20 Something Profiles

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  • Please add your profile, so we can get to know you better. Simply copy the text below and paste it into a reply and add your information.

    First name:

    Geographical location:


    Marital Status:






    Eye/Hair Color:

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey:

    Starting Weight:

    Present Weight:

    Goal Weight:

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss:

    Following any specific plan:

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past:

    Anything else you would like to share with us:
  • First name: Danielle

    Geographical location: Atlanta

    Age: 28

    Marital Status: Married

    Children/Ages: No

    Occupation: Admin Asst in Non-profit children's hospital

    Pets: 2 cats - Oprah and Bliss - they are monsters.

    Hobbies/Interests: football, whiskey, triathlons, cycling, cooking, writing, hosting, drunken crafting, etc.

    Height: 5'5"

    Eye/Hair Color: Brown/brown

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: **** if I know - my whole damn life. lol

    Starting Weight: 325

    Present Weight: 219

    Goal Weight: 150'ish

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: being such a foodie

    Following any specific plan: calorie counting and working hard

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: my mentality

    Anything else you would like to share with us: I'm a little over the top - sorry.
  • First name: Christel

    Geographical location: Michigan

    Age: 25

    Marital Status: Married

    Children/Ages: Stepson (4), Stepdaughter (3), Daughter (11 months)

    Occupation: Stay at home mom

    Pets: 2 black fluffy cats, Tom and Tina

    Hobbies/Interests: Hiking, photography, crafting, reading, writing

    Height: 5'6"

    Eye/Hair Color: Blue/Blonde

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: September 4, 2012

    Starting Weight: 267 (though overall high was 275)

    Present Weight: 257

    Goal Weight: 150

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Managing exercise time with a baby around, and feeding my family one thing while I eat another.

    Following any specific plan: Calorie counting (trying to stay around 1600 right now) and walking at least 5 miles a day.

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: Stability, for at least the next 18 years I'll be a stay at home mom which gives me a good chance to make a routine of it this time.
  • new to 20 something :)
    First name: Jess

    Geographical location: Ontario Canada


    Marital Status: Single

    Children/Ages: nope

    Occupation: Registered Nurse

    Pets: 1 pretty tortoiseshell kitten (Evie)

    Hobbies/Interests: reading, photography , pinterest, crocheting


    Eye/Hair Color: blue eyes, brown hair

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey:soonish/now

    Starting Weight:250lbs

    Present Weight:250

    Goal Weight:175... or under 200

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: eating when i bored/having poor eating patterns

    Following any specific plan: not really. just trying to eat healthy and eat regularly

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: just getting back on track..

    Anything else you would like to share with us: have a history of PCOS and just started on metformin, am increasing slowly and hoping for the best. have a history of anxiety and depression which have really affected the way i lived my life in the past. feeling a lot better right now and trying to start new routines to change my life.
  • First name: Olivia

    Geographical location: Albuquerque

    Age: 29

    Marital Status: Domestic partner

    Children/Ages: No

    Occupation: Librarian

    Pets: Barney, a tuxedo cat

    Hobbies/Interests:Reading Sci-Fi, tennis, television

    Height: 6'1"

    Eye/Hair Color: Brown/hazel

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey:Latest round: April 2012

    Starting Weight: 268

    Present Weight: 251

    Goal Weight:175

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: consistency

    Following any specific plan: Use app to count calories and avoid carbs unless splurging. Exercise occasionally.

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: Recognizing that lasting change will require lasting commitment, without shortcuts.
  • First name: Dani

    Geographical location: Wales

    Age: 20

    Marital Status: Single

    Children/Ages: None

    Occupation: Student

    Pets: One fat cat called Tiggy Bop

    Hobbies/Interests: Music, partying, learning new languages, watching TV, zumba

    Height: 5'3"

    Eye/Hair Color: Dark brown hair, bluey/green eyes

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: Monday! (I mean it this time )

    Starting Weight: 120lbs

    Present Weight: 120lbs

    Goal Weight: My main goal is to lose inches rather than weight

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Carb cravings, cutting down on the vino

    Following any specific plan: Low carb - specifically cutting down on grains

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I have started a new Zumba regime which I have been doing for the past 2 weeks and havent yet given up on so I'm feeling more motivated not to let all that effort go to waste and I am really flippin' determined to fit into a little black size 8 number for my 21st in Vegas!
  • First name: Sarah

    Geographical location: Oregon!

    Age: 22

    Marital Status: In a relationship

    Children/Ages: none

    Occupation: Front desk rep.

    Pets: None here, but 2 dogs at my moms

    Hobbies/Interests: Reading, writing, traveling. I'm still trying to figure out what other hobbies I have. I'm interested in music, and I love to help people.

    Height: 5"7

    Eye/Hair Color: Brown hair, hazel eyes.

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: THIS time, lets call it September 7th.

