Half-way to Goal - 100 Pounds Lost! (Warning: Lots of Pics!)

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  • I should first start out by saying, I haven't been as active on 3FC as I was when I first started on this particular weight loss journey in November, 2011. I've taken to posting progress pics on Facebook, for that instant gratification effect. But 3FC has been there for me through so many WL attempts over the years, and the 300+ pound forums have been invaluable to me this time around. The community here is amazing, even if mostly I just lurk nowadays.

    Anyways, my story real quick: I have struggled with my weight, eating disorders and yo-yo dieting for most of my life. I remember I went on my first diet at age 8. Not normal. I'm an emotional eater, and I use food to cope with pain and the stress of life. I got up to 205 pounds in the 8th grade, and then developed an eating disorder in my teen years and got real skinny. Then as an adult, I stopped that and started gaining weight rapidly. That set in motion years of yo-yo dieting, where I would try to get healthy for a while, but would always give up and gain back all the weight I'd lost plus a whole lot more. The end result was that by the time I got to age 32, I was at my highest weight: 366 pounds. I couldn't believe it. I had high cholesterol, ridiculously elevated triglycerides, prediabetes, PCOS, and my knees and back hurt constantly. In short, I was a hot mess. I knew things had to change.

    It was at this time that I started going to a church in the area I had just moved to 3 months prior. Now, basically at that point I was going to work, coming home, eating tons of junk food, and surfing the internet for 10 hours at a time. That was it. I had no social life. But when I started to go to church, I made friends and joined groups. One of them was called "Losing to Live", a weight loss program my Pastor created. You can google "Bod 4 God" and check it out for yourself, if you want. Anyways, through this program, I learned how to make small, simple changes, a little at a time. Like, stop buying the 3 bags of candy every night after work, first of all. Then stop drinking 6 cans of diet soda every day, and substitute water. It was small, incremental changes I could manage. Eventually I remade my entire diet to include more lean protein, tons of fruit and veggies, and less packaged foods and carbs.

    I incorporated exercise slowly but surely. At first I could only do walking, but eventually I started participating in fitness classes offered at the church called "Body & Soul". You can google that too - I'm not sure about direct linking. It's an awesome program where we do cardio, strength training and dance moves for an hour, 3 to 4 times a week. Also, I participated in my church's annual 5k walk/run this year! I walked it, and my time was terrible, but I DID IT! Yay!

    I know I still have a long, long way to go. I'm only half-way there. I'm still prediabetic, my good cholesterol is still too low and my bad cholesterol is still too high and I still struggle with PCOS. But I'm getting there. It's a journey.

    Okay, now what you're all looking for: Progress pics!

    Me at my birthday dinner, July 2011. I'm probably 20 pounds from my highest weight here.

    Me (second from left), Thanksgiving 2011 at around 366 lbs

    Me in December 2011, at around 350 lbs (I had broken several fingers, hence the cast).

    Sideways December 2011 view.

    Me, today in my old jeans.

    Sideways today.


    Sorry this was so long!!!
  • Way To Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • wow, drastic change! congrats!
  • YEAH................YOU LOOK WONDERFUL!!!! Congrats. Pat yourself on the back. You deserve it.
  • That's Amazing!!! Congratulations.
  • You are doing so well! What a huge difference!

    Woo hoo!
  • Way to go! You look beautiful.
  • Good work! You should be really proud of yourself.
  • Great job!
  • You are looking good and feeling even better I bet! way to rock!
  • Wow, what a great accomplishment! It is so wonderful that you had such a great ptogram to join at your church!! Keep it up!
  • Woohoo!! Good job! I bow before you!!!!!
  • AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for sharing your story!! INSPIRING!!!!
  • fantastic!