"Simply For Life"

  • I have been on the SFL program since Feb 26 & yesterdays weigh in showed 35.8lbs gone!. Is anyone else doing the program here?
    I have discovered a few things while doing it. The hot flashes I have been getting (that my MD says are not pre-meno) is a milk allergy reaction, that even 2 days not eating clean will give me heart-burn and that I sleep like a log when I eat clean, AMAZING!
    I have OA in both knees which will end in a TKR and need to get this weight off. I hated feeling like a slob and feeling like a log...just wanting to lay around. Last weekend my old pup and I were actually able to walk 9/10ths of a km twice!!!! She was pooped & so was I, but we manged to do it if not a little slower! I am so pleased with myself! heehee I would do a happy dance but my knees won't let me
  • Good on you. I don't know what the Simply for Life plan is but if it works then it must be good. Glad to hear you are finding some triggers which you can now avoid! I find it strange that sometimes we crave the things that upset us, so well done in clearing them from your system. That alone may help with inflammation. Keep going
  • Looked for info. about this plan-what is a typical day for you-food wise? Really trying to find something that works for the long haul-turned 47 and everything stopped working-thanks!
  • Thanks Milly! I am finding more and more items that are triggers for me...as well as things that seem to put my body into overdrive! I am now at aprox 37lbs down! WOOHOO! And lots of energy! I did a deep water aquasize class last week (oh my gosh...can you say pain hahaha) as well as doing more long walks, and today I was able to mow the front yard, side yard and back yard! I haven't been able to do that in such a long time. I usually even sleep better, but the past 2 nights have been bad for sleep.

    Tchermom, I have done so many plans, Some worked, but as soon as I left them I messed up. So this is making me learn about the real life eating.

    Breakfast, a protein and fruit. fruit doe snack. Lunch protein, carb and veg. snack , supper protein and veg. snack at night

    they are really supportive. email me if you like for more info. This is not a mlm or spam. It is franchises and I am not a frachisee. I am a member...and glad I am!
  • Hi! Thanks so much for the info. I would love to go to a center but money is tight right now so I know that is not an option. You are doing great and it sounds like the support is part of the success. Keep up the good work!
  • I am amazed that for all of the centres no one else is doing it
  • I just wanted to add praise for Simply For Life. I did the program several years ago, for 6 months and I lost 40lbs. And it was all completely healthy, your nutritionist also doubles as a therapist and the cost of the program can often be claimed under your extended insurance plan from your employer. The only reason I stopped Simply for Life, was because I moved to Scotland - and Simply For Life is a Canadian franchise.
  • Not familiar with SFL but congratulations on your loss.
  • Dawg House...
    Congrats on your success so far...I especially love the quote on your signature!
  • Hi everyone! This summer has me feeling less than healthy with all the parties and picnics. I really like the simplicity of this plan and it also makes sense to me from a healthy perspective. So today I am jumping back in! I need to get some fruit in the house as I was doing low carb for a while I will check back and let you know how I am doing. Wishing everyone the best -no matter what the plan weight loss is tough!