New member

  • Hello.

    My name is Toni. I'm 26 years old and a new-ish mommy to 1 year old Joshua.

    I have fought with weight issues my whole life. I remember being in elementary school and being insecure with my weight. I did the Atkins diet for 8 months between 2004-2005 and lost a total of roughly 100 pounds. However, I've gained it all, and more, back.

    After giving birth I had severe sciatica, which I believe was mostly caused due to my weight. I'm joining this forum in hopes to gain new friendships and support as I have a non existent support group here. My family is very small, and although supportive, would not follow a lifestyle change with me. Being a full time employee and mother, I don't have much time for friends, which is another area I lack support.

    Here's to 2012 being my year of actually changing my lifestyle of bad eating habits and getting this weight off for good!!
  • Welcome! Jump in where ever you feel comfortable and get ready for lots of advice and help! Good luck on your journey!
  • Toni, welcome, glad to have you join us. I suggest you look for a Challenge or Support group to join; small check-in groups make it easier to connect, get involved, and be accountable. We have groups centering arouns specific diets, themes, or age groups, find one that inspires you and just post to join! Be sure to check out the 20-Somethings and the Dieting with Obstacles sub-forums!
  • WELCOME...You'll find a great bunch of people here. Cheering you on to goal...Remember, one day at a time, one meal at a time, one pound at a time. YOU CAN DO THIS!