I'm a jerk, but he doesn't get it.

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  • I'm sorry but I just laughed when I read this post. I'm sure/hoping that your husband understands and will not take it to heart. I would have done the same- I wouldn't want to waste my calories/points.
  • Eh that's a tough situation. I think if I was in that position I'd say something along the lines of "I appreciate that you did all this for me but you know I'm trying to watch what I eat and this is alot, would you like to share? Maybe next time you can wait for me and we can make breakfast together." and then choke down a bit or two. He obviously THOUGHT he was doing something helpful and sweet so you got to give him some credit.
  • This is a tough one for sure. I think he was sweet for trying, even though he missed the mark...by a lot. Let him know how thoughtful he is and that you would normally eat anything he made and that you didn't intend to hurt his feelings at all but that you have worked so hard and you don't want to eat food that isn't according to your plan. Maybe you already told him something similar. If he still sulks about it, just know that it's HIS issue and not anything to do with you.
  • My husband does the cooking and shopping so I had to do a LOT of training. Praise him heavily for everything he does right and slip the rest to the dog? J/K, the dog shouldn't eat it either.
  • awe poor guy

    I'd of had a little and said i was full.. just cause i'd hate to rain on his parade.

    it's sweet he tried, but you gotta stick to your plan.. a bad breakfast can lead to u just giving up that day all together. which in long term won't kill you, but it's easier to stay on plan, if you do it every single day, no exceptions.
  • Thanks guys! I did try to bandaid his ego afterward, told him how much it meant to me that he thought to figure out the nutritional information and everything. That really was thoughtful of him. I gave him other ideas that he could make instead (veggie frittata he is amazing at making) and told him that I'd like to keep my breakfast very reasonable. I'll splurge calories on dinners if I have them left- not first thing in my day.
  • Awww that reminds me of when my boyfriend tried to make ramen as his "chef speciality" and he added extra seasonings... let's just say he hasn't made food for me since lol.... but it's sweet!!
  • My man long gave up trying to cook for me. I LOVE cooking, and I am very picky so he's terrified to even try. heh.
  • I must admit I laughed too. But at least he tried. My husbands idea of breakfast? Toast with butter..yep no joke if I ask him to get something together while I am busy with the kiddo or whatever I get white bread toasted with like 1/2 pd of butter, oh and if I want variety I get jam....-_- I banned him from making breakfast and now I just ask for cereal. LOL
  • I would probably have eaten about 1/3 of it because of all the effort he put in. Then, later than that or the next day, I would tell him in a kind way not to do that again, reminding him of my diet goals.

    Honestly, sometimes men really have no clue (excluding any men on this forum, of course
  • Awww. I think it's sweet he made the effort... AND counted the calories out for you! Wow!

    I might've eaten the non-pancake part of it, and then gently brought up later some of the better things he could be making.

    I certainly don't think you're a jerk, though. You stood up for your healthy ways.
  • I once asked my hubby to make me scrambled eggs and he put cereal inside of it! Ick! I asked him why he would do such a thing and he said that he wanted to make it good so he wanted to add some crunch! There was also too much milk in it so they were runny. I told him to eat it himself and he gladly did!

    I think he did that on purpose (which he denies to this day) so that he'd never have to make me eggs again...and his wish came true!
  • Quote: I once asked my hubby to make me scrambled eggs and he put cereal inside of it! Ick! I asked him why he would do such a thing and he said that he wanted to make it good so he wanted to add some crunch! There was also too much milk in it so they were runny. I told him to eat it himself and he gladly did!

    I think he did that on purpose (which he denies to this day) so that he'd never have to make me eggs again...and his wish came true!
    OMG that sounds horrifying!! Ha ha, I'm imagining like Cap'n Crunch in runny eggs, not so good!

    Thank for all the support on this... I know I was acting like a total beast (don't mess with my food when I'm waking up and have nursed a baby all night long and am STARVING!) but we've kissed and made up and I can see the funny in it now.
  • I am on a 1700 to 1800 calorie a day system. I talk to my BF almost everyday about my healthy new way of life. i tell him my snacks are usually 100-200cals. and my meals are usually 300-400 calories. So now if he is going to make me a snack or a meal he will ask me if i have had snack or if he knows i havent then he will make sure it is something fairly healthy and within my calorie range. Or when he wants to make me dinner he will call me at work and tell me to please save "such and such cals for dinner" It works out really nicely as well because i feel the support from him, for myself on this journey. : ) hang in there your hubby loves you!

    oh and had to edit this just because its a funny ending note: my BF also thought it was acceptable to stay in calorie range but get a double cheeseburger from mc D's. hahaha im not putting that junk in my mouth after all this hard work! i dont care if its 400 cals or not. So of course theres a learning curb. : )