Over 50 LBS to lose and need HELP! - PLEASE!

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  • Hi

    I'm having a big problem and need some help .. advise .. guidance.
    I've never been the weight my body should be ... EVER.
    As a teen, I was chunky, but not 'fat' .. then as adulthood started (and babys etc..) I gained, and gained, and gained! My Mother was morbidly obese (I know, no excuse), and we all have weight 'issues' in my family. I dont exercise and I know I should - and I honestly say I will with good intention, but never do it
    I am now 53 ... 5'6" ... and topping out at 235.

    I've been on every diet known to man, and some I've invented myself.
    most recently Weight Watchers, then Nutrasystem, then Jorge Cruise Belly Fat Cure, then Weight Watchers again!

    I've considered gastric banding, but really dont want to do surgery ... I still think I can do this myself.

    I think those "you are not to blame ... low fat diets don't work" things are correct for me. My metabolism is so screwed up at this point that it is basically non-exsistant . I do know that I feel so much worse after heavy carbs (and of course I am totally addicted to them!). Some mornings I wake up with what I describe as a "carb hangover" ... and I think 'what are you doing! ..you're killing yourself'!

    I'm so confused as to what diet program I should follow ... one that is not too expensive ... easy to follow ... and will WORK. As Susan Powder used to say - I've got to 'STOP THE INSANITY'.

    Please help me ... tell me what works for you - if you are also a carb lover with no metabolism who needs to lose over 60lbs.

  • South beach diet IMO is relatively easy once you get over changing how many carbs you eat a day. I did that basically for a year and lost quite a bit. I started on Fat Smash diet but learned after so long it wasn't for me.

    I'm now starting Medifast and I would definitely recommend that if it weren't for the cost ($300 a month). I do plan on maintaining on a south beach lifestyle after I hit goal weight
  • Thanks!

    I did medifast for awhile several years ago and did very well ... until I went on vacation and decided I could 'break the rules' some ... one week in Hilton Head off the plan and I gained back half the weight it took me 3 months to lose!

    I'll check out the South Beach plan ... thanks and good luck with medifast!
  • I would try to count calories. It has been very helpful and is something you could live with for the rest of you life! Not saying anything bad about sbd or even Atkins (my brother lost 130 doing it and has maintained for over 3 years) But it was impossible for me to do it long term.

    I'm addicted to carbs and any sort of sugar. with calorie counting I've managed to drop around 10 pounds and change how I look at food. I did WW for a year and quit bc calorie counting is the first step and it didn't make sense to me to coun calories to convert them into points.

    at first nothing is going to be easy but you'll be happy a year from now that you started today. There is alot of different types of threads for different things people are doing. You just have to find one that works for YOU and stick with it. There isn't an easy fix (I've learned that the hard way) just alot of hard work and dedication to your goal.

    You can do it but you have to want too (the best advice ever given to me)

    P.s. There are alot of sites online that can help you get started with counting. To name a few (sparkpeople.com and Loseit.com) and they are free!!!!
  • Your post sounds like I could have written it. Sweetie, yes, consider the calorie counting. It is working for me. Every meal or snack you have success with is a building block, a step forward. If we slip, we can get right back on track the very next minute, without a week of what feels like torture. I've cut my intake by more than half, found foods that work better for me than others, and I walk, usually on my treadmill. Be sure to drink lots of water. You'll be so proud of the success you acheive. You'll feel better than you realized you could. We can do this. Walk with me.
  • Cathy-

    I also could have written your post. I finally started in Oct. on a low carb,low calorie,high protein plan through a medical clinic -but it's pricey. I need the structure and the weekly weigh-in accountability.

    My suggestion would be to try the South Beach program(or something similar) -because getting off the carbs is a "MUST'' if you are addicted as you say (me too). This way, your cravings will likely diminish and your hunger levels stay stable -and you can probably get the book at the library -so there's no expense but the food.

    Once you get into the pattern of losing,your motivation should kick in and you certainly would be free to alter your program if you need/want to. I just know that if I didn't "kick the carbs" I wouldn't last on any program - since I, too, tried many others. I don't have enough discipline every meal, everyday to keep my calories in check -BUT I am hoping to get to that place in a few months.
    Funny thing is -I miss fruit way more than the chips,bread and pasta -go figure!! (I do get a bit of fruit now and then BUT ONLY with a protein.

    And as Sea mentioned -you must drink a lot of water -and consider a slip -just that - a slip.We're here for you -keep us posted and Good Luck - L.
  • Thanks for the info on Loseit.com Cutie .. i just signed up for that. And thank you for your encouragement Sea ... more appreciated than you know :*
    I really DO know what to do .. after all, I've been on diets since I'm 14 (I remember going to Weight Watchers with my Mom when i was in high school!) and if I just really sit and think about it - I do know what works for me .. and doesn't work. Guess I have to put on my big girl pants and just do it! I'm good when i start ... just pray I can continue when times get rough.

