Tuesday's Daily for 8/23

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  • It's hot and plentiful. Who wants to join me?
  • SBD Chat - Tuesday, August 23
    Good morning from chilly Delta where the temperature is 10ºC or 50ºF and a jacket is comfy for sitting on the deck waiting for the loons. Those are the bird loons, not the Village nutcases.

    Yesterday was fairly laid-back for a change. I even worked in an afternoon nap for an hour with the phones unplugged. (It's amazing how refreshing it is to just doze for an hour.) I didn't even go into the studio to organize alterations but I did bottle another batch of salsa, this one with some of last year's frozen peaches added to the tomato mix. It tastes good now and will be better when it mellows.

    This morning I go to Brockville for a class in how to enter information into the computer!!!!! The Government, in its wisdom, has decided to convert one of its payroll systems to online. I begged and pleaded and quoted my degree plus working for them for twenty years but they would not budge. I may just act really old and stupid and they'll give up "training" me. I used to write these systems for heavens sake!

    Anyhow, it wont be a complete waste of time as I have one hearing aid that seems to have died and will take it in to the technician while in town. It is probably something as simple as the battery not changed properly. Yes, I did read the manual but will let the professionals deal with the problem. Besides that, the technician is a really cute young man. (Sometimes I feel like I'm turning into Betty White!)

    Maybe I'll get to the sewing this afternoon. On the other hand, I have a huge crop of green beans waiting to be dealt with. My garden did poorly over the summer but is a real tyrant now!

    I hope your Tuesday (Twosday) is full of good things.
  • Thanks for the coffee, Linda. I'm sipping a mug sweetened with sf Irish Cream.
  • OK! With 2 extra large cups in me already, I'm ready to start the day.

    We finally went to Roadside America yesterday, and the girls really enjoyed it. It was quite an adventure, though, as my GPS died 3/4 of the way there, and I didn't have a map in the car, and I couldn't find the charger. Happily, though, we managed to make our way there without getting lost. But finding our way back home again was another adventure. The girls took it all in stride, though, and were great navigators. (Note to self - never leave the house without the GPS charger and get a road atlas to keep in the car!)

    The girls are out with Cindy this morning, working the hounds for The Hunt, so I can get some things done before they get back. Then we'll have the rest of the day to play. If it warms up, we may go over to the country club and spend the afternoon at the pool, but we have no set plans. Polo tonight, so I may end up working late unless the girls want to go to the game with Cindy.

    So, how's your day shaping up?
  • Good morning, Ruth! I just saw your post while I was rambling away. Good luck and have fun in Brockville. Sheesh, I can't believe the government is requiring you to go through all that!
  • Good morning ladies, so glad Betty White is here this morning with us!

    Just got off the bike downstairs. Since my injuries (torn hamstring, sprained ankle), I've had every excuse in the book not to get up early. Felt good to get it over with!

    Now, off to wake up the kiddos and get the day going. I must have a couple sips of the fabulous coffee first!
  • Good Morning Ladies! I am just about to head out to attempt my c25k run again. Yesterday was a fail but this morning I am up early and it feels nice out! Just waiting on the pets to finish eating so I can let everyone in and head out the door! I really hope I am able to finish it this time! I am pretty sure it was just the heat causing me so many issues yesterday but we shall see!

    I will be back in a bit for personals!
  • Good morning I finally got the early emails out and am settled with my breakfast and coffee (not the first).

    Cottage - The rest of my team is GPS dependent and teases me about my book maps. GPS can be sketchy in Vermont and sometimes thinks snowmobile trails are roads

    Ruth - Nothing worse than a boring date entry class (is there any other kind?). Hope the rest of the day is more interesting and the appropriate tech is working at the store.

    Twynn- Congratulations on your morning exercise success! Wow, and before coffee too?

    Another day of clean-up and job transition. Yesterday turned into another day of unnecessary drama. I will not miss working with so many young, intense types. They are all very nice but tend to get overwrought rather easily. They apparently think of me as the den mother (so they say), guess that comes from not getting caught up in things and just saying what I think. Of course everyone comes to me when there's conflict too. I'll be glad to have a little distance from all that. 6 actual days, no extras, left!

    Time to hit the road.

    ETA Good morning Rikki.
  • *SO* jealous Cyndi!! (of leaving the drama)
  • Good Morning

    Yesterday was still full of the family drama but it seems to be settling...

    I slept in after staying up late last eve...not the greatest because the carpet cleaner is coming at 10 and I don't miss my water aerobics for anything. I'll get my office gutted before class then will do the living room, hallway after class. The guy who comes is environmentally friendly and with the system he uses it will be dry enough to move the furniture back late this afternoon.

    Food was ok yesterday...probably actually underate. Time to get my green smoothie in!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Good morning!

    Jenn - That's a lot of packing/unpacking!

    Angie - Woo hoo!!

    Ruth - Enjoy the eye candy today.

    Linda - I am so dependent on the Garmin! Remember life before we had those handy gadgets!?

    Twynn - Kudos to you for getting the workout in.

    Rikki - Hope you had a great run.

    Cyndi - Hopefully those last days will fly by easily.

    Debbie - Oh... our carpet in the basement is looking horrible thanks to many teens. I should get someone to clean it.

    Yesterday was my first PH1 day in ages and ages. I had apples on my brain but felt great about resisting. Other than that, I had no cravings so need to decide how long to keep at it. DS1 and I bought new running shoes yesterday. Eek - expensive! Today I'm getting my hair "done" and returning some things that DS2 didn't need for his dorm room. After my morning cardio, of course.

    Have a great day, everyone.
  • Have a good one all! got a late start and can't catch up! OYE!
  • Quote: Have a good one all! got a late start and can't catch up! OYE!
    OYE! Sometimes I never catch up these days...but I always read. I guess you East Coast'ers had an earthquake. I can't turn on the news because the TV is in the bedroom while the carpet is drying....think I'll go set it back up since the carpet's almost dry.
  • Hello all,

    Off work today, so I did some errands, picked up new phones and new data plan (finally!!) for gf and myself...an early bday present for my gf (her bday is on Sunday).

    Cleaned house, and just made dinner for friends who come over every Tuesday. My gf is sober and our good friends are her sponser and his wife. They come for family dinner each Tuesday, then they go to an AA meeting. When they get back we play games and have dessert. Tonight I made taco bake from this site, as well as a brownie recipe I found on this site that is p1 as well. Should be a tasty night, and OP! Hopefully they like the food even though they aren't doing SB, we brought roasted chickpeas and pb cups to their house this weekend and they loved them as much as we did!

    Sounds like everyone is having a busy day, hope the rest of your evenings are great all around!

    P.S. Another day, another pound. Phase 1 is kinda magic, huh??
  • Yes - major earthquake for DC - was very scary and am still shaking. 3 hours to get home but I am finally here. Hug your loved ones tonight!