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  • I read people post on here about how they are "eating 1200 calories and not even hungry!" Which, I think, is awesome. BUT I do NOT fall in to that category. I eat about 1800 - 2000 a day and I exercise a lot (though not as much as I want).

    I eat whole grains, veggies, fruits, lean meats, etc. I avoid HFCS, MSG, Trans fats and do not believe in 100 calorie packs. Last year, I tried eating EVEN more veggies... but that made me poop like five times a day and I just DO NOT have that kind of time in my schedule.

    I REALLY feel FOR ME, in order to continue with my exercise goals and continue to lose weight, I just have to accept that I am going to spend some time being hungry. (It doesn't lead me to over-eat later - I am ok (now) with my hungries)

    I have ALWAYS had a "healthy" appetite... I am not really looking at tips or tricks to get rid of being hungry (tea helps!) - I guess I am just hoping that I am not alone.
  • Quote:
    Last year, I tried eating EVEN more veggies... but that made me poop like five times a day and I just DO NOT have that kind of time in my schedule.
    OMG!!! LMAO!!! "do not have that kind of time in my schedule"....

    I hear ya. I recently increased my calories to 1500-1550 per day. And I am SOOOO hungry right now!! I don't get it I ate a good healthy breakfast, a nice snack around 10am, a very healthy lunch.... and it's just after 2pm and my stomach is just rumbling away!!!

    If I give in and have a snack now, my dinner plans will have to change, because that will put me over my 1550 limit. Don't wanna! But...but...but... I'M HUNGRY. Like right now.

    ****reminding myself that a little hunger never killed anybody...
  • I eat 1800 cals a day too. I'm not hungry all the time just mid afternoon & early evening. I read an interesting article that suggested whey protein shakes to get over the hump. I ordered some and cant wait to get them. I ordered the Syntrax brand, ppl claim they are delicious & don't have that nasty protein shake taste. I figure it's worth a try and only abt 100 fat/carb free calories.
  • You are not alone!! I am so envious of people who are like, "Ugh, I have to force myself to eat 1200 calories..." What?!?!?! That does not compute with my brain or my body.
  • If you're hungry all the time, I think you should add more protein for your diet - chicken breast or reduced fat cheese. Or some nuts, though I can personally go out of control on those. The protien breaks down slower, so you're fuller for longer. Otherwise I also recommend eating some veggies (carrot sticks, sugar snap peas, green peppers) with hummus. That usually ties me over for a while.
    Also! Try Greek Yogurt. Even the fat-free kind tastes great, and it has tons of protein in it. Good luck!
  • Also, apples are extremely healthy for you. They have a little bit of sugar in them, but #1) it's natural sugar, and #2) the fiber slows down the insulin response to the sugar. If nothing else, eat an apple! (maybe with some peanut butter???)
  • I can totally relate! I exercise alot and am losing eatting 1500-1900 a day, but I am STILL hungry. Those who claim not to be hungry eating 1200 calories I believe are lying because you didn't get fat eating 1200 a day! I eat tons of protien= 12g @ breakfast with my oatmeal (14g of fiber, too), chicken at lunch 30g and I have snacks of cottage cheese (14g) and yogurt (5 g) and usually have more chicken or eggs at dinner (15g for eggs & cheese). I try to work in about 30g of fiber a day, too. And guess what - I'm still hungry at 4pm when I try to hold out till at least 5 before eating my dinner and avoid the kitchen at night as my stomach rumbles...
  • I eat my oatmeal for breakfast = 10g of protein. Though, on the weekend, I usually have eggs w/cheese.

    Snacks (2 - 3 a day): apple w/1 oz. sharp cheddar; LF Cot. Cheese w/fruit (esp. like strawberries); Chobani Greek yogurt; Stoneyfield yogurt; Food Should Taste Good w/laughing cow wedge; Bean Salad on Endive Leaves

    Lunch/Dinner: (Lunches are left overs from dinners) a meat and a veggie: chicken or ground turkey or pork or shrimp or fish; veggie = 1 C +; then usually a side of whole grains (quinoa, barley, whole wheat pasta, etc.)

    or last night/night b.f: salad w/fresh spinach, greens, arugala, radishes, chicken, hard boilded eggs, blue cheese crumbles, bacos, and White Zin. dressing (Sometimes instead of dressing - I use applesauce - no sugar added)

    Then I usually have a snack in the evening: a string cheese and bag of LF Popcorn.

