Need advice about a new trainer!

  • Hi, I could really do with some advice about my new trainer. Basically I have moved to a new city, joined a new gym and met a few of the trainers there and found one I thought I wanted to work with.

    So, went along today for my assessment and first session. The assessment went ok, but he did say we had a bit of work to do! So we started training and WOW I was not expecting what followed. I wanted someone who was going to push me but this was far too hard! He had me doing sprints on the treadmill a lot faster and longer than I have ever done them. Which was cool at first, I wanted a challenge and to be pushed but 15mins in I just could do it and he would let me stop. It was torture, I threw up half way through the workout but he said he wanted me to come and finish the session...which didn't get any easier.

    I have never felt so bad after a workout, feeling sick and a bit dizzy and was even finding it hard to walk out of there. This probably sounds like I'm just moaning but I really dont know what to do. I have signed up for an introductory package o have another 3 sessions which I have paid for but I don't think I want to go back. He is o much more strict than my other trainer, which I dont mind its just he's pushing me to breaking point and i dont know if I can handle it but dont wnt to walk away and lose my money plus I'll see hi around the gym at some point.

    I really dont know what to do? Would love some opinions! Please!

    Sorry for the really long post.
  • I don't have experience with this, but I would say that you paid for the service, and I would think it perfectly fine to let him know that your goal is not to workout until you throw up and ease up a bit. Maybe when you did the assessment you gave him the impression that you wanted to be pushed past your physical limits? If you tell him before the start of the next session, it won't feel like your copping out mid-session, but just letting him know what you want from this. And remember YOU can always choose to stop or reduce your intensity.
  • I pester my trainer with a lot of questions- a lot of my questions are about why I'm doing stuff. Not because I'm trying to say that I don't see the point in what he's asking me to do, but because I'm genuinely interested in learning about the process. What muscles is this working? How is this row different from the one I did last week? What is the benefit of X instead of Y? Understanding things like this really helps me connect to what I'm doing and makes it feel worth it, y'know? Maybe if you asked your trainer about the logic behind the workouts, about why he's pushing you so hard that would help you. If it were me, I might ask some questions like, "Last time, I was feeling sick/dizzy after the workout. What causes that? Is that bad? Should I be pushing so hard? Can you tell me about the benefits of doing these super fast sprints over a slower pace? How do I know if I'm pushing too hard?" Again, I don't say these things because I'm trying to get out of something or because I have an attitude or like to questions their professional judgement, but because I have a genuine curiosity- and my trainer is ALWAYS more than happy to explain. As long as
    the trainer has your saftey in mind, it's not a bad thing to push youself!

    Also, if you're really feeling uncomfortable with the workouts, you can totally ask him to back off and let you work up to some of these challenges. As long as you're putting in the work and are absloutely giving it everything you have, they should be able to work with you !
  • I have worked with a number of trainers over the years and the good ones I have worked with have always made sure that they weren't pushing me too much. If you are throwing up and dizzy, "in my honest and humble opinion" - I think that you are being pushed too far. Your physical well being is first and foremost, or at least it should be to you and your trainer. People can possibly get hurt, injured and ill when pushed way beyond their limits. Respect what your body is telling you and how you feel about the exercises.

    If you are afraid of having a repeat episode with a second session, I think you have two options.

    1) Sit down and have a conversation with this trainer before your workout. Talk to him about your concerns and let him know how you feel about your physical well being. He won't know unless you tell him, so if he listens and agrees to back off a little, maybe give him another chance, if not, ...

    2) Ask to work with another trainer. There's nothing wrong with that. I have done that before and everyone gets along differently with different people. Maybe you'll click better with someone else if things don't work out with the first trainer.

    Good luck! And good for you for trying so hard!

  • I don't have a trainer but if I did it would definitely have to be someone that shared the same vision as me - fitness-wise. I'm almost 40 so I don't think I'd mesh well with a buff guy in his twenties, lol. I'd look for a middle-aged guy or girl who could understand that I wanted to tone up but not necessarily enroll in a bikini contest. My dad has a personal trainer and he actually interviewed the guy beforehand. He's 72 so I don't know if that's something everyone would do. But you are paying for a service so it is your money - make sure it's well-spent IMO.
  • If you're not comfortable with him then don't hire him. I don't see any point in working out to the point of vomiting. You want working out to be something you enjoy and look forward to so that you can stick to it for the long term and get permanent (not quick temporary) results. Trainers like this I think are just abusing their false sense of power because they are insecure about themselves. This is backed up by his comment that you have "a bit of work to do" that's insulting and makes the weight loss process seem even more daunting and overwhelming than it already is. I think he sounds like a jerk, quite frankly.
  • Thanks for all your comments!

