How to get past a THREE week stall??

  • Hey all...

    So I have seen very little progress on the scale in over three weeks. I have tried the 'cut out restricteds' method...the 'exercise or DONT exercise' method...and now just feel my body has gotten used to the diet and is therefore just not letting things go. I still have at least 25lbs to go until goal. What, in your experience, has worked to get things going again?

    I am still dropping inches which is great. However, the scale just will not go below 175. Its obnoxious considering I have not cheated and I am being very diligent about OP 100%.

  • How much protein are you eating of the 5-8 ozs? How much water are you drinking? veggies eaten?
  • My typical day looks like:

    8am/9am: IP Crispy Cereal Pancake w WF syrup + coffee w splenda

    12p/1pm: IP lemonade/IP yogurt drink, 1c mushrooms w evoo/ss, 1c zucchini

    6pm/7pm: 5oz chicken or steak filet, 1c mushrooms, 1c turnip fries

    8pm: IP pudding

    I go to bed around 12am. I also workout sometimes and on those days I eat an extra packet.

    I also consume over 100oz of water each day at minimum.
  • I think maybe I would up my protein to 6-7 ozs that seems to be the trick with everyone. Bella was stuck for 18 days with not one ounce of a loss. She upped her protein and loss this week.
  • I will try that. My husband was being a grinch and telling me that maybe I need to shock my body with a cheat day. I think he just wants pizza...its been two months for him too!!

    Thank you for your help. You look gorgeous and must be so happy with your results so far!!
  • Quote: I will try that. My husband was being a grinch and telling me that maybe I need to shock my body with a cheat day. I think he just wants pizza...its been two months for him too!!

    Thank you for your help. You look gorgeous and must be so happy with your results so far!!
    LOL....the dreaded pizza!!!...don't cheat, just shock your body with more protein. I am no expert that is for sure, only giving you suggestions. Also try eating fish, Sandy had an awesome 7lb loss after eating fish for 3 days before her WI.

    I am very happy thank you! and I will be more happier as the weigh keeps coming off
  • The same thing happened to me and then wuv2b, jennydoodle and some others said to up my protein to the high end, so I did and I cut out as much artificial sweetner as possible and increased my H2O (not by a ton because I was already drinking a ton) Good luck to you.
  • So, my thought when I saw what you ate...'mushrooms don't have a lot of nutrition'. Just my thought though!

    Protein is a good idea but maybe add in more selection of veggies?

    I eat two cups of veggies in a salad and my veggies are radishes, red cabbage, cucumbers, red onion, green onion, celery, parsley, lettuce and once a week I put a tomato in there. It's a massive salad, LOL but it's got a lot of selection and has different colour then 'green'. Which is important to me. I have these once a day with my home made dressing.

    Try that?
  • I agree with Wuv's advice on upping the protein.

    I'm coming off a 3-week stall myself. I reread the Phase 1 sheet and decided the following:
    1. Stay off the scale except at WIs - the stress of it may be holding you back
    2. No Crystal Light or Mio or sweeteners - just in case they are messing you up
    3. I replaced my restricteds with RTD shakes - they are really sweet and surprisingly filling - have tried a boot camp week in the past, but was harder with other packets for me
    4. Changed things up with my exercise - for me, it was doing more
    5. Drink at least 100 oz water

    Remain Strong!! If the inches are moving; the lbs are sure to come!
  • Quote: I agree with Wuv's advice on upping the protein.

    I'm coming off a 3-week stall myself. I reread the Phase 1 sheet and decided the following:
    1. Stay off the scale except at WIs - the stress of it may be holding you back
    2. No Crystal Light or Mio or sweeteners - just in case they are messing you up
    3. I replaced my restricteds with RTD shakes - they are really sweet and surprisingly filling - have tried a boot camp week in the past, but was harder with other packets for me
    4. Changed things up with my exercise - for me, it was doing more
    5. Drink at least 100 oz water

    Remain Strong!! If the inches are moving; the lbs are sure to come!
    Everything she just said plus add some extra protein
  • Keep in mind that if your body is not "eliminating" properly, this could cause a little problem. I found this out the hard way! Talk to your coach?
  • Thank you all for your advice. I am going to up the protein intake and hope for the best... we shall see if this helps anything....
  • They just change the protocol to 8oz of lean meat, try that....
  • Are you drinking too much water. For some reason, my coach is very adamant that I drink between 64 and 80 oz per day. I have to admit, most of the time, I do drink more than 80 oz per day though.
  • I upped my protein from 4oz each night to 5 or 6 so I'm hoping for a good loss this week also. I will let you know if it works.

    I would suggest maybe stop the splenda and WF products if possible and see if that helps.

    Good luck!