Do You Ever Leave Anything Out?

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  • Well? I know I have discussed with people dieting at work about what types of things they leave out of their daily calorie count. Some people do not count fresh raw veggies & some don't count fresh fruit.. I know some vegetables have negative calorie counts, but what about the fruit? I didn't know it would be okay not to count the calories from fruit. I have heard of not counting the sugar from fruit though.

    One thing I really don't count is butter, sprays, olive oils, vinigiarettes, & things like that. I would if it was a substantial amount of calories, or if I used a TON of each, but I don't .. Is that safe to do?
  • I count everything. 1 tbs of butter is about 100 calories. A tbs of olive oil is about 120. There can be a lot of hidden calories in salad dressing (even vinaigrette!). Fruits and even veggies add up, so I count it all (with a few exceptions, if I'm just throwing a 5-6 grape tomatoes on a salad I may or may not, depending on how lazy I'm feeling).

    I hadn't heard of negative calories before, though.
  • Examples of negative calorie foods are broccoli, carrots, asparagus, cabbage, celery, apples, tomatos, watermelon, cantalope, etc. A lot of your basic fruits and vegetables. They take more calories to digest than calories they have.

    I eat a lot less calories than I'm supposed to which gives me wiggle room for olive oil, butter, etc.
  • I don't leave anything out.
  • It depends on how much I use. If I'm just doing a very quick spray of oil on my pan before cooking dinner I don't count it. That being said I do count my salad dressing spray even though it's only 10 calories, and my coffee creamer, which is only 10 calories as well. But that is more so that I don't start to slip into the habit of neglecting to log items. It can add up, if I have four servings of creamer and two servings of dressing that's 60 calories unaccounted for.

    I used to be a lot less careful in the beginning of my weight loss, and it didn't hinder me at that point. But as I'm getting closer to goal I find the small things matter more.

    I only loosely count low cal veggies like lettuce and broccoli, meaning I don't always measure it out by the cup but I do log an estimation of the amount to stay accountable with myself for what I'm eating.
  • I don't count a few pumps of spray oil either, or my skim milk in coffee unless I have more than a couple of cups, but condiments, veg, nibbles and bites I do. I have gotten stricter since I started counting, I didn't use to count a lot of things I do now, I don't feel the need to count any more stringently than I do now but one day I may count everything.
  • I count everything except salt and pepper.
  • Quote: Examples of negative calorie foods are broccoli, carrots, asparagus, cabbage, celery, apples, tomatos, watermelon, cantalope, etc. A lot of your basic fruits and vegetables. They take more calories to digest than calories they have.

    I eat a lot less calories than I'm supposed to which gives me wiggle room for olive oil, butter, etc.
    While they're low in calories, I now remember hearing about this... and that it was a myth. Either way, I can see if you don't want to count them b/c they're pretty low cal, but I do count them. I can put a lot of fruit and veggies away if I don't!
  • If I eat it I count it .
  • Quote: While they're low in calories, I now remember hearing about this... and that it was a myth. Either way, I can see if you don't want to count them b/c they're pretty low cal, but I do count them. I can put a lot of fruit and veggies away if I don't!

    Hmm.. Im gonna have to speak to my aunt about that.. she's a nutritionist .. she's the one who first told me that ..
  • I count every bite ~ even sugarless gum ~ 5 calories!
  • Quote: My body counts every calorie I eat, so I count them all too.
    Love that! I used to let my veggies be free, but I found I can really dress up some broccoli, lol. No freebies anymore. I had broccoli tonight and counted all 30 calories.
  • I count everything and i mean everything, always rounded up and guesstimated high, the only thing negative is my weight loss if i don't.
  • I don't count veggies usually. Probably from years of weight watchers where they are free. Rarely do I count the milk in my coffee. but then I rarely finish a cup of coffee.
  • I count everything I eat as well.