Bipolar disorder help?

  • I just got diagnosed with bipolar disorder (as in, today), and my doctor put me on medication for it. I was wondering if any of you ladies are on medication for bipolar disorder, or know someone who is, and if it affects their weight loss or not.
  • I do not have this, but I have a friend who does and the medication, among other things, has made it difficult for her to lose weight, and she has gained since going on it. I know that her depression has also made it very difficult for her to get up and moving too, so that is a separate issue that is probably contributing to the weight loss stalls.

    There is a board on here called "Depression and Weight Issues", and I'm sure you can get plenty of responses and advice there regarding the issue if nothing pops up here! I'm sure there's some people using both boards though, but I've seen discussion on specific medications come up there. You may want to check it out!
  • When I was teenager, I suffered from really intense panic attacks, anxiety-fits and slight hallucinations. I was never really diagnosed with anything - but they did put me on a bunch of medications to combat my issues. I was on many medications but the main one I was on was Seroquel. Medications like Seroquel (or anything that is used to treat major depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc.) do not necessarily cause you to gain weight. I don't think any pill can actually make you gain weight. They just drastically increase your appetite. I was so young when I was put on these medications (12-14 years old) that I do not remember gaining weight or an increase in appetite - but it shows in my school photographs how much weight I gained during this time (an estimated 20-30 pounds).

    Keep an eye on your appetite during the first few weeks. See if it increases - do you want to eat more? Is your hunger unbearable? If so, talk with your doctor about the side effects. There is really nothing you can do if one of your side effects is the dreaded "increased appetite". Just watch your eating habits and see what happens. I'd recommend (if you don't already) keep a food diary of everything you eat - see if your eating habits change over time or if they stay the same. If they do change, you can talk with your doctor about whether or not that medication works for you, or if there is something you can do to combat that hunger.

    Good luck, girl!
  • I think you should definitely head over to the "Depression and Weight Issues" board - skim the threads (even old ones)...there is a lot of information to be had that way.

    All I can really say for sure is that since you are freshly diagnosed, this medication that you've been prescribed may not ultimately be the right one for you. While I'm not recommending that you just stop taking them if they make you feel wonky, do not be afraid to go back to your doctor and explain the problems you're having and ask for (or demand, if you have to) something new. Some people have the inclination to stay with the "monster you know", since new medication always threatens a host of new side effects and issues....but please, remember that life is too short to feel horrible all the time.

    Good luck! Another challenge to face right now is another victory to claim down the road. *smiles*
  • I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder when I was 15...I am 23 now. I've been on a host of medications. Depakote ER made me gain 80 lbs which I lost all of it. Zyprexa made me gain back 40 of it.

    I've taken almost everything. It's been almost 10 years, but now I am finally, FINALLY on a combination that doesn't make me gain weight, tired, and it makes me feel good! I'm taking Lamictal, Prozac, and Lithium, btw.

    ALSO wanted to add -- it's been clinically proven that certain medications (Zyprexa, Seroquel, Depakote, etc.) are notorious for causing weight gain. I have been on these types of meds and it is NOT simply an issue of controlling your appetite or your eating. These meds can make you ravenously hungry to the point where you can't stand it anymore. Waking in the middle of the night and eating because you are so darn hungry. It is non-stop. So while eating habits and exercise are important, there are some meds that will make you put on weight.

    If you have any questions or need someone to talk to, PM me!
  • I've been through the same thing... my psychiatrist still hasn't gave me a concrete diagnosis as to if it is a bipolar disorder, major depression, or add/adhd, or a combo of all of the above.
    I've been on many different medications and one that made me gain a TON of weight in a short amount of time was Risperidone(20lbs in 3 weeks...YIKES).
    It also made me have a mania-like episode so idk. I got off that as soon as possible...
    Keep on trucking and you will make it through!
  • I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder 4 years ago. I was on anti-depressant medications prior to that which caused me to gain a little weight (10-15lbs) but when I got on the bipolar meds (Invega, Lithium, Effexor XR, Xanax, etc) I caused me not to gain weight, but unable to lose weight. So my doctor recently put me on Cytomil which helps boost the thyroid gland because my metabolism was so slow. It's helped a little, but I still have more trouble losing weight than "normal" people. It takes me at least twice as long to lose 5lbs while working out and dieting harder than it does any of my friends and family. It is a constant battle that you just have to push through. Even though the medications are causing this problem I still refuse to go off them for the sake of myself, my family, and my friends. I just have to push myself harder and take it day by day.
  • I was put on Lithium to treat my bipolar disorder. I didn't even last two weeks on this medicine. I was sick to my stomach every day from it. It made me even more depressed and I flat out quit taking any medicine and stopped going to the doctor. Not the best decision on my part, but every medicine they gave me was making me sick.
  • My mother is on the Zyprexa. She's 82. I was worried about weight gain for her, but she's keeping a lid on her weight. It's been fluctuating between 142 and 148. She's small to begin with but never been skinny. She doesn't really eat a lot. Her diet consists of a lot of vegetables, a little fruit, lean chicken, yogurt, an occasional potato. She loves avocados too. She never eats processed food and never eats out. And she also has anorexic tendencies, so some days she just doesn't eat at all.
  • I was Dx with Bipolar I in 2008 when I had my worst and first diagnosed manic phase.

    I dislike it when people compare what medications they are on for mental illnesses. The thing about a mental illness is it works differently in everyone's brain. So what medication works for me, may not work for you. What works really well for XY could do diddle for YX. KWIM?

    Basically, my best advice is to ask your prescribing doctor or the pharmacist. Some meds indicated for Bipolar treatment are weight neutral (which means they don't cause weight gain). Some are shown to cause weight gain. But, I think how you treat your body is the biggest factor.

    I will not share what meds I am on, but I have been stable on this med combination since winter of 2009, with my last episode being depression. Both of the medications I take daily for BP are known to cause weight gain. The one I take for anxiety is weight neutral and the anti-depressant I take to help me sleep causes weight gain. I started Weight Watchers in November of '10 and I have steadily been losing weight. You can see my ticker to see how much. So, like I said, I think it all depends on YOU. Your medication may make it harder to lose weight faster. But, how you view your DX and your medications is a big part of the equation.

  • I suffered from something like bi-polar disorder, I was never fully diagnosed with anything but I was a recluse, had panic attacks, would go into a state where I would try and harm was a dark dark time in my life.

    I might say something a bit controversial now - but I don't really agree with medicating these types of things. The mind is a complex and strange thing, but at the end of the day your mind can overcome these problems without the need for pills to do it for you. I think in some extreme cases they are good, but for those who are just going through some shiz then it should be down to inner strength.

    I in no way mean to offend or demean anyone when I say that - but out of personal experience with depression I overcame it without medication. I'm stronger than ever and I did it all on my own.