my first complete month at "Curves"

  • I'm cautiously optimistic after going to Curves faithfully at least 3 times a week for the last 4 weeks. I was supposed to get weighed and measured and all that stuff on Friday but there were 2 new people being shown around and only 1 person there to do the showing and weighing and measuring. So, just going by my old scale, I'd say that I haven't lost an ounce. I haven't been following any kind of food plan, either, just pretty much Canada's Food Guide. I do feel better, I know I'm getting a better cardio workout between resistance machines. I'm paid up until next january so I'll keep going and hope for the best. I saw a woman get measured at Curves and that didn't fill me with confidence. Maybe it was just me but I thought the measuring lady may have snugged the tape a little too close in order to make the client believe that she'd lost a lot of inches... I know the same woman didn't pull the tape that close on me on my initial measuring when I started, anyway. So, I guess I don't really have much to report. Maybe next month will see a change.
  • how do the panst fit?? they should be showing a small change. do not expect anything on the scale as muscle weighs more than fat.

    But stick with it. many people love it. I know if they were open at a convienient time i would be going too.
  • my $.02 on Curves...
    hey Nora (are you really Nora? I have a daughter named Nora )

    I signed up with Curves last October, but didn't go much through Nov and Dec, what with house guests and holidays and all. Got back on the wagon in January and I've been going pretty regularly. I wasn't doing much exercise prior to that. I did walk occasionally, but did nothing about strength training. Even so, I do not find the Curves workout to be strenuous. And I have mixed feelings about that. I know this about myself--if I hurt myself while exercising then I will quit. So I know I don't want to overdo...but at the same time I don't know if I'm working hard enough, you know? My muscles do feel fatigued during the workout, and directly after (especially my arms as I have no upper body strength). And I am losing weight, but I attribute that more to Atkins than Curves. I wish I could say I have more muscle tone, but honestly I can't say that I've noticed a difference.

    But, I'm like you, I'm going to keep it up...for one thing I'm committed for at least a year but for another, I know absolutely that it's better than NOT exercising. I am walking regularly too, but I know the strength training is important too. So I'm keeping it up, but not expecting miracles.
  • Susan, my clothes all feel the same. It's gotta be doing something though, I'm hopeful that I'll see something in the next month or so.

    Jane, I think you've nailed exactly how I feel about the exercise regimen at Curves. It's not a really strenuous workout and if you're only supposed to do it for a half hour then there really can't be that big of a routine. I'll bet dollars to low carb munchies that Atkins and the walking are what's making the difference for you. As I said, I will keep going 'cos it costs a lot and I'm committed for the year and if nothing else, it does feel good to be doing something positive for me. Besides that, the ladies that go are darned good fun to hang around with.
    Any yep, my name really is Nora. LOL!!
  • This post is so timely for me. I have been thinking about looking into our local Curves. Believe me, just thinking about going and checking out Curves is a BIG deal for me.

    I think I will just keep up my walking for now and maybe put Curves on the back burner.

  • Funny you should mention that
    I did go and check out Curves as they had a free week trial and I jumped in with both feet and was not impressed....I tried to have an open mind and I went every day. There were a couple things that didn't work for is very expensive, the setting itself was very dismal (for the cost), the machines were tippy, and the hours were terrible. I didn't even feel like I broke a sweat no matter how hard I tried to work...I even did the curcuit more than once and it still didn't help...I know there are some people that really enjoy it but it wasn't for me...I had two little words for Curves....BOR ING!

    Eliz...and my 2 cents worth
  • My sister went faithfully (but also did Jazzercise on her off days), ate what she wanted, and lost about 70 pounds.
  • Nora, listen I know it is heart breaking not to lose any weight, I would feel the same but look at it like this, you are giving your body more exercise now then before and your heart is probably just as happy as can be. Are you gaining a little more energy ??? I am a firm believer that some exercise is better than none... Stick with it, I bet you will get results soon, especially if you modify your diet. Oh and think of it like this, you didn't gain any weight and thats a great accomplishment in itself.... Your worth it !!

    Love, Leenie

    For Going !!
  • Nora,
    i too am a member of curves. I only go 2x a week, but i do go to the gym 5x a week. I like it. It is fun quick and easy, no weights to move. as far a mesuring goes, i don't put much faith in it either. i don't do it there at all. I say just do it. 1 month is not really that much time. If you keep obsessing about the weight nd mesurements it will only derail you. I am with Leens, something is always better than nothing and you will feel the change soon enough. Good luck!
    Deb, go. I think lots of women who have not exercised in a while find it to be a great place. Go for the free week.
  • I belong to Curves and I really hate to exercise so it is just the place for me! When I am regular with my workouts I see my problem areas (butt/thighs) toning up some. No, I don't beleive that I am going to get a '20 something hardbody' going to Curves but it sure feels good to be moving again!

  • Noranoranoranoranoranora,

    I wish you lived closer so that you could drag my sorry butt there with you!

  • My thought is that you are doing more than what you were doing before. So good for you and keep it up. youare committed for a year so take it for that. keep going and do the work outs more than once enjoy the comorodery that you have there and stick with it.
  • Deb, I'm really not getting a very big bang for my buck. I bet you could spend the same money and get a membership at a nice gym, maybe even one with a pool and some shower facilities for the same price. However, it is easy, quick and fun. I am glad I'm going because I'm doing darned little else and it really does feel good to be doing something.

    Liz, I'm with you. If I hadn't paid a year in advance there's no way I'd still be going. It's a question now of getting my money's worth. Scottish and Dutch descendant, how frugal does that make me? (should that be Scottish and Duttish? Scotch and Dutch?) But, I digress.

    Nettie, there's a woman where I work who's just done the same thing. She looks wonderful and I know she's lost quite a lot of weight. She's lost it at Curve's but I think she's doing Atkin's faithfully, too.

    Aw, Leenie, you are so sweet. You are the very best cheering section a gal could ever ask for! LOL!!!

    L, I am glad that I'm at least doing this. And this is just about the very least I can do and still call it exercise. I am enjoying it, it feels great to get my blood circulating and I am developing some good habits as far as setting aside this time to take care of myself. I'm keeping my eyes open for the right kind of equipment that I can buy for my cellar so that I can do the same kind of stuff but with a little more resistance and better music. I'd like to be all set up here by the time my membership runs out at Curves.

    Kelly, I agree. It's worth it all just to move. The women that go there are great, too. It's been a very pleasant experience for me, generally speaking.

    Peachie, I would love to be able to do this stuff with you. If only...