Need Some Advice!

  • Hey everyone!

    So, I am 7 months into my weight loss journey - through CCing and exercise, I have managed to lose 13.2kg [roughly 30lbs] in total. Which is fabulous. But, it has stopped. It's almost like, my body gets to 71kg, freaks out and instantly puts on 0.2kg until it settles around 72.4kg, and then starts to lose again. Hits 71kg, and then starts the cycle again.

    During Dec, I ate 1300 calories everyday except for Christmas Eve, Christmas and New Years (when I didn't binge, just ate bits of everything). I ran an average 30 mins a day, 5-6 days a week (I had just graduated C25K). And I only lost 1.8kg [3-4lbs].

    January, I joined a gym and began doing weights 3 days a week, cardio for 30min to 1hr on 3 days and ate around 1300-1700 calories. And I gained. So I dropped my calories to 1350 and lost all of that gain. So ultimately I lost 0kg (and gained 0kg).

    I've continued CC at 1350 through to Feb, and so far I've hit 71, and gained 0.2kg for the last three days. And I am ready to pull my hair out, I am so frustrated.

    TOM is 7 days away, and last changed the last 3 months. My cycle has shortened and my cramps have lessened.

    A basic day of eating for me looks like:
    Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs on grain toast (no butter) and instant coffee with skim milk.
    Snack: 1 banana (after the gym)
    Lunch: Avocado, tomato and ham on grain bread (1 slice cut in half, so ready it's half a sandwich)
    Dinner: Salmon with steamed veggies
    Snack: low-fat yogurt with peaches.

    Water is consumption is around 2.5-3L a day.

    That generally brings me to 1350, which is my calorie aim on my FitnessPal.

    I really don't know what I am doing wrong. I've just slipped into the healthy BMI range. I know that my rate of loss should naturally slow down now that my body is at a healthy weight, but I didn't think it would be this stagnant so quickly.

    Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

    Thanks for taking the time to read! Your help and guidance is much appreciated

  • Hi there!

    I know "every body" is different, but here's what I think it could be.

    I think if you're eating 1300 calories a day with the activity level you are doing, you aren't eating enough calories. I'm wondering if your body is in "starvation mode" and holding onto every calorie.

    Keep in mind, if your BMR is at 1400 or 1500 calories, and you are eating below that, that means your body isn't eating enough to function to stay in bed all day. You earn an extra 300=500 calories with your cardio, and then you also need to make sure that you are eating enough calories so that your body can properly repair and build lean muscle mass.

    I honestly think 1600-1700 calories a day would better for you. Since you've been eating 1300 calories for so long, it might backfire a little at first, but I think in the long run your body will respond to it better and I think YOU will feel better as well.

    Also, I use myfitnesspal and I have it set to 1 lb/week, not 2 lbs per week. Even though I've been using 1 lb/week, I have managed to lose like 1.5 lbs per week. (Except for the past 2 weeks, it's just been 1 lb per week but that's because I went crazy off plan during the weekends! lol)

    Again, this has been my experience, and I understand that what may work for me might not work for someone else. But I really do think eating a few more hundred calories a day might help you more than it will hurt you.
  • off topic - i'm rereading my post, and I really should have proofread. Sorry for the multiple mistakes. bahaha
  • grr i've definitely been there too - its SO HARD to figure out what YOUR specific calorie/cardio/strength needs are... it has never been an easy "calories in < calories out" time for me.

    I agree with the above post that you should try to up your calories. your activity level is amazing! and you may need more fuel, ie calories. try lean proteins or veggies. i do agree you might gain at first but it is most likely temporary water weight due to your new strength training (if i read your post right, you didn't start weights until Jan). I have a feeling if you had stuck with the 1300-1700 range while you were in Jan, you may have had some loss after your body accustomed to your new muscle-bearing exercises - that is what happens for me. I absolutely did not lose until I upped my 1200-1300range (recommended to me by a nutritionist no less!) to an average of 1500 a day (cycling between 1300 and 1800).

    just my 2 cents! good luck to you!
  • I think that I will give bumping my calories up to 1500-1600 another try. Before, I think that I just freaked at seeing the increase after a period of no change.

    Thanks for the feedback ladies! In the back of my head, I knew that this would properly be the thing to try, but sometimes I guess you just need someone else to vocalise it!
