Given up on the baby thing, now to lose weight

  • So as my title says, Im 37 1/2 years old.
    Ive given up I will ever have a successful pregnancy.

    I dont have the money to adopt.. Lately we dont have money for anything.
    So I have to lose about 40 pounds.. I started to work out..

    I found out I had pcos about 10 years ago, did the metformin thing. all sorts of fertility meds, I did get pregnant once. but lost the baby.

    So IM still married.. and we have come to conclusion.. Unless God blesses me just not going to happen..
    So time to focus on my health...
    I started walking/running.. and cutting back on bad carbs!i started about 2 weeks ago. losing about a pound a week..
    But as always .. i have to work my body extra hard to lose anything..

    HOpe to chat soon.. with everyone in the pcos community!
  • Hi friday...I am sorry you have come to this point. I hate PCOS for this reason. Its NOT fair. I am 10 years younger, but am taking a step back from the baby thing. Its hard. I got pregnant last year for the first time after 6 years of trying and I lost the has been devestating.
    I hope that you lose weight and are blessed with a surprise miracle baby!!! It could happen!!!
  • I've decided to take the same approach, if it happens, it happens, if it doesn't, it doesn't. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for 5 years and it has never happened. A couple of years ago I took clomid for 5 months and nothing happened except I turned into a hot mess. I remember telling my doctor "I might get a baby out of this, but I'll lose my husband if I keep this up!" Since then we've gone back and forth about having children until finally coming to the conclusion that we're not going to have a say in it anymore. Right now I'm focusing on getting healthy, losing weight, etc. I figure my luck, as soon as I get nice and skinny and feel great I'll get pregnant. So far not much luck with the weight loss though
  • Good luck! I hope that when you reach your goal weight, you get pregnant!
  • My coworker was 40 had been married 15 years had never used birth control and never got pregnant, it just didn't happen. So when she went to the doctor for another reason she found out she was pregnant and had a healthy baby boy. She and her husband were elated. You just never know what nature will do,
  • Thanks Girls..
    I know miracles Happen! i believe in god. and know if he wants it to happen it will. I just have to take the stress off of me..
    I have to realize i am still a woman and human, if i have children or not..

    So.. who knows maybe once my husband is back on his feet..
    we might think of foster care..
    but for now.. we are just going to stay on our own..

    Thanks again.. So off to lose this weight!