new mindset

  • This is the 3rd time I've followed a WW plan, and it's the first time I've made it past six months. The two previous times, I'd lost roundabout 45 lbs at the six month mark and then just lost all momentum and motivation. But now, I'm at 7 months and only 37 lbs. So while I'm losing weight slower, I feel better, am making better choices, and know I have the attitude and determination to see this through to my goal weight.

    I mean, this week I only lost 1/2 a lb, but I was able to eat out twice on Saturday (including Mexican where I had a margarita) and I exercised my butt off and enjoyed exercising my butt off, so the 1/2 lb loss is really just kind of like icing on the cake, 'cause this is about being HEALTHY not just skinnier.

    I've set some small short term goals through the end of 2011 that I think are very realistic, and I'd love to hit Onederland by my 31st birthday in November 2012 (which means, yes, I'm turning 30 THIS November!). It's just weird to be in a place where I have such a different attitude towards food and exercise and my weight!
  • Good for you, Tudor Rose! Might be awesome to be in the place and FEEL GOOD in it!

    You go, girl!
  • Excellent attitude! I love it

    You're absolutely right. This is about being healthier.

    Keep it up