    @aimeebell: thanks, I think your idea is good to talk to him before starting a session so it doesnt look like a cop out. Thanks!

    @Tuende: Think I will give this ago. I used to ask my old trainer about stuff like you it was just coz I was interested, but to be honest, it took me a while before I had the confidence to ask all the questions. Hadnt een crossed my mind till I read your post. Thanks

    @seabiscuit: thanks for for the advice and support. I have had lots of hard workouts with Matt my last trainer but never have I struggled to work out of the gym. I think I'm gona go with option 1. I want to tlk to him first, if it works great, if not then I will find someone else. Thanks!

    @fitmom: Weirdly when I met him the first time, out of al the trainers he seemed to be the ne who I thought was the best for me. He said that he would make me work hard in a fun and enjoyable way and from what he was saying in the first meeting I thought his mindset was very similar to my last trainer. Thanks, defo going to properly interview any fututree trainers though!

    @keekles: Thanks, I had really started to love working out over the last few months. My previous trainer had helped me tap into stuf I liked and made the stuff I didnt mre bearable. But today was the first time I really didnt enjoy it. So I defo need to sort this out. Until I read your comment I didnt think much of the "work to do comment" and I thought he just wanted me to get started with the days session. But you've made me think!!!! Thanks

    Thank you everyone....Think I am going to talk to him in a few days, meant to have a session next monday morning. So think I might have a chat when I'm in the gym later in the week...well before monday.

    Thank you! X
  • You'll have to let us know how your next session goes! I think having a chat before hand is a great idea- sounds like you're going into it positive and open and that is always a good start. Hope you get things sorted out and have a kick a$$ workout!
  • @Tuende: Quick update! Last friday I bumped into my trainer at the gym. Wel he came over to me while I was on the treadmill. He just came over to say hi and I said that I wanted to have a chat to him was he free in a bit. After my workout, I went an had a chat with him. I basically said that I was a bit unhappy about the training session. I explained how I felt. He started by apologising straight away and said he had no idea that I felt that bad because All i said as i felt a bit sick. Anyway we talked for about 25 mins. And he said that training was about building a relationship of trust and that he wants to build my trust not make me feel crap. He gave me the option to train again (today) or he'd return my money. After the chat i decided i would give it another go. Like i said on here.

    Went to training today and it was a very tough workout but manageable and he was very different. Not the strict cold trainer I had last week. He pushed me hard, but was very supportive and positive even when i was struggling. Felt amazing when I was done. Cant believe how things changed so uch from one workout to the next. Am actually so so happy I gave it another go because i think that if things stay like this itll be good for me. Kinda feel silly for my rant/cry last week though!


  • That's awesome! Glad it all worked out .
  • I'm always so glad to see stories where things work out like this. I'm happy for you. Don't ever feel silly about ranting to people here on the forum. Look at all the terrific responses you received? Everyone rants from time to time and asks for help. That's one of the many great things about this forum. So many people are on the same journey with you and can help. Best wishes!
  • So, how are things going these days with the new trainer? Did you stick with him or try someone else? I've been thinking about ya and wondering if things worked out, sure hope they did!

    Take care!
  • @ Seabiscuit: Hi, things have worked out. Yup I have stuck with him. Basically later that week I was in the gym and he came over to say hi and I said I wanted to have a chat. After my workout we had a long chat about the first session and the assessment. I told him exactly how I felt and he apologised and explained that that he didnt want me to feel like that...basially he gave me the option to give it another go or get my money back. Decided to give it another go.

    Second work out was good, really tough workout but he was really supportive and he pushed me but in a positive way. so I decided to finish this block with him and if things sty good carry on. He's also sent me a few texts to see how my food is going and reminding me of little things like stretches and stuff. So I kinda feel silly for getting that stressed and worried but at least it meant I got things sorted.

    Thanks for your support

  • Hey Aly,

    That is great that things are working out with you and the trainer. Sometimes people have a rocky start, but it doesn't always have to stay that way, and it sounds like in your case, things are getting better I hope things continue to go well!