Lifting Weights

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  • I have been lifting weights for 2 weeks now 3 times a week. I currently do a full body weight training routine. It take me about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Would it be better for me to work a few muscles at a time.

    I was thinking:

    I really do not do legs.
    But I do it 3 times a week and I would do 2 twice and the other one only 1 time. Would that be okay.
    I do not mind the full body workout just when I am done I hurt all over instead of just 2-3 muscles.

    And how long should a weight workout last.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated as I want to do it correct.

  • What exercises are you doing for your legs? As much as you hate doing legs, those are your biggest muscle groups and you will reap the most benefits. I could offer more suggestions if I knew what kind of exercises and how many reps and what weights you are using.
  • I do 3 sets of 12.
    I have a york 2001 gym I use and I do some free weights.
    I really do not know what the exercises are called but on this page I do
    Chest Dumbbell Exercises:Number 1 and 3
    Shoulder Dumbbell Exercises: Number 1 and 2
    Back Dumbbell Exercises: Number 2 and 3
    Trapezius Dumbbell Exercises: Number 1 and 2
    Biceps Dumbbell Exercises: Number 2 and 4
    Triceps Dumbbell Exercises: Number 2 and 3

    And I do about 10 exercise on my home gym.
    I am new so I do not know what there really called so thought if I show you, you will understand. And I do 3 sets of 12 of every exercise I do with 30 seconds rest between sets and 1 minute in between changing the exercise.
    Thanks and this is greatly appreciated.
  • Okay - another (couple) question(s) - how much weight are you lifting? Are you lifting to fatigue? I.e. when you get to number 12 of a set is your body saying "I don't think I can do this."

    For me an hour and 15 minutes would be long. I like to combine my exercises so that I am working a lot of stuff at the same time. My first workout when I started lifting was this one:

    Walking lunges with weights (10lbs in each hand) - 20 x 3
    Squats with weights (12 lbs in each hand) - 15 x 3
    Chest fly on balance ball (i used 10 pounds in each hand but you can use less) 10 x 3 - I found a youtube video - keep your bum tucked up when you are doing it!

    Then these 3 x 10

    Then push ups 3 x 10 ( I started from my knees - when I got to the point that I needed it to be more difficult I still did them on my knees but I used a upside down BOSU for my arms) Push ups are a great but under-appreciated exercise. They are great for the core and the shoulders!

    And finally oblique seated twist with a medicine ball

    There are other exercises you could add in or do but try these and see how it goes.

    The good thing about this kind of routine is a) you save time! and b) you work more efficiently. Every exercise works multiple muscle groups. You will be a sweaty mess by the end of this!
  • I use enough weight that when I am done my last set of each I could not even do one more.

    I will try to add some of these into it also. As far as push ups lol i am 345 pounds on my knees maybe but I doubt it but I will try for sure.

    Any more suggestions what about protein after your done your weights is it true you need some with in 1 hour or so of working out.

  • I do a 15 minute medicine ball and exercise bike on my cardio days which is 2 times a week. I love and hate that little ball.

    So one hour is too long really.

  • So whole body weights are better then you are saying.
  • This may be stupid but what is a woodchops and how do you do it with weights.
  • Also my weight training days right now are like bit over 1 hour. I was told that is too long but with the amount of different things I do I do not know how to cut it down any suggestions.
  • Monkey bars lol I would not be able to hold my weight up for 10 seconds lol.
    Also is it ok to do weights 3 times and cardio 2 times a week.
    Or should I do a bit of both each day.
  • I do not wander I actually work the hour hard. Really hard my arms and that are dead when I am done. But maybe will look into a program.

  • I take 30 seconds between sets and 1 minute between changing exercises.
    I do about 15 exercises in total. Should I be doing less or maybe do weights and cardio on same day just less of each.
  • I just baught progym bands. Has anyone used it? Is the handle ok? My instructor has asked me to look out for good handle.
  • Well i know they suggest either doing all upper body one day and then lower body the next time or the entire body for maximum muscle growth, they also reccomend 45 min window, and also 8 to 10 reps with a weight that you can do no more with afterward, also resting in between is supposed to be around 1 or 3 minutes, can't really remember, it's also suggested to have protein before and or after a workout, a lot of builders also have some high gi carbs to speed the uptake in the body and replenish glycogen levels ( on hand reserves ), these guys typically are lean to begin with though... So.

    Personally i would concentrate mostly on losing weight and maintaining muscle mass, that is cardio work with a high protein diet and a smattering of low GI carbs ( fruit ) you want your body to replenish energy stores by canabalizing fat, that ,means eating many times daily and sticking to a suitable calorie intake, i would suggest eating your BMR and allowing any exercise /activity to be fueled by body fat, should keep your metabolism churning hard. Still weight training does increase the metabolism for a period of time greator than just cardio so it will return greater results over time, not necessarily greater losses but it is a benefit to increasing ones ability to burn.

    So i say mostly cardio with a few days a week of lifting, gaining lots of muscle typically requires eating lots (protein), something that goes against weight loss. I personally aim for higher rep count as i'm not interested in looking like a muscle head any longer, but rather just nicely toned and muscular, trying to keep what i have.
  • So here is what i do for weights.
    I do about 15 exercises 3 sets of 12
    I rest 30 seconds between sets and 1-2 minutes when changing exercises.
    I do this 3 times a week and I am not trying to be a muscle head I weigh 345pounds lol.
    Just know weights loose weight when your muscles are repairing.
    Thats the only reason why I do more weights also I hate cardio lol.

    I would love some tips please and thanks. Also I eat around 1500 calories and 4-5 liters of water daily.
