~~August Golden Girls~~

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  • We are about Fitness and Quality of Life after 50...
    We are about Fun and Friendship after 50...
    We are the Golden Girls...

    There is Value in us
    There is Power in us

    There is Wisdom in us
    And Laughter....
    We are a rainbow of unique wonders,
    There is love in us.
    (poem by Dorothy Holmes)

    Tell us a little about your life, family and goals. What keeps you motivated? What is the best thing that's happened to you since you passed the 50 mark? How about the 60 mark?
    Friends laugh, cry and stand by each other, we'll be that to you!
  • These jams would be good over angel food cake and toast. I was amazed that everyone doesn't grow rhubarb. Then I googled it and found out that you need cold winters for it to be productive. I made two of these recipes yesterday and it's to die for. The Orange Rhubarb is delicious and no need to use sugar at all if you like it tangy. I used no sugar and 1/3 cup splenda)
    Rhubarb does best where it gets cold; the plant needs occasional winter temperatures below 40 degrees to be reliably productive on a commercial scale. Rhubarb is a cool season crop rarely successfully grown in the U.S.
    where the average summer temperature is above 75 degrees or
    where the winter mean temperature is above 40 degrees.

    Orange Rhubarb Jam rated 4.5 stars out of 5 (all comments about it was too sweet)
    2 1/2 pounds fresh rhubarb, chopped
    2 cups white sugar (I used 1/3 cup Splenda and no sugar)
    2 teaspoons grated orange zest
    1/3 cup orange juice
    1/2 cup water ( I used all fresh squeezed orange juice, no water)
    In a saucepan, combine the rhubarb, sugar, orange zest, orange juice and water. Bring to a boil, then cook over medium-low heat for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until thick. It will thicken more as it cools. Ladle into hot sterile jars, and seal with lids and rings. Store in the refrigerator. ( froze all mine)
    This is really good too, used no sugar or sweetener at all.
    Rhubarb Pineapple Jam (4 star out of 5)
    5 cups chopped fresh rhubarb
    2 cups white sugar (I didn’t put any sugar in, pineapple and sugar free jello made it sweet enough)
    1 (20 ounce) can crushed pineapple, drained
    1 (6 ounce) package strawberry flavored gelatin ( I used sugar free jello)
    In a large saucepan or stock pot, combine the rhubarb, sugar and pineapple. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Boil for 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Jars can be sterilized at the same time.
    After the rhubarb mixture has boiled for 10 minutes, remove from heat, and stir in strawberry flavored gelatin powder. Transfer to sterile jars, seal with lids, and process for 15 minutes in a boiling water bath. Allow jars to cool in a draft-free area. Refrigerate jars after seal has been broken.
    I need to pick up a can of blueberry pie filling before making this. I made a note on the recipe not to sweeten it, probably don't need it.
    Rhubarb Blueberry Jam (5 star recipe) I haven’t made this yet but sound promising, I’m going to use sugar free jello)
    8 cups chopped fresh rhubarb
    3 cups white sugar (jello and blueberry pie filling is sweet enough, probably won’t need to sweeten it)
    1 (21 ounce) can blueberry pie filling
    1 (3 ounce) package strawberry flavored gelatin
    1 (3 ounce) package raspberry flavored gelatin mix
    Combine the rhubarb, sugar and blueberry pie filling in a large pot. Bring to a rolling boil over medium-high heat, and boil for 10 minutes longer. Stir in dry gelatin mix until dissolved. Transfer to sterile jars or freezer tubs, and cool. Freeze any jam you don't intend to use right away.
  • Good Sunday, Golden Lovelies!

    Mary – I know what you mean about preferring “real” books over the digital version. I wonder if the grandbabies will remember “real” books? Or cursive writing? Or how to calculate without a machine?

    Marie – what kind of work do you do?

    Rosey – how’s your boy feeling? Have fun, fun, fun at the gathering today!

    Bobbi – this was quite the chatty group in July. Being anal or CDO, I watch the numbers and was pretty amazed that we had 5,600+ visits to the site! Of course, a lot of that is US checking in, but not wanting to post for fear we’re accused of having NO LIFE.

    Gotta run… nothing exciting today, anyway! Have a good one, Lovelies!
  • Hello Wonderfuls!

    Last night I spent at a family gathering - my Mom's family. We were celebrating the life of my great aunt Mildred. She passed a few months ago. She was really hoping to make it to yesterday, her 100th birthday. Her daughter decided to have the memorial and family get-together on her birthday so we celebrated her bday anyway. She was a character. She stopped doing walking races last year because ("I always win - there's nobody in my age group!"). They owned a little place on the stillwater river and taught me to fish. She was tough, smart, and often difficult. It was really nice to hang out with my cousins, I never see much of that side of the family.

