anybody scrapbook

  • Got a weekend crop coming up and I am looking for ideas to do for the snack on my table to keep me away from the junk (m&m and stuff like that). Any ideas would be great.
  • Quote: Got a weekend crop coming up and I am looking for ideas to do for the snack on my table to keep me away from the junk (m&m and stuff like that). Any ideas would be great.
    I would think grazing throughout the day would not be a good thing, even if it were veggies.. I usually just stay away from all the snacks and drink HNS or have sugar free jello. But if you had to put something out on the table, then I would recommend veggies with MRC Ranch Dip. Just be careful with the dip because that's protein.
  • Quote: Got a weekend crop coming up and I am looking for ideas to do for the snack on my table to keep me away from the junk (m&m and stuff like that). Any ideas would be great.
    You can make lots of stuff in the MRC cookbook:
    - You could do mini meatballs (weighed before you set them out)
    - Definitely do the dill dip (just put out a small portion) with cucumbers or celery
    - At a cooking class we had some awesome Mexican coleslaw that I thought about putting chicken in.
    - If this is a lunch to dinner scrapbooking session - you could also put out some melba toast with cheese like a bruschetta (since you get starch for dinner)
    - Also for dessert they made this strawberry jello stuff - it was awesome I believe I have the recipe with me if its not in the menu section.
    - Also you can have fruit for lunch - so you can make the strawberries & cream (delicious my fav) .. the cream is basically blending cottage cheese until smooth, adding Truvia and a vanilla creme supplement!

    Good luck!!
  • Thank u so much just afraid with everyone else having m&m and stuff like that siting at the tables around me for 3 day it is going to b very tempting.