bush....I'm here for help. I've been here before, many years ago. Actually when I logged on...after I got my password etc all straightened out again...the last time I was little girl was 9, she is now 15. "WOW" years sure do fly.

    I have not been away because I found the "cure" and fixed "me". I have lost and gained a gazillion pounds over the last few years. I need to lose again. I need to learn to lose it and keep it off. I've had diabetes now for 2 years...probably longer...just diagnosed for 2 years. I did really good at the start and took off like 70 lbs...but then back it came with some friends. I have neuropathy in my feet and the added weight only makes it worse. I've got high BP...and we all know the added weight really doesn't do that any good. So, that's me in a nutshell as far as health goes. You'll notice that I put 250 as my first goal...small goals...not that that is a small number, but it's smaller than where I find myself today. I may have to adjust my start number in the morning by a few pounds...I wasn't sure of it and just took what I figured was a good guess.

    Like I said I am here for help....but please know...I love to give encouragement too, never have been just a taker.

    So~here's to meeting tomorrow morning with open eyes and a new outlook on all of this again....and look forward to making some new friends along the way.
  • Welcome back & good luck!!
  • Good Luck! I hope that you get to that goal soon!
  • Welcome back! We're all in it together!
  • Hi Sandy!

    The good news is... you are back!


    P.S. I am with you on losing and gaining over and over.