    I slept well and woke this morning to lazy coffee and relaxing. I am going to play computer games and hang out today. I do plan to get the laundry done and put away the suitcases. If I don't get on that right away - I could still be pulling stuff out of them next week

    I am so proud of our group. 510 entries?! We rock

    Thanks for the support while I was gone. It really helped for me to have a mothers moment - quietly yelling: What is wrong with these children!!!? I appreciated it.

    I will be back for personals later. Enjoy the day!

  • Hey, I guess we took the gold medal in the chat-a-thon competition????!!!!!!!! Man, are we good or WHAT????
    Okay, with 34 days left to go, I am officially down another 2 pounds. Yay, but, oof...if I can't do at least the two pounds a week from now until then, I'll be a tad disappointed. BUT, I will take what I can get and forge ahead from there. Please wish me luck, my Golden sisters!!!
    I'll be back later today with personals, but we've grocery shopped (had a fun, but very LONG day at the beach yesterday - didn't get home until 8:30 last night!) and now are going to have a little lunch and head down to the lake for a couple of hours. (Taking those little guys to the beach is pretty labor-intensive; we need a few hours to just lie back and read).
    Have a great day, y'all!
  • We are heading to church in about 30 min, so thought I'd sit down and post a bit. After church we are going to an All-Church Picnic (several local churches participate). I went over a little bit yesterday cal/carbs and with all the restaurant meals and today's picnic, I really am not expecting a loss, and may even see another gain. It is supposed to be in high 70s, or low 80s today and the sun was out early.

    Lynn - I spent some time last night looking at e-readers. At least they are cheaper than an iPad. I realize they don't do everything an iPad does though. I really don't like my netbook which is why I wanted an iPad (well one of the reasons ). But I may settle temporarily for an e-reader to take to the gym as you recommended and when we travel.

    Zoe - So proud of you! You are doing well on your eating plan! If you lose too fast, you usually gain it back...at least that's what they say...
  • Good afternoon GG's,

    I missed my window of opportunity to sit out on the deck. I was gonna go and take a cup of coffee this morning ~ it was 74 ~ would have been real nice. But I got side tracked ~ doing some other stuff that needed doing and now it is 92. Oh well. It is nice and sunny out. I will just enjoy looking out at it and be thankful that there is AC

    Have the sun dresses for Sara and Maddie pinned ~ now gotta get myself in there to sew.

    Had a nice day yesterday. Sara, Corbin and Maddie were here. We visited, played with the Thomas the train track, combed mommy's hair.

    Hope you all are having a nice weekend.

    Take care
  • Hey GGs,
    Went to the flea market this morning, & then came straight back home because it’s so hot outside! And the AC went out on my car! (Hopefully it just needs charging.) I really want to get out & DO something! Mary could you send me some of your weather? 70’s & 80’s sounds so nice! Maybe later when it cools down we’ll go walking. I hope!

    Zoe, Yay! for you - 2 pounds deleted! You’re doing great! Attagirl! Here’s wishing you luck, luck, luck (but you don’t need it, you’re in the zone now!).

    Gayle, at least you’re accomplishing something, with your sewing, while you’re stuck in the house. I was mainly just pacing & growling. Couldn’t even settle down with a book! That’s why I decided to visit here (& on FB) for a little while.

    Rie, glad you got home safely. Love the idea of the memorial to your great aunt on her 100th birthday! Hope you get to enjoy your relaxing day - you earned it!

    Yikes! I've been hearing thunder, but now it's getting close! Maybe a storm will cool things off?! Gotta go.
  • Hello Goldies!

    As planned, I spent the day in non-productive pursuits. I am wishing that I had another day before I have to go back to work, but I think that is as much about dreading the day after vaca and all the things that are waiting for me. We just finished a nice supper and the little guy and I are munching cucumbers from the garden. They are still going crazy.

    Zoe, congrats on the 2 pounds. Whether or not you get to your goal, you are going to be beautiful at the wedding. And, every pound you lose over the next 34 days will be a pound lost that you won't regret.

    Marie, are you totally psyched about your trip? Isn't it this week?

    Nancy, I hear you on the heat. It was brutal here today and a storm is brewing tonight. Not a good thing. I worry about hail because we have grain standing in the field and almost ready for combining. A good rain, hail, wind storm now would be a disaster. We farm people are NEVER happy about he weather!

    Gayle, it sounds like lovely time with the grandkids. I envy you your ability to sew.

    Mary, I hope that you enjoyed your picnic. I think it is so cool that you and dh are so involved in your community.

