Thai food date! Help!

  • The fiance wants to take me out for Thai tonight, we're visiting all the places in our neighbourhood that we always wanted to but never did, since we'll be leaving in a few weeks.

    I've read that Pad Thai is bad for calories/ I was wondering what to get?

    Here's a photo of their menu:

    I was thinking the Chicken Panang, which weighs in at 600 cals roughly. Or maybe the Massaman curry, which has about 650.

    I've eaten 500 today so far - a greek pita wrap with extra tomatoes and a piece of toast and jam for breakfast.

    Ginger beef apparently isn't too bad either, around 400 according to livestrong.

    I DO want something warm, no salad. I may have a glass of white wine too.

    Advice? Thoughts?
  • If you want an appetizer, I love vegetable summer rolls and they're usually about 80ish calories each.

    One of the first three stir fries are probably what I'd veer toward, and watch the amount of rice, staying around 1/2 cup. All three versions of whole tilapia look awesome, or even the chicken two ways.

    It will, of course, all be higher in calories than your "normal" meal, but just keep an eye on the portions, especially of rice and stay away from coconut milk, fried items, and nut based dishes.
  • This is something I usually do when I go out on Thai dinners with friends. I usually have a jok senh soup to fill me up and then share a plate with a friend, usually curry with steamed rice.
  • whatever you do, stay away from the rice. and whatever you order, try leaving some in your plate. you should be fine. thai food itself (minus the rice) is pretty healthy.
  • I'm living in Thailand now, and I know how tricky finding low calorie food can be. It's amazing though--many Thai people are slim and trim. What I usually do is pick a rice dish heavy in vegetables, such as a vegetable stir fry (pad pak ruam) or a soup. Tom Yum Goong is a delicious one--a delicious soup filled with shrimp, fresh lemongrass and ginger. Somtom, or green papaya salad, is super popular here and can be found at restaurants at home. It's spicy, delicious, and low in cal, although it isn't warm like you wanted.

    I think another helpful to keep in mind while eating Thai food is that it's intended to be shared. How about getting a somtom, tom yum goong and rice dish to share for the table? A shared style of eating is very popular and the meal focuses on the conversation between people just as much as the food!

    I hope you have/had a great, romantic, and delicious meal!!!