week one down

  • Had my official one week weigh-in today. I'm down 7.5 pounds. I'll take it!

    There were only a couple of days where I struggled with hunger and fatigue...days 4 and 6. Today I feel incredibly energetic.
  • way to go, jenesy!!! how did you manage ur hunger on those days?
  • Nice nice nice!!! Congratulations. You must feel so invigorated.

    I JUST started this morning, eating my first medifast meal after a run (a rather failed but delicious attempt at choco mint soft serve, saving the pancakes for lunch when I'll be REALLY hungry). Your advice would be good - what have you been eating for the lean and green dinner? Have you been able to incorporate a exercise routine while following the diet given how it's pretty low in carbs and calories?
  • Congrats!!!! That's wonderful! I bet you feel motivated. Great job!
  • Thanks guys! Sorry I'm just now seeing your responses.

    I'm well into my second week now. I've continued to feel energetic since day 6. My lean and greens have consisted mostly of grilled chicken, green beans, and salads. I even threw in some cheese into the mix one night. Six ounces of chicken is a lot, so that helps fill me up. One day I ate two ounces at lunch and four at dinner.

    Believe it or not, I've even ventured out to restaurants with my husband. I considered it a personal challenge to see if I could make it work. One night I had grilled tilapia. You can have a ton of tilapia...7oz is about 3 whole filets! I've had steak (filet/tenderloin) twice now with spinach salads, spring mix salads, etc. So far I've had no trouble avoiding bread, french fries, and any of the other off-limit things around me.

    I have to learn how to live around temptation. My husband is 5'9" and 140lbs naturally. He drinks Mt. Dew all day and eats whatever he wants.

    I only exercised once the first week because I was feeling pretty tired for a few days. Also, I didn't want to tax my body too much. My counselor at the medifast center told me they recommend people cut their physical activity in half for the first three weeks on the plan so as not to tax the body too much. If someone is not already exercising, they do not recommend starting until after the first three weeks. Before starting MF, I was jogging 2-3 days per week on my treadmill.

    I feel so good now I find myself running up and down the stairs at home. I'm also chasing the dog around the house randomly. Next week I'll be starting Crossfit again. I tried it a couple of years ago...lasted about 8 months. I did improve my fitness but never lost any weight because my diet was crap. I ate whatever and however much I wanted. Hopefully this time will bring much better results!

    As far as MF foods, I find I'm most satisfied with the shakes. They fill me up just enough, and it takes me about 15 minutes to drink one! So far I've tried the new original eggs, both flavors of pancakes, s'more bars, choco-mint bar, chocolate crunch bars, vanilla/chocolate/banana puddings.

    I liked the eggs the first day, but couldn't stomach them after that. The pancakes are good, but I find they come out a little better if you add 1/2 tsp of baking powder to the mix. I also use a teeny bit of sugar free syrup for some sweetness. The chocolate and banana puddings were good but didn't care for the vanilla. Both flavors of pretzels are gross in my opinion. I took the rest of my box back to trade out for other things. I also like the chili nacho puffs...but they don't really fill me up like a shake does.

    The ready to drink shakes are ok in a pinch but not as tasty or filling as the mixes. I'm keeping a few on hand in case I'm running out the door or I know I'll be out at mealtime. I keep a bar in my purse for emergencies.

    I plan to make myself breakfast for dinner one night this week for the LEAN in my L&G. I plan to use egg beaters and morning star farms sausage patties. The center gave me a whole list of meatless items I can use for the lean. If anyone is interested I could share that sometime soon.
  • As far as managing hunger, I've been taking advantage of the optional snack. One tablespoon of Jif Natural peanut butter has been helping. I've also had pistachios a couple of days.

    Does the medifast site mention the optional snacks? I'm just going off the materials the center gave me. It's better to have an extra shake if you need it than to go off plan. Also, you can switch to the higher protein men's shakes if needed. I may end up doing this when I start doing Crossfit again.
  • Great job @Jensey! I would go crazy without bread and potatoes. lol They are probably my favorite thing in the world. It is so great that you have that control. Keep it up girlie!!!