forum seems difficult for my computer

  • Sorry for the weird subject; it was hard to summarize my issue.

    I'm not sure if it's because of all the video ads or what, but when I am on this forum my laptop seems like it has to work a LOT harder than on other websites.
    Even more-so if I have multiple tabs open for multiple forum pages.

    It doesn't do this on other forums that I visit, and it isn't exclusive to threads that are image heavy.

    Any suggestions for things I can do? I try to only have one thread open at a time, but it still makes my computer work more.

    Laptop isn't old--bought it about a year ago.
  • Are you using IE? IE can be much slower for the forum than other browsers. Firefox is a free download and is much faster, and the Google Chrome browser is also super fast. What browser do you use?
  • Thank you for replying.
    I use firefox. Could it be anything else? I also notice that when I'm on the forums, the left edge of my laptop (where the hot air vent is) warms up.