Serves me right for getting cocky

  • Bleh. That's how I feel about my weight loss program right now. I was doing ww and doing great on it then had a very emotion-triggering weekend and fell off the wagon so to speak. More like halted the wagon and jumped off.

    I completely went back to my WOE and was like "forget tracking!!!" and im quite sure I gained at least 5lbs back. Jeez. Ok.. so... time to start over again. I know ww will work for me I just have to really work on my emotional eating stuff. When I'm feeling sad or bored I tend to not care and eat. I also think maybe I have this fear of being skinny as crazy as that sounds because I think I've gotten used to be invisible.

    Help me ladies!
  • Accountability is huge for me. I've gotten into the habit of going back and tracking everything I "forgot" to track - no matter how much it sucks. I'm less likely to do it again if I see the damage I did while off the wagon.

    This is also a huge reason why I basically use all of my flex points on the weekend (typically Saturday night) and stay stupid active on the weekends.
  • I agree with somuchfattitude.
    Track it all, good, bad, ugly, and uglier. You can then go back and see why you didn't lose, and see if you really think its worth it. I had a tough weekend and have ended up with only 1 weeklie left. Then I went to Taco Bell. I've been trying to make up for it by moving as much as possible.

    I think most of us eat when we're bored. Funny, I'm never bored with a 2.5 year old and a puberty stricken 11 year old, but I manage to always find the time to be bored enough to stuff my face. I think I used it as an excuse. Them Thera my husband, who will occasionally tell me he doesn't want me to lose too much. He likes me the way I am. I like me the way I am too, but the health risks of being heavy out weigh that for me. I'd be perfectly happy to be 180 pounds. Skinny is not for me.

    When you're sad, pop on the iPod and go for a walk, come on the forum, eat some carrots, anything to help you out of it. You can do this. You have to keep telling yourself that you're worth it, even when you're at your lowest point.
  • Naturally , them Thera should be 'then there's'.
  • I hate having to go back and track the bad/ugly stuff, but I always do it no matter how awful it was. Like others have said, it helps keep me accountable.
  • I agree with everyone else - Its hard to track those bad days because you can learn more about yourself and your eating habits and what made it a "bad" day and why.

    Remember, even though you've fallen off the wagon, there is still room to get back on!
  • Thanks ladies! Yes I agree tracking again..even all the bad stuff.. will help get me back on..uh..track.

    So I took my son to this amusement place tonight and there was a group of middle school age boys pointing at my robust backside and laughing which caught my son's attention, and made him so mad he was near tears. I can handle the immature humiliation, but it hurt to see another way my fat hurts my son, and just plain sucked.

    He loves me as I am of course, but it's sad he has to experience that kind of stuff. Well I needed motivation I suppose! Thanks to a cocky little brat I got it. I wanna do this for me and I wanna do this for my awesome kid who deserves a mom who can play with him.
  • Oh god candykisses - I'm glad I wasn't there. I don't do well when I see people being bullied.

    We went to 6 Flags in the Fall and a woman didn't fit into the rides and she had to get off. These two girls (15'ish) in front of me starting laughing and I got a little crunk. I just stopped and looked at them and said with a very stern tone, "I'm not sure where your mother is, but that is 100% unacceptable and you should be embarrassed of yourselves. I'm sure you won't find it funny when it's you in 15 years..." They both just looked at me and shut right up.
  • SoMuchFattitude-That is awesome. I am glad you said something. Maybe they will think twice before opening their mouths again.

    CandyKisses - One thing I am learning is that it isn't always about what I eat as much as when I eat it. I am finding that it is better for me to eat a bigger breakfast and dinner with smaller snacks throughout the day. Maybe it isn't so much about what you are eating (as long as it is within your DPs) as much as when? Then again this week, all bets have been off on when I have been eating so there is that...
  • Thank you gooch fir the tips!

    Somuchfattitude Oh my gosh, I can feel that woman's pain. I've never had that happen to me but I've had some close calls sometimes. That's every heavy woman's nightmare I think and good for you for standing up to them! I've noticed that fat-shaming is the only type of discrimination that's socially acceptable because the victims actually feel like they deserve it.