MS and Weight Loss - Kind of a drag....

  • I have MS. I was diagnosed three years ago and have put on a whole lot of weight since my diagnosis (emotional eating). Anyone else have this obstacle?
  • There have been and likely are still some people here who have MS and have suffered with weight-gain too. They have proven that you can lose weight and get healthier. Just eating healthier can help you in this regard even if you can't do much exercise (walking is good).

    Many, many, many people eat to soothe their emotions (me included). I posted a thread about this in the Faith Forum that might have some ideas to help you. It is called -- EMOTIONAL EATING: How to Heal.

    Here's a link to it ...

    Here's another really positive thread that can help us to keep our minds on positive things ...
  • My mom was diagnosed with MS in the early 1990's when she was in her late 20's. She said it was the meds that made her gain and lack of mobility (this came later). Drinking more water and subsituting choices in food worked for her.

    Good luck and cheer up. It's a tough road and my mom is the toughest person. You can conquer.
  • My mom had MS. My uncle, cousin and my sister have MS. They say it's not inherited... Yeah...

    Anyway, my sister was diagnosed over 20 years ago. She had a lot of success with Weight Watchers and has kept the weight off for several years. She eats super healthy and exercises (she runs.) My cousin lost weight with WW too and is now eating gluten free and vegan. It seems to help her symptoms, I believe. Especially eating gluten free. That might be something to research.

    You can lose the weight and a healthy lifestyle will help with the MS. Even though there isn't a cure yet, the meds keep getting better. My sister is nowhere near where our Mom was at her age. I guess what I'm saying is, there are things you can do that can stave off the progression somewhat.

    Good luck!
  • Hello,

    I have MS. I found out about 3 years ago, just after my 24th birthday. The weight started to pile on and before I knew it, I had gained over 100 lbs. I deluded myself into thinking I was fine and I realize now how depressed I was.... am.
    I am excited to be on here! I'm actually looking forward to the future, instead of being afraid of it and what new symptom tomorrow may bring. I can't live like that anymore!
  • chicken/egg
    hey. I was dx with ms when I was 21. I'm now 27.

    short answer. yeah. lots of weight gain. esp as I started an interferon beta and learned to manage it/underlying health issues. and the couple years of crying.

    but. after gaining 50 plus pounds i decided to keep a food journal and start walking. I eventually lost like 115 pounds. that said. I did it while on a half dose of my interferon beta. once i went up to the whole dose. I gained 40 lbs. doesnt help that depression is a symptom of both ms. AND the medication. plus the mobility issues.

    i'm working on the 40 lbs. I went back down to the half dose of Rebif/am in a stable (read, boring) sort of job and things are good.

    sorry what was the question? emotional eating. right. I'm lucky. I'm mobile enough to make myself get out of the house. and i dont keep crappy food in my kitchen.

    every day is a choice what I eat. and every day I have to choose not to give in to comfort food when nobody will fault you for feeling miserable. i have no easy answers and an anti depressent can just make the emotional eating worse. (they do work though! see your gp if you're struggling with mood or energy)

    lol I'm using neuro prescribed anti fatigue medication with the happy side effect of repressing my appetite and combating SAD. it helps a little bit. the other anti fatigue meds just make me nap and i have horrible cravings whenever i wake up from naps. cést la vie i guess.

    ps. hi rosebud! guess where i went last month? china!! hope ur well *hug*