desi working girl in a rut!

  • Hello everyone,

    Glad to have found this!

    I am 26, Bangladeshi and desperate to lose some weight! I have about 22 more pound to go and it is creating BIG issues in my life.

    Unfortunately for me, all three meals that I consume has to be from outside. I don't have the liberty to cook/ pack my own meals at my current living situation. I hold a fulltime job, am a part time graduate student and am learning a second language so I have no weekends. I also do not have any support when it comes to weight loss.

    I had been doing good, cutting up fruits and veggies at work to make impromptu raw salads, but then it got old!

    So I've been having a samosa and chocolate milk for breakfast, a chicken roll for lunch and some other aweful fried street food for dinner. One good thing, I try not eat anything after 8 pm.

    I HAVE TO BE at the very least 15 pounds lighter by Dec! Close friends' getting married, I will not be taking a date and believe you me everyone will be staring and judging.

    Anyone with any ideas to help me out?

  • 15 pounds by Dec 1 is certainly doable. I would continue with the fruit and vegies for lunch even if if it gets old. Dieting gets old, no matter what you do. Keep your goal in mind, you can do it.
  • Schedules and food can be a big challenge at times...maybe coming up with a few ways to prepare your veggies and fruit...a few new exciting recipes might help you go back to them as well. I know that could be difficult to do at work, hopefully you could store some spices or dressings at work? One thing I have done (which may or may not be available to you) to help me in a pinch is made a list of every fast food place I can tolerate and found the absolute healthiest options they have. That way even if you eat out, you can at least have something semi healthy. Are there any vendors near you that steam or grill their food?