Long Long Long Plateau

  • Hiya everyone,

    I am stuck in a rut wit my weight loss. I have been the same weight 66.5kg for months now. I do resistance training 3 times a week and 2 days of spin classes (cardio) so I train 5 days a week and walk my dog each day for at least 40 minutes.

    I would really like to get my weight moving down to 60kg does anyone have any answers for me please? I am just freaked because I feel as though I am eating the right foods but not sure if I am eating to much or to little for the amount of exercise I do. I would burn at least 500 to 580 calories per day.
  • How many calories a day are you eating ?
  • I was eating 1700 calories/day and lost over 25 pounds. Then I went for 14 weeks without losing weight.

    So I dropped my calories down to 1500/day. I have lost 1 pound/week since.

    But I recently upped my exercize, so I also upped my calories/day, so I don't get weak and hungry.

    You'll have to play around with the numbers to see at which point you start to lose again.

    I keep track of what I eat and how many calories I burn on LoseIt.com
    That really works for me.

    My weight loss is really slow, but it is coming off anyway. The most I can lose is 10 pounds by the end of this year.

    Best of luck to you!

    One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn' t pay to get discouraged.
    Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself.
    ~ Lucille Ball ~
  • Exercise is wonderful for your health and appearance, but without restricting food you are unlikely to lose weight. Eating the right foods is also great for your health and can make restricting easier (you just get more food from veggies and high-fiber unprocessed foods), but it is still easy to eat too much if you aren't tracking.

    So, I agree with the other posters. Track your foods and come up with a plan so that you make sure that you eat less than you burn over time in order to lose weight. I find the easiest way to do this is to count calories and maintain a daily target. Other people cycle calories over the course of a week. Some people follow plans that dole out the food for them and they get restricted calories that way. Others choose foods that allow them to restrict calories without counting per se (e.g. some low carbers can manage to eat less without counting calories, but that didn't work for me, personally).
  • When you do the same exercise all the time, the body becomes efficient at doing it and uses less calories. Try changing your exercise and reducing calories.
  • Thank you everyone for your support.

    I eat around 1300 cals per day and don't drink alcohol during the week. On the weekend I would consume at least 1500 to 1600 plus two glasses of wine.

    Should I be eating more considering the amount of exercise I do?
  • i don't know how many calories you need to lose, what you're doing sounds ok-ish to me, but you need to change something.

    Why not swap a spin class for a BodyAttack class (if they have them at your gym). Or introduce a couple of 20 second sprints or something when you're out with the dog.

    Or the other thing you could do is book a session with a nutritionist/personal trainer (tell the people at they gym what you want and see what an 'expert' has to say?)

    Good luck, and update this thread if you find anything, and also if you try stuff and it doesn't work. We want to know what works and what doesn't too!!!

    (p.s. great weather this weekend isn't it?!)