Losing weight, but not inches?

  • Hi All,
    I'm very confused about my loss of weight vs. measurements. I have lost a significant amount of both, and I'm currently losing my two a week (minor blip last week but all better now) and I was wondering if I'm over-exaggerating or if I'm being incredibly impatient so close to the end.

    Stats: 29yr old, 5'3 and half"
    Waist: 27"
    Thighs: 25"
    Arms: 10.5"
    Hips: 41"
    Calf" 15"

    Is it possible to that at my goal of 115-120 that my measurements will be the same or barely smaller than the weight I'm currently at? I feel like the inches will never come off.

    It's also very weird being close so much closer to a goal than 8 months ago and still be able to grab a significant amount of fat off my stomach and thighs. Is that normal? I'm talking handfuls. It's hard for me to grasp it because I've lost 99lbs in the last 8 months and so the fat that's left seems like more than 20-25lbs worth. I promise it's fat and not loose skin. I dont have much loose skin at all except for on my breasts so I definitely know the difference.

    Has anyone else experienced weight loss of 20-25lbs around my weight and measurements who can share with me their current measurements?

    I just really want some insight and input and what you guys really think my chances are to lose at least 3-5" off my thighs and 4-5" off my hips if and when I lose the last 20-25lbs.

    Thanks again for everyone's input. You have no idea what an amazing outlet this place has been for me.
  • I dont have specific measurements to share, but I did want to tell you that as my last weight has come off...it has been in the strangest places!

    Wrists, ankles, neck, chin, etc....it comes off where and when it wants. Hehe.

    If your thighs and hips still have a decent amount of fat on them (as opposed to just having big bones/muscles) then it seems reasonable they can come down a good amount of inches.

    One last note...after I got down to about 120 I was pretty unhappy with my thighs still, but maintaining there for awhile my body fat actually shifted to other areas and my thighs became slimmer and better shaped.

    So even after you get to your GW you might see the inches change a little.
  • I guess it depends on your definition of "significantly smaller." Most women don't have waists smaller than 25 or hips smaller than about 34. I say most, because I am sure there are a few with 23/24 inch waists, or 32 inch hips, but really, we've all shared our measurements and there are only a few here who are that small. It's about general body frame and how adults generally look at this point.

    I am the same height as you and at 138, my waist is 27 and I think my hips are 38 (can't recall?). When I was 115, my waist was 25 and hips 35. I think you'll see a "big" drop in your hips probably, but while your stomach will get thinner, your waist measurements won't drop much more than 2 inches because it's small already!!! But measurements can be deceiving...you can lose all that stomach flab you can grab but still stay with a 27 inch waist, because you'll lose it from an area you aren't really measuring, you know? So I wouldn't let measurements be everything.

    I've hardly lost any inches from waist/hips since I've dropped 14 lbs, but as xty said, I have lost them from other weird areas. My face is thinner and I lost most of the weight from the stomach area above where I measure my waist.
  • xty and wildflower,
    Thank you both so much! I look to you guys for inspiration on the boards so it's really nice to see you both respond.

    My goal isn't to be smaller than physically possible. For me being overweight since age 18-19 it's really hard for me to see myself smaller than I was in HS which to be honest I think wasnt much less than I am now but I had a lot more muscle than fat and probably needed to lose about 10lbs back then.

    I'm positive it's fat. I can see where my leg is and then there is the fat that hangs off of it. It's strange to see what your leg should look like by being able to pull the fat to the side. Ha!

    I'm not as concerned about my waist really, as long as I get the huge handfuls of fat off of me I'll be happy. However, it's my hips, thighs and my calves that worry me the most.

    It's hard for me to think that my thighs will get smaller with only 20-25 to lose and same with my hips. I really hope it's possible without having to become a marathon runner/gym buff.

    Thanks again you guys and congrats on your weight loss!
  • I'm at about 120 and only slightly taller, and losing the last 8 pounds helped me shrink... uh... one inch on my waist and one on my hips. The hip-shrinking is actually dubious. But specific measurements do NOT reveal all... I've lost random fat on my lower abs, on my back (?), on my shoulder, on my knee, and at various other odd places. I can definitely pinch a lot of fat, but I don't expect my measures to shrink numerically much more -- my ribcage is pretty sizeable on its own.

    So don't worry about it -- if your hips don't shrink much more, you'd have an awesome waist-hip ratio. But do add more strength training if you can. You don't want to be losing the muscle you always had under your fat -- you want to expose it!
  • Thanks you guys! I've lost 1.5-2" since in the last 13 days. I think I'm going to post a picture of myself because I'm confused by the amount of fat that's on me. I'm not afraid of not losing it I just want to know if it's normal for it to look the way it does at my weight/height. I see other people who weigh more or about the same and I don't see the rolls of fat on them like I do on myself. It's mostly my thighs (UGH) and stomach. While my hips and stomach are shrinking my thighs are still 25" and it's freaking me out that they won't get smaller even if I lose 20-30 more pounds.
    I'm a size 4-6 but in pants not so much.

    I really would like to be a 2-4 in jeans I really hope I can do it without having to go harder than I am.
  • I wanted to comment on the title of this thread and say that I tend to lose inches but no weight and also weight, but no inches. I thought that was what you wanted to know at first. Currently I'm losing inches, but no weight. I actually don't mind that.

    We have similar measurements right now. I'm 36-27-35. Thighs are hard to say because it depends on where you measure them. I use a freckle as a guide and I think it's on a smaller part of my thigh. My arms are 10.5.

    I'm hopeful that the last of this weight will come off my thighs because they're the largest on me at this point, but they always, always have been. Therefore I'm not at all confident that that's where the weight will come off. But I honestly think people notice the thighs last, so I'm not too worried.