    Bobbi, a young friend recently posted on fb: "does anyone know what to do with rhubarb?" I laughed. Only cake, pie, kugen, jam, etc. Every farm garden here has rhubarb. My mom's is an old "strawberry" variety that is really good and sweet. I liked the recipes for the jam. I think the strong fruit taste would be great on some sf cheesecake, too. Thanks for sharing.

    Donna, I think it is a tragedy that they no longer teach cursive writing. They barely teach english these days. I also like the feel of books. I love used bookstores and most of the owners know me by name. My kids keep trying to get me to get a kindle. For now, I will stick with the soon-to-be-obsolete paper books.

    Karen3, I was so happy to hear that you are driving! That is so cool. It seems like all our independence is wrapped in our cars.... Keep on getting better!

    Koala, I hope you are doing well this weekend.

    Mustang Karen, you have been doing some great stuff the last few days, as usual! I hope you enjoyed the visit.

    Well, I am going to watch a really bad sci fi movie and download some pics from my vacation. I just want to share that if you have the chance to see the lighting ceremony at Mt Rushmore in the evening, you should go. It was very moving....

    Have a great sunday evening!

  • Hi Everyone
    I hope to join your group. I've been away from 3FC a long time and need to get back on track. I live in a small town south of Cleveland. The best professional thing that I've done since turning 50: obtain my masters in nursing. I have a fantastic job and love going to work (most days). Best personal things: Help my kids get their college degrees and spending more time with my sister who has health issues.

    I'm going to start with counting calories and walking. Work hard ladies and I promise I will too!

    212/212/less than 212
  • Welcome Teati (from another nurse and former Ohioan) ~ this is a wonderful welcoming group. Congratulations on the masters degree. You can do this Join right in ~ looking forward to getting to know you.
  • It's after 9:30. I can't figure out where the day went. It flew. Today was my high calorie day, and I ALMOST ate as much as I'm supposed to - maybe a hundred calories short of goal. It's okay, though. I think I went high enough to rev up the dragging metabolism. Time will tell. We hit the farm stand this morning after we grocery shopped, and so tonight's supper was sweet corn, fresh tomatoes, mixed greens (that Glory brand that I mentioned here before) and a grilled turkey burger with carmelized onions, red & green pepper strips and low-fat American cheese - on a Fiber One hamburger bun with mustard. REALLY good, and I'm stuffed to the gills. I spent a couple of hours down at the lake this afternoon, read my book, dozed a bit, and stopped at dd3's house with some fresh strawberries for my grandbabies. Once I got home, it seems like the clock went to fast forward or something.
    Teati, you're more than welcome here. We look out for each other, and we're glad for all the support we can get (and give).
    Sometimes, non-productive is exactly what we need, Rie/Val. Considering that you work full time and just finished up a pretty labor-intensive "vacation", I'd say that non-productive was a good choice. (I'm loving the thoughts of those fresh-picked cukes, too.) Absolutely nothing beats veggies right out of the garden!
    Omigosh, Bobbi - the rhubarb! I've never grown it nor cooked with it, but my mother had a patch of it out behind the house when I was growing up, and she would make the best strawberry-rhubarb pies! Anytime someone mentions rhubarb, those pies come to mind, and my mouth just starts watering!
    Gayle, I love to sew, too - used to make my girls the cutest little pinafores and dresses. I even made a lot of my own clothes. I still get out the sewing machine occasionally when I have my mind set on something that I just can't find in a store anywhere. I'd like to sew more than I do, but time outside of work is so limited that I just can't fit everything in that I'd like to be doing. One more reason to look forward to retirement!
    Nancy, I'm affected the same way you are by the heat and humidity. I need to be at the ocean where I can jump in and cool down whenever I need to. That's my idea of the perfect life...a little house by the sea. Too bad those "little houses" are now in the million dollar range. Maybe one of them would sell me their garage!
    Mary, right now, I just want to get the weight off - as much and as fast as possible. I'll deal with the consequences - regaining it, I mean - after the wedding. But I really, really DO plan to continue on with it. I'm focused now on becoming a skinny old lady!
    Lyn! Please fill us in on how the cardboard boat race turned out! I'm absolutely intrigued! You and your dh are always up to something together...it sounds like a perfect way to spend your retirement!
    What's the diagnosis on that yellow jeep of yours, Marie? Will it live to climb another mountain? Sounds like a nice day, nonetheless. Wait! Have you left on your vacation yet?
    K3, I'm glad to hear that they've let you get behind the wheel again - having to depend on others to get around is simply not natural. I've been there a few times - once when I had a staph infection in the bone in my foot, and had to have surgery. I couldn't get behind the wheel for about two weeks after the surgery, and thought I'd go mad. Welcome back to the world of independent auto operators!
    When it comes to pounds, down is always better than up, KarenMO. You've been doing an awesome job...and you'll continue to do it! You're looking so great, and all you have to do is "embrace the greatness" and move forward... (Hey, I LIKE that phrase..."embrace the greatness". Maybe I should copyright it to the GG's???)
    Rosey, still having fun with Gizmo and the crew? More pictures would be welcome anytime!
    How did the training go, Lynn?
    Freda, are you off tomorrow? (I know you worked over the weekend). I hope Monday's a good day for you!
    Hey, PT - hope you had fun over this weekend - when are you supposed to hear on that job interview?
    Well, I'm about ready to hit the bed - another freaking Monday, tomorrow.
  • Mary, yes when we had the Costco AMEX card, we got two rebate checks per year. There are items that are just so much cheaper at Costco, it was silly to term our membership for what equaled $13 a year. Also, Kindle software you can search and you set whatever font size you want. I have it set large on my iPhone and can read it without problem.

    Bobbi, my MIL in MN make rhubarb jams and DH loves when she gifts him.

    Donna, I’m the database mgr and webmaster at a school district. I also do network admin when our network administrator is gone – like he has been the last 5 of 7 weeks. I don’t like working with the servers but I hate working with switches and tracing screwed up breaks in the service. So basically technology. I used to be in HR and I didn’t like interviewing, hiring or firing people. I burnt out on that as well as community counseling, which was my masters degree. Technology is an ok fit for me. Retired sounds much better.

    Val, I love your family’s celebration for your aunt.

    Zoe, I hope your relaxing day at the lake goes as well as the more hectic day at the beach. Sounds like you had fun. WTG on eradicating TWO pesty pounds from your gorgeous bod. BTW, you might not know where your day went – I’m not sure where 2011 has gone. Or July. Or just the weekend. And Yellow Jeep is fixed and ready to go again. DH is a wonder with fixing naughty vehicles.

    Gayle, I love your avatar picture. I can visualize you in front of your AC, your hair just a blowin’.

    Nancy, I hope your storm cooled your weather.

    Teati, welcome and you’re on your way!

    I’ve had a nice day. I went to visit my neighbor and made DH come with me (carrying too much stuff) and we stayed a long time chatting. I’ve been upgrading DH’s and my Macs to the new Lion OS. Took a bit to download the program and then resulting upgrades for other programs that needed new software. All in all an easy process (except Quicken but no one wants to listen to my rant about the turkey’s that didn’t bother to update since they hate Mac users). Booked the two hotels for the two nights we’ll be gone and finalized doggie care plans. Now it is back to work for two days then play for five.
  • Hello GGs

    We are a chatty bunch! I've been enjoying reading the posts over the last few days, but just couldn't get it together to write my own post Looking at the number of posts already, I have a feeling we might go over 500 again this month

    Bobbi - seems like rhubarb has been a constant in my life - strangely, I seem to enjoy it more as I get older. Most commonly, we have stewed apple and rhubarb - it's nice glooped over cereal for breakfast, or with custard for dessert. I make it with no sugar, and I add in some lemon zest and cinnamon for flavour. It's quite tart but I like that. The jam recipes sound d'lish.

    Donna - love your new avatar! I agree that kids these days are being de-skilled. They don't have the first clue how to do simple arithmetic, read a map, etc. But they're very smart with technology - anything goes wrong with my 'puter and I ask a kid to sort it out, lol

    Rie - such a lovely idea to celebrate your great aunt's life on a special occasion - I'm sure she was there in spirit. Good to hear you had a day "chillaxing" - recharging your batteries would have been the most productive use of your time after your fabbo family trip

    Z - yay for staying on plan - true dedication! Be proud, not disappointed - it's all about you being in charge of what you eat and the exercise you do, not beating yourself up over a number on the pesky scale. Confession time - I've not been a good buddy over the weekend, sadly I wasn't the boss of my eating However, today is a new day and I'm back on plan.

    Mary - good on you for just a little bit going over on carbs/cals - that's a big achievement when you are eating out. Here's hoping for a loss, or no change!

    Gayle - love your new avatar too! Sounds like you enjoyed some quality family time, and the girls will be very lucky to have dresses made with love.

    NCNancy - Sounds like you have cabin fever trying to stay out of the heat. No fair that the aircon conked out in your car - how did we cope back in the days before cars had aircon?

    teati - welcome to this lovely group. Congrats on your Masters in Nursing, as well as supporting your kids and sister - that's a big achievement! And now you are on your way with your weight loss journey.

    Marie - lol at not knowing where 2011 went - I'm the same. It will be Christmas next week ... Great to hear that your doggie careplans are sorted and it's almost time to head off on your fun fun fun sounding b'day holiday.

  • Hi Gayle,

    Happy Birthday Dear Gayle,

