Still suprised

  • It's been @18 months since I reached my initial goal. I don't weigh very often, maybe every 3 months. So I get a bit of apprehension when it comes time to try on clothes that have been stored away for a season. But sure enough, the warm weather clothes I dug out last weekend all fit just fine. I really am this size now, it's not a fluke.
  • Congratulations on maintaining ! Good job !
  • Congratulations! I can't wait until I'm able to fit into some of my smaller clothes (I've never really fitted into them; I just bought them, lol). It must feel great.
  • Congratulations! You've done amazing!
  • Congratulations! You're an inspiration. I am impressed that you only weigh yourself every 3 months or so.
  • yay...
  • Hearty Congratulations - I trust the pants-o-meter test.
  • Congratulations!
  • Isn't this the greatest feeling, when you have nothing to fear from the change of seasons? When all the advertising and even people around you are saying, "Warm weather's coming ... I've got to do something about my weight now or I won't get into those shorts and that bathing suit." And now you don't share that should've done it before, need-it-by-yesterday panic because you've been paying attention all along.

    I can't believe it when my "investment" clothes really DO turn out to be investments because they're still wearable, year after year.