Weight Loss Graph

  • Does anyone here chart their loss online, using a chart or graph? If so, could you let me know where you have found it? There is a free one you can use at the slimfast site, but I can't figure out how to go back and put my old info in!
    I just love visuals to add my weekly weight loss to, and would like a graph.
    I really like the printable weight loss thermometer that you can get from DWLZ! I just did mine yesterday, and it really makes you feel like you are getting somewhere!
    What are some other visual aids that everyone uses?
  • This isn't an online graph, but I love this spreadsheet.


    It charts your progress, provides a graph, calculates your BMI, and gives you a predicted date to reach your goal weight.

    Hope that helps.
  • Amy,
    Thanks, I will try it out and get back to you!!!!
  • Wow!! I love that chart. I really like have the estimated goal date listed.
  • Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love that speadsheet. It is so easy to use and read. Now I just want to lose so I can play with the spreadsheet!
  • I don't have Excel, so I can't use it. It sounds like fun, too! Thanks for sharing, though, it seems like others are enjoying it!!
  • There is one you can print out (you'll need to print one for each month) at this site:
