Walking. If you're not, you must.

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  • I've lost most of my weight so far by simply eating in moderation. Go figure. Knowing I wasn't really completing the whole picture of my new healthy way life, I decided it was time to start walking. I'm a huge couch potato, but do enjoy the outdoors. My dream is to be a runner, but as a super chubby girl who already has been officially diagnosed with Runner's Knee (both knees), I don't know that that will happen, but I'm sure going to try!

    So...I've been walking lately and even got the kids asking to go. We started out with a mile and then tried 2. The little ones don't last long, but my 12 yr old has been such a motivator and blessing to me! He and I set a destination far enough away from our house and planned to at least get there and maybe call for my husband to pick us up if we were beat. Well we walked 7 miles that day!! We talked and laughed and he kept saying, "mom, do you need motivation now?" He knows to run ahead and pull me along if I needed it. It was awesome. We walked many times since and it's been great for our relationship and physical health!

    I have a treadmill and tried using it, but I keep looking at the time and miles. No fun. So...today I downloaded Runkeeper and LOVE it!! I mapped out an area around my kids' school and went for it. I walked 4.33 miles!! That's huge in my world. I wanted to quit and take a short cut, but kept telling myself I could go further and faster! And I did! Walking outdoors, according RunKeeper, showed I could walk way faster and further than I thought.

    Would I rather have been sitting inside doing nothing but watching a movie? Yes, at first. But once I was outside and breathing in the crispy air an amazing energy came about me. The sky was blue. The air smelled rich and it was good. The area is very hilly so on the steep parts I didn't look far ahead. Just right in front of me. Before I knew it I was at the top and felt proud. That happened a gazillion times because it feels like the entire area was all hill!

    So, if you don't walk, do. Just around the block, then maybe 2. See how good you'll feel .
  • yep, I love walking. I'm very lucky to have a park and botanic garden nearby. Plus, living in the city, I walk a lot just getting to work and home, and everything else.
  • Oh, yes city walking. That's a great opportunity! I bet it's beautiful in NY! I've been to Manhatten twice, but always just for quick 1 day stop overs. However, we walked everywhere! The heat and humidity in July almost killed me.

    For everyone else...walking, swimming, doesn't matter. I just meant MOVE! It feels so good.
  • You have such a great attitude and outlook - you can't help but succeed. Your son sounds like a great kid, BTW.

  • I love walking! I have been able to get my partner to walk with me 1x per week. It is so much more fun with someone else. It is the only exercise I can trick him into doing.
    It sounds like you have a great walking buddy in your son.
  • Thanks Lin! He's the best!

    Madame...That's awesome! Glad you have company at least once a week!

    Tomorrow it's supposed to rain, but I"m thinking we'll go for it anyway. Wish me luck!
  • Haha! You must live in a warmer area than me. The warmest day this week reached a high of about 3 degrees Fahrenheit, and another one of the highs during the day was -15. Heck no am I walking in that, with my kids or otherwise!
  • i kinda live in a high crime area :-\ though i would love to walk outdoors reguarly, i end up walking on the treadmill heh.
  • I agree that walking is excellent exercise. Me and my Father both lost 20 pounds that way. Unfortunately it's winter right now. :/
  • LOL! Ok, fine. I'm in Southern Ca and I did walk in "freezing" weather this am. It was 43 degrees. That's cold for us!

    3 degrees! Holy Cow! Ok, I guess you get a pass. When I was in TX at Christmas it was snowing and people were actually jogging. I guess it was warm(in the 20's) to them.

    I get the high crime thing. Yikes! Our area is pretty nice, but I always feel a little nervous walking on the main streets. That's why I scouted out the route around the school. I have to watch a movie or tv show if I do the treadmill. I usually read a magazine too.

    Angel...that's awesome! I hope it builds strength and helps me lose more weight!
  • i usually walk for an hour with my husband on one of the machines nearby and we watch an hour long television show to make it go by faster. it works well.
  • Last May I adopted a one-year-old mixed breed puppy from a no-kill rescue program. He was advertised as an Australian Shepherd (who need a lot of exercise) but we now believe that he is mostly Husky (who need a LOT of exercise). Walking/running him 5-8 miles a day was the only thing that kept him from being an anxious wreck and eating my house. He's calmed down some, but every single day, rain or shine, we do at least a 2.5 mile walk in the morning, starting at about 6:30 am. Then my husband does an afternoon walk about the same length. Having that kind of external motivation (walk or your house gets eaten) has really helped me! What I find is that I love watching the sun come up every morning, that proper clothes make it possible to tolerate all kinds of weather, that when I feel good or have the time I naturally throw running or extra miles into our workout (sometimes we go up to 6.5 miles in the morning).

    For me, the key to long-term weight loss (and I'm trying to lose 125 lbs so the only way is long-term) is to do a bare minimum every day and to not ever let myself out of it, and to push myself when I feel stronger and better. I work a job that has a very variable schedule and keeps me up nights a lot, but more than once I've come home from work in the morning, and walked the puppy. I don't think I would have talked myself into working out in that situation without him.
  • yep, it's snow covered and 26 degrees outside today, brrrrrr!
  • Yeah, it snowed here today. I'm looking forward to spring, so I can walk at a lovely park near my office. There are several trails and the perimeter loop is about 3 miles, so it's a good walk. There's also a bike trail along the river not far from my house that I'm hoping to use more. I listen to audiobooks on my Ipod and really enjoy it.
  • Seven miles! Holy Toledo that's a walk! I'm impressed! I've been doing an extra workout that includes walking in the evenings. I just hop on the treadmill and walk through a few shows. It's not as much fun as being outside though. I miss the nice weather. When it's nice out I can walk our two cul-de-sacs which is exactly .5 mile. I just make several loops. This way I can be close to my kids if they need me.