    I think I am just a hungry girl. I DO HAVE to say - hunger used to send me in to a panic. JUST the thought of being hungry made me go eat a snack. Now, I have come to a Zen-like place were I realize hunger is just my body doing it's job. It is nothing to be panicked over. And it can easily be remedied with a snack or the next meal.
  • Quote: Also, apples are extremely healthy for you. They have a little bit of sugar in them, but #1) it's natural sugar, and #2) the fiber slows down the insulin response to the sugar. If nothing else, eat an apple! (maybe with some peanut butter???)
    Mmm... I have been eating Gala apples - they are my favorite! I eat at least one a day. Refreshing and filling.
  • Yep, another one who can't figure out how folks are satisfied on 1200/day or even have to "force themselves to eat that much".
  • im satisfied at around 1500-1600, sometimes less, depending on the food choices. but i used to need 1800-2000. the trick for me is small meals more frequently. try splitting your dinner in half, and eat it 2-3hrs apart. so you're never stuffed, you just kill the hunger sensation. i think that helped shrink my stomach. plus i try to eat slowly without distrations, so i can feel my body stop being hungry. then i stop eating. i gave up the idea ''i have to get full so im not hungry in a half hour" or ''i have to get full because its dinner"
  • I only eat when I'm hungry so there are no set amount of times I eat a day. And when I eat I pair it with a protein and a carb each time. I keep my portions small using the Eat-Clean Diet method. I add in the calories as I go so that I don't go over my daily intake. I keep it simple.
  • Quote:
    Those who claim not to be hungry eating 1200 calories I believe are lying because you didn't get fat eating 1200 a day!
    No, I got fat because I was definitely eating more than 1200 calories a day, but I didn't eat them because I was hungry for them. I ate them because of bad habits - carb overload and mindless snacking while sitting on my butt watching TV all night. (I also got fat because I NEVER exercised.)

    Now that I am developing better eating habits, I can be satisfied on 1200 calories. Do I get hungry sometimes? Yes, but when I do, I try to eat just enough to satisfy my hunger - like an apple instead of a entire box of ice cream.
  • Yeah, I don't want to say anyone is outright lying, but I am always a little perplexed by the "I struggle to eat 1200 calories a day" posts. Satisfied on 1200 a day, I can totally see; actually having to force oneself to eat at that caloric level, well...I think that's either mis-measuring or a just-for-show thing like the chick on a date who eats half a side salad and claims to be "stuffed" because it isn't considered dainty to have a big appetite.

    Struggling to consume 1200 calories a day is a champagne problem. Eat some peanut butter or add a pat or two of butter to your vegetables--problem solved. Would that the problem of wanting more calories than you're allotted were as easily fixed! Most days, I do great on my 1500 calories, but a few days out of the month, not so much.

    SCraver, I cracked up at your original post about not having time enough in the day for the side effects of all those vegetables.
  • Quote: Those who claim not to be hungry eating 1200 calories I believe are lying because you didn't get fat eating 1200 a day!
    That's a very unfair assumption to make. I got fat because I ate rubbish in between meals that I wasn't really hungry, just craving sugar so I binged on bad foods. Two bags of cookies and a tub of ice cream can really send your calories through the roof.

    When I first cut my calories down I was hungry but I rode out the hunger and now my body is in a routine and I only get hungry before mealtimes. I'm also teaching myself to stop eating when I get full, which means somedays I can under-eat (usually when I'm preoccupied with stress or something, I'm in the middle of an exam period). In these situations I struggle to eat 1200 calories because I wrestle with the guilt of eating when I'm not feeling hungry and I'm so worried that it'll snowball out of control and I'll to binge again. It is not because "I just can't manage anymore food!"

    But there are weeks when I do feel very hungry on 1200 a day, usually during TOM and I do overeat so my calorie intake isn't perfect by any means. For me, it's guilt that wins over food cravings because I figure I've just worked too damn hard now to try and break my bad habits.