over my cals for the day :(

  • So im over my cals by 227 for the day. Im trying not to be to hard on myself but its been 4 weeks and 2 days without going over. I was reli craving a cheeseburger and didnt prepare well w snacks so on my way home i got a plain cheeseburger for lunch so that put me over my allotment. Im trying to tell myself it happens but im hoping i wont regret it more than i do. I used to eat mcdonalds n eat like 1000 cals so 300 is good considering my past. Any words?
  • I did that last week. I went 200 cals over my usual intake. I was at my nanna's place, and there's usually heaps of treat everywhere, and she likes to serve big meals. I was doing really well despite that, but then she served apple crumble. I told myself that in the long run, 200 cals isn't that much. I try to look back on it in a positive light, because I went straight back on track afterwards and didn't eat anything else, when I usually just give up for the day and binge.
  • Yea thats true. I didnt binge
  • I think you did really well! You made a decent choice by getting a plain burger, and you didn't let it set you off into a binge. That's awesome.

    If you are worried about the 200 calories (which is nothing to really stress over) maybe you can cut a few extra calories over the next few days to balance it out. Cut 100 calories for the next two days or even 50 calories for the next 4 days and it will be even.

    But seriously, good job keeping things in check!
  • Chances are all that will happen if you're over 200 cals one day here and there you'll just lose at a slightly slower pace. Don't stress about it! You made a good choice
  • Thx ladies. Im a lil scared to gain but im sure itll just be the sodium intake. I couldve been really bad and had a big mac n lg fries and that easily eouldve been over like 1100 cals. Yikes. Guess my lil oopsies really are little
  • For me CC is just one tool I have available to me among many... and most importantly for me it's about being conscious of portion control... so by having a cheeseburger instead of having a number ? whatever, Big Mac, fries, etc.,(I really should remember the number of that Big Mac meal because I've definitely eaten my fair share of those over the years... ha!) I'd say that you did something really positive...
  • I think you made a great choice with the plain cheeseburger. You were able to get something that you wanted instead of obsessing over the thought of it for hours and made a wise choice on keeping it simple. Dieting doesn't require perfection from us. A few little treats here and there is better than completely binging one day because you feel deprived of what you want.