Who wants to look good in shorts?

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  • So, I'm new here, but, my goal is to look absolutely awesome in shorts by the summer! (well, just ignore the stretchmarks that pregnancy gave my legs lol)
  • sounds like a good terrific goal. i hope you get there!

    i already look good in shorts. XD
  • oh i'm jumping on this bandwagon! cheers to no leg chaffing! lol
  • Do you run? That did it for me last summer. Good luck!
  • Ooh, me! I do!

    It's going to take me longer than just this summer to achieve that goal, though. My thighs are my worst area, ugh. One day, though, one day... Good luck to you!
  • That would be... nice? Impossible I feel. Summer is simultaneously too far away and too soon to think about shorts. (Does anyone else think that skirts and dresses are almost always more flattering than shorts? I live in them in the summer)
  • I love fitted bermuda shorts with blouses and heels. I look put-together, slightly sexy, and you can't see my thighs!
  • I do, I do!! I can't wait for the day my thighs don't rub together!

    But I must say I look nice in shorts, I get compliments about my "thick thighs" , can't wait to be slim and trim though! Lol
  • I love those Bermuda shorts!!!! I'm going to aim to be in those! They are like walking shorts!
  • I want to be into bermuda shorts but altas...too much to lose by that point. I want to look sexy in my wench top XD
  • Cute shorts would be nice. I usually wore longer, baggier ones that reached my knees or calves.
  • Hmmm...I'm taking the running advice, and starting C25K Monday!
  • Quote: Hmmm...I'm taking the running advice, and starting C25K Monday!
    Yeah! I second the running! Even if I don't lose weight - I notice the harder I push myself with the running - the less "cottage cheese" I have on my bum and thighs!!
  • LOL Scraver.. I love how you describe that!
  • running is the best exercise to have amazing looking legs..