    I (like most obsessive overeaters) eat when I'm sad, happy, mad at my husband (I'm a comfort eater) ... If I can break that habit, I think i'll be ok.

    If anyone else is on LOSEIT.COM, please friend me ... I can use all the friends I can get!
  • Cathy I could have written your post too. We're the exact same age, height & I was at 235 when I started.

    I am following the new WW Simply Filling program and it seems to be working pretty good for me. I find that I'm hardly ever hungry on this plan. When I do the Points plan, I find myself eating to much junk and my cravings don't go away. I am also tracking my calories on My Plate. I hope you find the program that works best for you and are successful with your weight loss.
  • And here's another one who has had a very similar experience, on and off diets for the best part of my life since I was 14yrs old. Trouble is once I decided to take the determined step to losing weight it took several weeks before things started to move -that's what yoyo dieting does for you!
    I am now doing the OLD WW which I know very well plus a calorie and carbs counting addition - sounds a bit odd but it works for me. Also it does not cost anything being as I incorporate my ordinary foods to advantage and weigh everything as well.

    Hope you succeed in your endeavours and I wish you all the very best....
  • Your story looks like my diet-life story too. I'm a yo-yo; I lose the weight pretty well January through September but in the winter months I ALWAYS regain it back (and then some). It's been getting harder and harder as I get older. I'm getting ready to start again this weekend - this time I'm doing the Freshology diet program 5-days a week, my own meals 2-days a week. I hope I don't binge on those 2 days.

    I've found the best way to lose the weight is to set a hard goal - like I'm planning on doing the Marine Corps Marathon next October. It doesn't have to be a physical goal - it could be something like go on a vacation in the Bahamas or attend a High School reunion or some event you want to be thin and healthy for. Just some ideas.
  • Cathy,

    How's it going? Hope you're off to a great start!
  • Hey Everyone!

    Well, I did join the LoseIt site and so far I'm doing ok.
    Day 2 ... keeping track ... staying low but good carbs ... trying not to snack too much at night (just enough ) and haven't cheated (don't want to cheat myself anymore).

    Thank you all for your encouragement and support.

    I guess we compulsive eaters are so much alike in so many ways that it's easy for us to relate to each other ... so, to quote the Beatles, "I get by with a little help from my friends"

    Let's stay in touch .. together we CAN do this!
  • I am glad to have found this thread. I am having the exact same problems as described above. I have got to loose some weight as I am having leg, hip and joint problems and I know all of it would be relieved by some weight loss. I feel that eating in the evenings is a big reason I have put on weight and dont' loose weight now. Thanks all for your support
  • Hi to all of you. I think most of us on this site have simular problems. And most of us are carb junkies. The problem is, carbs are what your body uses for fuel. but there are carbs and then again there are CARBS. I just count calories, but I make sure the calories I get are good ones. Focus on healthy eating. If you eat the things that make you healthy and add the good carbs you will do fine and not have the awful cravings. It takes awhile, but it's so worth it. And stop going on a "diet". Make it a life style change. Diets only work as long as you are on them and you can't stay on a diet forever. Focus on health. Exericse is vital for your health. Start slow and add as you go.

    Good luck. You can do this you know. You just have to want it badly enough to change.
  • Courage, Chattie
    Quote: Thanks for the info on Loseit.com Cutie .. i just signed up for that. And thank you for your encouragement Sea ... more appreciated than you know :*
    I really DO know what to do .. after all, I've been on diets since I'm 14 (I remember going to Weight Watchers with my Mom when i was in high school!) and if I just really sit and think about it - I do know what works for me .. and doesn't work. Guess I have to put on my big girl pants and just do it! I'm good when i start ... just pray I can continue when times get rough.

    I (like most obsessive overeaters) eat when I'm sad, happy, mad at my husband (I'm a comfort eater) ... If I can break that habit, I think i'll be ok.

    If anyone else is on LOSEIT.COM, please friend me ... I can use all the friends I can get!
    There are so many of us who've been exactly where you are (and many of us still are, me for one)! The eating for comfort thing has always been my biggest challenge, and someone in another thread told me just to "own" it rather than constantly struggle to find reasons why I do it.

    I'd give anything for a "formula" to talk myself out of the sort of mindless eating that we do to make ourselves feel better. I've read that we should have conversations with ourselves the minute we find ourselves reaching for the icecream or opening the candy box. (Of course, we can pre-empt that by never having them in our houses - right!) WHY are we eating this, I suppose, is as simple a question as can be? I always draw a complete blank! I never really know why! Because I'm a self-indulgent piggy is the most obvious answer!

    So, it's useful to simply "own" the shortcoming, and cut to the chase! I find avoiding the grocery store in the first place is key! At least, those aisles most likely to yield a pint of Haagendazs or the Cape Cod potato chips. It's baby steps. One thing at a time. If it never gets home, it never gets in my mouth! But, if it does - TALK to it! It would be amusing to recount some of those conversations!