Can anyone recommend a good cleanse?

  • I've been wanting to do a cleanse for a while now but I'm not sure what route to take. Any suggestions?

    Happy Tuesday, everyone!
  • Acdub.. I've heard good things about the lemonade cleanse I think it's called, but it's a real cleanse wasn't set up for weight loss, that's just a side effect. There is a lot about it on the web. Seems hard.
  • So far, all the "cleanses" that I'd heard of use fraudulent fake science (seriously, our bodies cleanse themselves quite nicely already) and put your health at risk. Do be careful. Why don't you try something like avoiding all processed food and eating lots of salads (though not exclusively!) for a week?
  • Quote: So far, all the "cleanses" that I'd heard of use fraudulent fake science (seriously, our bodies cleanse themselves quite nicely already) and put your health at risk. Do be careful. Why don't you try something like avoiding all processed food and eating lots of salads (though not exclusively!) for a week?
    Yesssss. There is no reason to do a cleanse. Your body knows how to do that all on it's own. Lots of fresh veg will get things moving . I am fond of the Yogi Detox tea, though. Seems to help me during the time of the month I usually have water retention.
  • My hubby just had a colonoscopy and the prep will really clean your system and it is all stuff you buy over the counter, course he said he would never drink gatoraid or beef broth even if it was the last items left on earth, LOL.

    Seriously you do need to watch out for some of those over the counter cleanses. I did Robert Ferguson's 6 day detox, lost 6 pounds, but not sure I could ever choke some of that stuff down again. It was smoothies, juices, soup and a bunch of nasty stuff but I did feel better. I did like the smoothies, but not the green gunk.
  • Given that the body does a perfectly good job of ridding itself of waste material, I never understand why people want to use harsh substances to accelerate that process. These cleanses clean out your wallet and are rough on the body. As a nurse I have seen bowel cleanses ordered by physicians as preps for tests, but they play havoc with one's electrolytes, so people feel so awful going through them.

    I suggest as posted earlier that you increase your fiber intake and decrease processed foods. If you resort to a "cleanse" you will lose weight temporarily (mostly water) and then everything in your gut will return to its normal state.
  • 3FC does not support this type of dieting! Please reconsider.
  • Agreed! The body cleanses itself very well. A 'cleanse' is really just a strong laxative anyway and doesn't have the magical properties their marketers would lead you to believe.

    The important thing is to stop putting bad things into your body to begin with