Oh my goodness I am addicted to Carbs!

  • Okie Dokie,,I LOVE CARBS!!!!!!..and I know thats a NO NO...but yum yum...chips...fries...breads!!!...I am there!!!!...I crave them 24/7 and want to be able to slap my hands and say...now thats enough missy....doesn't seem to be working...if any of you have the time...maybe someone could help me out...because to be honest...I'm not even sure where to start...I know I need to cut WAY down on my carbs...just really not sure how to...so if anyone can help me out...or can possibly just come over and hit me in the head with something when I grab those Carbs,,,,I'd be grateful..(lol)....ty for taking the time to read this...Take care and stay safe...Touch(Alayna) ...and yeah...i need to stop smoking too!!!...teehee
  • ummm alayna... cold turkey? substitute protein. that really helps cut cravings. and maybe take a look at your emotions as well. some of us use carbs as comfort food or when under stress or bored or whatever. they go down soooo easily!!!!

    yep! my vote is to eat protein instead.

    and welcome aboard!! hang out with us. there's lots of good advice around here.
  • Welcome!

    And you hit the nail squarely on the head, my friend: It is a complete, full-blown, bonafied ADDICTION! Read up on the science of how/why we carb addicts react the way we do and non-addicts don't and it will all make sense!

  • OH the addiction! carbs are teh bane of my existence, I too love all the good stuff--we all do or we wouldn't be here! Just keep coming back to the forum for some support and good information on how to beat those cravings. Here's my suggestion as well as the protein--lots and lots of water!
  • Hello and Welcome!!

    Yes--we are all reformed addicts!! I am still in love with Carbs--I just don't eat them--or crave them anymore

    The first 5 days are MURDER!! Just cut back, and if you reach for the carbs STOP--think about what you are putting in your mouth--and ON your hips!!

    After the first 5 days--it'll get easier. Really!!

  • Hiya, Touch! Nice to see another Canadian!

    I too am addicted to carbs! Bread and pasta were the hardest thing for me to quit but lots of protein and water will see you through the next week or so.

    Major congratulations on quitting smoking!

    Welcome to the most supportive group of chicks on the site.
  • I am very addicted to carbs. I went cold turkey with DH when we started this diet. The first two weeks were ****, but one day, just like that I was fine. I find this WOE is easier that diets that allow you carbs. I can't resist them in small doses, but once you have them out of your system it is easier to resist. Hang in there!
  • Pasta and potatoes are my addiction. I've learned that I have to cut these out completely or I'll start binging. After the first few days without it does get easier. Hang in there.
  • WOW!!!!!...first of all I want to thank everyone for taking the time to read my little note and secondly for all the wonderful helpful replies!!!!!!..YOU PEOPLE ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!...so okie dokie...say noooooo to carbs and yes to protien and water!!!!....well...I'll give it a go!!!!!...I'm a very strong willed person...just had no idea where to start,,,thanks for all your help...take care...stay safe!!!!!(Touch)...Alayna