JM'S Ripped in 30......Who's in?

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  • I'm looking for some one to join me in doing Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 program. From all the reviews I have is awesome and really gives results.

    I have never done any of JM's videos, but, have heard plenty about them.

    I know they can be if I'm gonna sweat my 'you know what off' I mind as well go all the way!

    I would love someone to join in with me so we can support each other, 'cause I know, if no one's watching I can find every excuse in the book not to work out.

    Perhaps at the end of the 30 days, we can post our stats and/or before and after pics.

    Sooooooooo......Who's In?
  • I might be interested in joining you! I haven't done Ripped in 30 yet. I'll have to see if I can get my hands on a copy. The nice thing about JM videos is even though they're really tough, they're short. I haven't been able to stick with doing 30 Day Shred for more than a few days at a time yet, but that's how I've been able to make it through the video.

    I've been trying to set up a daily workout routine, but also keep coming up with excuses. It looks like we have very similar stats too!

    This thread should probably get moved to the fitness video board.
  • Glad to see you Talina...yup I guess we are very similar. I'm hoping to start tonight. I've previewed the week 1 video and it doesnt look too hard, but, we all know looks can be deceiving i'm shooting for doing this 4x's a week and maybe throw in some callanetics. Don't forget Talina, every bit helps and with the rip dvd Jillian starts you off slow so you can build your strenght and endurance. Good luck and welcome aboard!
  • I bought Ripped in 30 last fall before we moved. If I can find it, I'm in.

    I keep trying to do a 45 minute workout in the mornings and it's just not working - I work late and then find myself sleeping in. Maybe it'll help if I do a 30 minute one instead.
  • Awesome to have you Sylvied! Ya, the longer workouts can be so cumbersome, thats was one of the appeals of this workout..."only 30 mins"...It may be kick butt, but, its only a half the time of most programs.
  • I've been doing it with some other videos for a couple months. It's a butt-kickin' good time! I was VERY impressed with how well done it is, and how hard it is while still being something I can do. I had just got done with a full round of P90X which is almost legendary for being hard, and I thought Ripped in 30 would be sort like taking a break. NOT! It's very hard, just in a different way. Jillian will smoke you, but you're gonna love it. I really like that it's a fairly short workout (about 35 minutes start to finish counting the warm up and cool down) and love the 3/2/1 format.
  • Well I got my hands on Ripped in 30. Now I just need to go home from work today and get to it! The problem is right after work I'm usually too exhausted that I need time to relax. Then I don't get back into a productive mode. Before I know it, it's past my bedtime.
  • Right now I'm doing the 30 day shred but when I finish it (in 28 more days) I do plan on checking this dvd out for sure!
  • So I got up this morning and tried to do 30 DS (Because I was short on time). But I had to stop after one circuit because I realize how late it was going to make me for work. It wasn't much, but at least it was a start for me to put in the dvd and move! So now I plan to get home and do Ripped!

    I'm also going to take pictures and measurements tonight. I do a daily weigh in and was exactly 166 this morning (it fluxuates a lot, but that seems to the average for the past few days), so it looks like that's my official start weight. I have a new bikini that I can't wait to see how it will look in month!

    Madison, have you started yet? I know I'll probably need someone to keep me going. Here's to no excuses!

    Sylvied, I've been having the same problem. I need to figure out how to get my butt out of bed earlier. Snooze is evil!

    EagleRiverDee, what do you find to be the major difference between Jillian and p90x? What's harder or easier? I'm considering trying 90x when I'm finished with Ripped, but it's a bit early to be planning that!

    Spryng, I look forward to you joining us in 28 days!
  • Talina-

    Jillian and P90X are totally different, but both are totally hard. You already know Jillian does a 3-2-1 resistance-cardio-abs and that her workouts are about a half hour. P90X is about an hour a day 6 days a week so you do (for example) chest and back on Monday, Plyometrics on Tuesday, shoulders and arms on Wednesday, Yoga on Thursday, Legs on Friday, Karate on Saturday, Rest or stretch on Sunday. Also on M/W/F there is a 15 minute abs program.

    I think they are both great programs.
  • I did it this morning. I found the dvd and managed to get up and got through level 1. The one issue I have with it is that some parts of the workout seem best suited to different sized weights so I probably shouldn't be using the same size weights throughout and I'm going to have to sneak into my husband's workout to steal his weights.
  • Sylvied- I use just 2lb and 10lb weights in Ripped in 30. I can lift way more than that when I'm doing resistance training, but JM focuses more on holding poses for a long time or lifting for a couple minutes at a go and even with light weights you will feel pretty fried. You won't need anything too heavy, I don't think.
  • Hello everyone! I plan on starting the rip workout this weekend. I've been doing Callanetics (awesome workout btw) and it's kicking my butt. By the time I'm done with legs are shaking! So, I've decided to alternate every other day with rip and callanetics. For me, both in one day would probably be just too much and/or overkill. Rip will get 4 days and callanetics 3. I think this would be a good mix for me until I build more strength and endurance.

    Glad to see everyone here Keep posting!
  • Thanks EagleRiverDee, I've been using 5-7 lbs (depending on how I feel that day) and they've been okay. It's just the second circuit on Level 1 with the pseudo kettlebell swing move where I feel like I could probably shift up to a 10.
  • I finally got myself out of bed early enough this morning and hit play! So day one down!

    I was surprised that it wasn't as bad as I was expecting, which means I really need to push more and use heavier weights for some things. I agree with the kettleball swing. That didn't feel like it was working anything, I'll definitely try something heavier tomorrow. It's kind of weird that she tells you to have two sets of weights but doesn't switch. Maybe she does in the other levels. I couldn't believe the workout was only 3 circuits. I kept expecting a fourth, and when the cool down started I thought it was a trick.

    I still hate push ups! It was such a relief to hear Jillian say that we only had to do them for one week. I get frustrated because I can only go down a few inches, but the knees feels way too easy. I didn't give them my all today because I wanted to save some energy for the rest of the video. Now I know to push through them anyway.