Not WW - But important...

  • I just signed this very important petition to the President and
    Congress urging them NOT to allow drilling in the Arctic National
    Wildlife Refuge, our most magnificent wildlife sanctuary. Drilling would
    cause great harm to this wilderness area which is one of the few truly
    wild places remaining.

    Please go to,
    add your name and pass it on!!!

    Or you can add your name by checking out a great cartoon animation at

    I think it is a worth-while cause to insure the preservation and safety of the Artic...I hope this does not offend anyone!
  • Just signed the petition and forwarded it to 10 friends.

    Just got a response from the White House correspondence receiver that the e-mail was received, but, of course, the President cannot personally respond but that my message will be brought to his attention.
  • Bumping up because I see 150 people READ this thread..just being a pain in the butt for newbies!
  • Blatant BUMP!
  • :P