feeling like a slap-stick bafoon while working out

  • will my workouts always be so ungraceful and sweaty and just all over the place ? does that make sense to anyone ? i don' mind the sweat..just....how do people in workout videos look so calm and all the moves are very put together and accurate looking.....is that just because they are in shape ?

    i know accuracy will increase in time.....but i even remember being this way when i wasn't out of shape or overweight..maybe i'm not remembering right, i don' know.......i would like to one day go to a live class, but i just feel that i'm going to still not be making the best use of my space like others seem to be able to do easily....i guess a good example, would be yoga sequences
  • it gets easier with time and practice. concentrate on proper form every time you do it and sooner or later it will become second nature. i'm naturally clutzy person with no sense of rhythm but over the past 8 months i've developed a certain gracefulness doing the moves and i have slowly learned to move in time with the music. just stick with it and try not to get too self conscious about it in the mean time!
  • Oh I hear you - I'm always about 1/2 a beat off on the moves and the music - lurching around the livingroom -lol. But it's working and the only one who is laughing at me is my parrot. I am having a bit of fun with the videos too.
  • I don't think anyone is intended to be able to immediately perform all the moves in a workout sequence perfectly right away. If you can, that probably means the workout is too easy and not challenging you or making you any stronger!

    I have plenty of super klutz moments throughout daily life as well as during exercise. Just yesterday I was running outside and I fell in the middle of the street and scraped my knees like a child while making some weird "ooof" sound.
  • Hee. I'm a clodhopper. And I don't care!

    I'm just there to workout. I'm not a fitness model making a workout movie DVD thing.

    One of my fav memories is a friend who invited me over to workout. She said she'd found her mom's old Jane Fonda when visiting her over the weekend and wouldn't it be a hoot? (At that time our normal workout date together was water aerobics.) I said sure, and I came over to do that one day.

    So we put it on. And it was cheesy clothes and music. And she spent it all yelling at the TV.

    "Jane, you witch! Argh! Tell us the cues better! Is your headband on too tight?" or "Crap! Here comes another grapevine! We're going to crash! Listen to me... you are awful. To the window! Now the door! Now the window! Are you LISTENING to me? What's wrong with you, A.? THAT is the window. THAT is the door!"

    "Oh no! Here comes jumpy things! Don't scare the cat! Crap! Jane must love these grapevines. Here they come again... Look, *I* will go to the window and the door. YOU better just march in place or do jumping jacks. You must have inner ear problems. I can't see why you can't do a normal grapevine or understand what a door is. You were able to come through it when you came over. Maybe YOU have a headband on too tight. Look out! We are jumpy things again! "

    And I was laughing all over the place because the whole thing was soooo 3 Stooges and surreal. My friend yelling at the TV, and Jane all smiley, and... well you had to be there. We were like elephants and it was one of the best workouts I ever had. We worked out but the layer of fun and hee hees was priceless.

    Then we went back to water aerobics class. We decided that was still our thing because our attempt at land aerobics together was just so WRONG.

    LOL. Thanks for reminding me of that -- I haven't thought about this friend in years!

    And keep working out. You will get smoother at it or you won't -- but you are doing the workout. That's the main thing. So good for you!

  • The good news/bad news is that once you can do the routine well, you won't be burning as many calories doing it so will be time to find a new exercise!
  • I am quite uncoordinated myself. I do not dance! You're supposed be impressing people on the dance floor, not making yourself the laughing stock.

    But at the gym? Yeah, it gets better. And quickly too, surprisingly. A lot of it has to do with balance, I think and flexibility too.

    I started doing squats recently on a bosu ball. The first day I was shaking so bad I could barely do it. I felt like an absolute fool. The second time I did I only shook a little bit and by the third time I didn't shake at all.