
  • When people talk about commitment-phobes they are usually talking about men who won't marry they're partners. I am not a commitment-phobe, I am committed to my boyfriend, I am committed to my job, the only thing I can't seem to commit to is myself and my weight-loss.

    I want to be thin, I really do and you can see from my tracker that I have lost but I have just started a new job and it's the worst job anyone can possibly imagine for someone who wants to lose weight. As if those golden arches weren't tempting enough but now they are free on shift.

    I have tried to take my own food, but I get odd looks and interrogation about why I'm not eating McDonald's like everyone else, how they all stay so thin I will never know. I love my job, not just because I get free cheeseburgers but I love what I do, I just can't resist the food. Work isn't the only problem, I also live directly opposite a McDonald's, I can't get away from it anywhere, I know what I'm like and if I don't sort myself out soon I will find myself eating Mcdonald's everyday. People say soon you'll be sick of it, but I know I won't.

    Can anyone help me?
  • Rachael, what I would do is continue to bring my own food and if someone gives me an odd look or tries to question why I'm doing it, I would just smile and say "doctor's orders" or "I'm allergic" -- you know the old joke, I'm allergic to (fill in the blank) I break out in FAT! Most people hesitate to interfere in medical issues and should cut you some slack.

    Good luck!
  • What is it that you love so much about McDonalds that you think you cannot control yourself?

    You know the nutritional breakdown of the food...

    Or is it that it's readily available and easier than taking the time to fix something for yourself? As someone who relies too much on someone else to fix my food, I can tell you that I do much, much better when I make my own little meal.

    Continue to bring your own meals and, as ladynredd suggests, 'blame' your MD if all else fails. And remember, just because your co-workers are thin doesn't mean they are healthy (not that I want anyone to be sick...) You could also watch the movie 'Supersize Me' for motivation.

    Don't give your power over to the 'Golden Arches'.
  • It may taste yummy, but just think what its made of... all the intensely cruel factory-farmed, pumped full of god knows what chemicals and hormones, saturated fat laden meat and then the not so lovely burger buns and everything else that has hidden sugar in...

  • I'm a hardcore fast food addict... It didn't matter if it was right in front of me or if I had to drive 15minutes out of my way. What helped me was to give it up one day at a time. Literally, I'd say to myself "today I'm not eating any fast food... If I really want it, I can have it tomorrow" it went from one day, then the work week, then a full week... If I did have it, it had to fit into my plan or it wasn't an option (I calorie count, so as long as the calories were there, it was fine). Now, I don't think about it all the time and I've pretty much stopped having fast food, unless I'm just getting something to drink while I'm out running errands.
  • I've put myself off fast foods after seeing pictures on tumbrl of mcdonalds burgers looking fresh as when they were made at 137 days old. I had a fruit bag from there once that spilled in my car, I cleaned my car like a month later and it didn't brown or decay at all. Stuff like that really puts me off.
  • Quote: It may taste yummy, but just think what its made of... all the intensely cruel factory-farmed, pumped full of god knows what chemicals and hormones, saturated fat laden meat and then the not so lovely burger buns and everything else that has hidden sugar in...

    ^^ this and more.