    Starting Weight: 241.1

    Present Weight: 239.4

    Goal Weight: 140, but we'll see as the weight starts coming off.

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: I have always self diagnosed myself with what I like to call partnered eating. I am WAY more likely to overeat or eat a lot if I am with someone else. For example, when my boyfriend is at work on the weekend I'm never hungry (while he's gone). But it's like the second he gets home my brain starts in with "okay, what are we going to eat". I gained a majority of my weight while my best friend was pregnant. We lived together and when she ate, I ate. We were partners in "crime" if you will. I guess that is one of my biggest hurdles, among many.

    Following any specific plan: I (try to) eat clean, and count calories on myfitnesspal

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I am READY. I'm for real this time. I have been trying to lose weight for the last 6 years, and have struggled immensely with my efforts to do so. I finally had an enough is enough moment while playing with my niece one day and I just decided it was stupid of me not to get into shape.

    Anything else you would like to share with us: I hope to find motivation and support from these forms. I struggle daily as I try to not make food a priority. I am trying to live by "eat to live". If anyone would like to add me on myfitnesspal please do so, my username is sarahmichelexo over there as well.

    Look forward to meeting you all!!
  • First name: Ani

    Geographical location: North UK

    Age: 22

    Marital Status: In a relationship

    Children/Ages: N/A

    Occupation: Sales Advisor

    Pets: N/A

    Hobbies/Interests: Reading and writing, sci-fi TV (Doctor Who and Farscape FTW), travelling.

    Height: 5'5

    Eye/Hair Color: Green/Brown

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: Oct 1st (although I've been "planning" this for years!)

    Starting Weight: 190.5

    Present Weight: The same.

    Goal Weight: 140

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Not listening to my boyfriend, who is very sweet and tells me daily he loves me for who I am, and that I'm beautiful as I am - but I want to lose weight for ME, so I can also love myself and feel beautiful. Also, he's horrible for bringing sugary things into the house - I need more will-power!

    Following any specific plan: Get support here, as that is what I believe I've been missing in the past.

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: The support I feel I may now receive.

    Anything else you would like to share with us: That I think you are all amazing for making the decision to change your life (because although it's just a bit of extra weight, it makes a difference in ways most of us don't understand).
  • First name: Cheyenne

    Geographical location: New England

    Age: 18

    Marital Status: In a relationship

    Children/Ages: none

    Occupation: Full time student, but I do work in the wet lab at my school

    Pets: Fish, 2 Dogs (Cairn Terrier Molly, Pit Bul Rosie), 3 sugar gliders, 7 hermit crabs, 2 gerbils

    Hobbies/Interests: Swimming, science

    Height: 5'11"

    Eye/Hair Color: dirty blonde, blue

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: Getting things set up to start tomorrow, Oct 5, 2012

    Starting Weight: 203

    Present Weight: 203

    Goal Weight: 180

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Consistency/finding time to work out

    Following any specific plan: no

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I want it for me, not to impress others.

    Anything else you would like to share with us:
  • First name: Kym

    Geographical location: London

    Age: 20

    Marital Status: Engaged

    Children/Ages: None yet

    Occupation: Secretary

    Pets: None

    Hobbies/Interests: Reading, history, socialising, shopping, clubbing

    Height: 5'5

    Eye/Hair Color: Blue eyes/Ginger hair

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: 11th October 2012

    Starting Weight: 185

    Present Weight: 183

    Goal Weight: 140

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Eating 'bad foods' proportionately. My problem is I can't stop myself eating too much of it!

    Following any specific plan: Less calories and more exercise

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: Determined not to continued to put on weight and ruin the 60lb loss I made 3 years ago
  • First name: Lee

    Geographical location: Kentucky

    Age: 25

    Marital Status: Married

    Children/Ages: None yet

    Occupation: Mental health worker

    Pets: 1 giant cat named Adin

    Hobbies/Interests: hiking, watching documentaries, trying new restaurants, taking day trips

    Height: 5'6

    Eye/Hair Color: blue/black

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: 10/01/2012

    Starting Weight: 165

    Present Weight: 162

    Goal Weight: 130

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: I'm currently working full time and I'm full time in nursing school, so I don't have a lot of extra time to work in exercise and cooking.

    Following any specific plan: Not currently, but my doctor recommended South Beach so I may give that a try.

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I'm making a lot of changes in my life right now. Decided I'm tired of the way things are and I'm ready to live and look the way I've always wanted to.

    Anything else you would like to share with us: Like a number of other members, I have PCOS which has complicated my weight loss in the past.
  • Great thread! I really enjoyed reading everyone else's profiles =)

    First name: Kelly

    Geographical location: South Africa

    Age: 25

    Marital Status: Unmarried

    Children/Ages: None

    Occupation: IT

    Pets: Two goldfish, Jon and Stephen (named after Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert), forced upon me by my twin brother as a recent house-warming present. It's apparently called a Goldfish Starter Kit. I have no idea what the Advanced Kit would be. Probably a full on effing aquarium.

