Tonight is a good night for a (calorie-counted!) drink...

  • ...just been one of those days. One of those weeks, really.

    3 fl oz tequila = 194 cal
    1 cup light margarita mix = 20 cal
    Having troubles and worries soothed by the sweet caress of alcohol = priceless.
  • I just juiced a grapefruit, added some Bacardi gold and a bunch of ice. Yum! And so refreshing.
  • Quote: I just juiced a grapefruit, added some Bacardi gold and a bunch of ice. Yum! And so refreshing.
    Approve!!! plus about hardly ever drinking (for fear of calories, lol) is that I have turned into a total lightweight. I have been slowly sipping on my (albeit strong) cocktail for maybe 15 minutes and I have a legit buzz going. A very very well welcomed buzz.
  • While it wasn't a bad week, it was a beautiful day here. One perfect for sitting on a patio people watching with a cold one. So I enjoyed a tall Coors Light. Well worth it!