    Hobbies/Interests: Astronomy, astrophysics, current affairs, politics, education, academia, religion from a non-religious perspective, medical quackery etc.

    Height: 5ft 6"

    Eye/Hair Color: Blue eyes, long blonde hair.

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: Hard to determine. I've been wanting to lose weight for about a decade now. Let's make the date today I suppose. It's as good as any other date. I'm the heaviest I've ever been and the saddest I've ever been as a result.

    Starting Weight: 78 kgs (approximately 171 pounds)

    Present Weight: Same

    Goal Weight: 55 kgs (approximately 120 pounds). I'm not tied to this goal. If I get to around 60kgs but look and feel great then I'll stop. I'm not married to the number.

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Consistency & patience

    Following any specific plan: No junk food, no fizzy drinks, small portions, healthy food, running, skipping, crossfit.

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: More exercise. More support. More miserable and therefore motivated to change.

    Anything else you would like to share with us: Nope, that's it =) Thanks for reading.
  • First name: Charlotte

    Geographical location: Flanders, Belgium

    Age: 25

    Marital Status: Living together

    Children/Ages: None

    Occupation: Student + odd jobs

    Pets: One cat.

    Hobbies/Interests: Former girl scout, I love hiking, outdoorsy things like canoeing, recently even running.

    Height: 173 cm

    Eye/Hair Color: Dark brown hair, green eyes

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: somewhere in March 2012

    Starting Weight: 165 lbs

    Present Weight: 154 lbs

    Goal Weight: 125 or something

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: My own complete lack of discipline

    Following any specific plan: counting calories and being active

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I am actually trying this time.
  • First name: Robyn

    Geographical location: Panama City, Florida

    Age: 22

    Marital Status: Married

    Children/Ages: One daughter, 7 months old

    Occupation: Full-time Wife & Momma

    Pets: One female white pit bull, Hope

    Scrap-booking, cooking, computer programming, homemade baby food.

    Height: Five foot Ten inches

    Eye/Hair Color: Eyes: Blue : Hair: Currently blonde and red.

    Starting Date of Weight loss Journey: August 2012

    Starting Weight: 235

    Present Weight: 223

    Goal Weight: 165

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weight loss:
    Getting off my butt and finding time to do it.

    Following any specific plan:
    Nothing yet, but looking into MRC.

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past:
    I have a baby now; so getting in exercise time is my biggest hold back.

    Anything else you would like to share with us:
    [B]At 17 years old I weighed 245 pounds and became extremely disgusted with the way I looked. I spent 2 1/2 months doing killer exerciser and binge eating when I actually at After 73 days- I weighed 172. I then at 18 began training to become an Air Force SERE and spent 8 weeks in rigorous PRE-BASIC Training. At the end I weighed 160 and I had kept it off for 3 years when I got pregnant with my daughter. I was doing very well keeping a healthy weight during my pregnancy when my mom was diagnosed with "out of control polyp" and had to have surgery to remove it then a colostomy. I was in my second trimester and "stress ate" for the next month. Five weeks after her surgery we got the results back, and she was diagnosed with stage 4-B Colon Cancer at the age of 42. With more stress eating and no exercising, by the time I delivered my baby, I weighed 263 pounds. For the record; that's about 100 pounds that I gained from the time I met my husband to the birth of our daughter. I am MORE than ready to lose this weight I don't need to "weigh" what I did because I know pregnancy can change your body- I just want to feel good about myself again. It's been too-long since I've been proud of the way I look. :]

    P.S; My mom has been through Chemo for the last year and 3 weeks ago she had a second PT scan that showed NO SIGNS OF ACTIVE CANCER CELLS. Praise God!
  • First name: Erin

    Geographical location: Cincinnati, OH

    Age: 22

    Marital Status: Living with boyfriend

    Children/Ages: None

    Occupation: Law Student

    Pets: None yet - but we are hoping to get a dog soon.

    Hobbies/Interests: Cooking, Reading, Playing Piano, Singing, Movies

    Height: 5'2

    Eye/Hair Color: Blue/Brown

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: Sometime in October?

    Starting Weight: 185

    Present Weight: 180

    Goal Weight: 140

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: I have so little self control. Also I love food, I am such a foodie, and I can't resist a delicious meal.

    Following any specific plan: Weight watchers has worked for me in the past so I am going to try that again.

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past:
    I will be getting engaged/married soon & my life goal would to be a size 8 to try on dresses. I think the motivation of the happiest day in my life will keep me going...hopefully...

    Anything else you would like to share with us: I was just recently diagnosed with IBS & I think eating better will help alleviate some of those symptoms.

    I really enjoyed reading everyone's profiles as well. I am really excited to be joining such a supportive and wonderful community!